Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

...and I'm off.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
Hi friends

After a long and hard time without AC, I'm finally ready to let go.

The moment my game wasn't mobile anymore due to spec issues, was the tilting point for me. I had lots of highs in the game after that, continued to have great friendships new and old and had tons of fun in the process, but it still didn't feel the same.

And then life had finally caught up to me, teaching me that time spent with wife and kids and enjoying the little things in life holds more precious moments than AC.

The attraction to a game is, for a gamer like me, at times difficult to withstand. Especially AC and its forum.

Airport City gave me smiles, laughs, fun, thrills and, yes, sometimes anger (you know :sneaky:). It'll go down as an unprecedented gaming experience, amplified greatly by this awesome forum. If it weren't for this, I would've stopped ages ago and wouldn't have celebrated my two year forum anniversary.

Lots of thanks and regards are in order, too many to mention all.

No need to mention @Gt city and @Dave and the mods. They know they're piloting a unique forum. A true refreshing gem amongst the dirty, ugly pebbles of troller's paradises that are game forums.

A foremost thanks to @Wired Parrott (that smooth coolness in each and every post! :cool:), @Agent_L (Remember when it was just you, me and good ol' Nicks?) and @Husam (whenever I see a polar bear, I see you, my friend ;)) for the good times and your remarkable friendship through hardship and highs.
Hey, I told you there was going to be drama... :ROFLMAO:

Thanks to all Wasted Alliance members past and present for making us a clean and top world class alliance. :notworthy:

Thank you @Captain WH Rollins, @Harcourt and @ItsRalphy for making me feel right at home when I first dared to post in the Windows section... and ever since.

Thanks @rocky and the gang for teaching me the ropes and accompanying me in uncountable launches, event games and conversations. Merci mon ami... Yes, also your fun, @PeterNL ;):D

Thank you @Bob69bob and @Pit1024 for the likeminded quick wits and red barrel experience.

Thanks @Robby Kusuma for the thing with the knowledge and the stars!

And last but not least all other neighbours and friends that completed my gaming experience. GI should give you all a monthly greens or token allowance for your feedback and real support. Don't delete me if you have room to spare, my games aren't wasted...

I had a blast, because of you all...

Kind regards,


Oh, take care of peach and my baby, will you @Kendra ? ;)

And another oh, for the love of god, please don't tag Free2Play !? ;):p
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Congratulations on your decision, my friend. I suspected you were 90% out the door but secretly hoped that you’d quietly slide back in, even if just casually.

I realise that is a bit delusional because of the nature of what this game has done to many of us. The game itself is good, but the hook has always been the personal interactions contained in this magical tiny part of cyberspace. This environment is all in or all out. Almost everyone from in here realises that quickly if they decide to “wind it back a bit” - most have had to cut the cord completely. The realisation that the joy of the game has gone and it’s really only “us” that keeps people hanging on. I know that absolutely because for almost everyone in here, no other game would have survived on our scopes of interest after the chaos that has been delivered by the developers in the last 12 months. When I decide to go, I know it will have to be short, sharp and sweet.

I haven’t been around anywhere near as long as you, but something about you clicked very early on for me and caused me never ending silly smiles and (very) often juvenile chuckles :ROFLMAO:. Crazy, ridiculous and, often repeated, actual bursts of laughter . From opposite sides of the planet I could often sense both of us smirking at comments like little kids :D:p. I think I realised quickly that we have very similar senses of perverse humour and community spirit. You have been missed already and it’s disheartening to have to really admit now that another great comrade is waving farewell. Hug your family, get some more sunlight and shatter the shackles that have obliterated so many 1000s of hours. All the very best of luck!



Post sentimental edit: Fear not, you will not be forgotten DownUnder. When I’m sitting in the smallest room in the house (where the water swirls in the opposite direction from where you are - a myth, I think) I shall often contemplate, “I wonder what Wasted Eagle is playing in his ‘escape time’ these days?” ;):D
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150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
Friend Code
ask me
Wonderfully written :love:
Friendships never have to really end.:( For a change of pace and a beautiful game that runs so smooth & doesn't need ALL your time, consider joining us at SimCity Build It. You'll be surprised to see a few old friends that can chat in real time & also have a thread in Alternative Games & Area 51. We'd really love to have you.:love:
Good bye old friend, lovely good bye message, nicely done. Have a good life.
Good bye my friend and of course good luck in all your future endeavors. :cool:
Was great flying with you and working hard at leveling the alliance.
Health and prosperity to you and your family, time with loved ones is
always a good choice. I am coming up on 30 years with my lovely in
five days not sure where I would be without her. :unsure:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Your well written post, in all honesty, comes as no real surprise to me. It was only a question of time before you made the decision to leave us. This I understood during your recent time away from the game. Your decision is completely understandable, and as you have said, family comes first before the game.

For me you were one of the stand out forum members. I knew this before I signed up to the forum, having spent a few months, reading through the post's before finally signing up.

You were also one of my first neighbours. My great thanks for your time, all your gifts, your advice and guidance, good humour and friendship. The tributes paid to you speaks volumes and is very well deserved.

You will be missed, from the member's forum, and it will not be the same. This is also so, of other long time members who have left.

I wish you and your family all the best.

Regards and Respects
Captain WH Rollins


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
davejoyg, djg#
Been a long time since our airports were connected (after one of those glorious glitches that deleted neighbors) but you were among my earliest of neighbors. I appreciate your help to both myself and other forum members. You will be missed. Best of success in the future!
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