600+ Star Club
Are you able to update yet?
My 2nd game Bali2 is also running on Android Honeycomb and I could not find an update...
I cannot update on my device.
You won't see an update at all, unless your device software version is compatible with the app.
When I sent the push update from the Google Play website, the update arrives at my device with a notice saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version."
The amazing thing is that now Airport City doesn't appear on my installed app list AT ALL. This is because it isn't up to date, and the latest version cannot be installed.
If you go to your apps in the Play Store and cycle through ALL your apps, (not just ones you currently have installed) you will find the it with the same message.
(I did have a screenshot to show, but a 40kb jpeg @ 800x500 is too big for the server to handle)