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Airport City Usernames / Sending Items

So far I have added every single person that has posted a thread in the "Airport City Trading" section.

However presently I have 105 neighbours and its becoming increasingly difficult to work out who is who!

Names like "flightmeals pls" although advising what item you require, makes it impossible to locate your trading thread on the forum. Something along the lines of "Dave - flightmeals" may be more benifical.

Its also been discovered that it can take days for your username to change, so by adding the item you require, you may find you get in-undated with the same item even though you no longer need it.

I personally will be deleting all AC neighbours that I can not recognise from the forum. Each day when my count resets, I browse the trading section and send items to those I can help. Please dont be offended if you send me an item and dont get something back which you need. I only have 20 items with the limited gift list, I try to only send gifts to people that I have and they need.

Not meant to be a rant, just wanted to advise that now the forum is getting busier, my friends list bigger and with only 20 items its getting more diffcult to send items to everyone!
I am "xp_<items>" and will keep the name like this, so I can be recognized. Never mind, I am afraid, that a lot of users will never be able to help me out, because they simply don't have those items on their gift list, that I need. But that's a fact and no problem to me. When anyone has an required item for me, I would be glad, if they find the time and the capacity to send it over. If someone does not have required items and persists on sending me something helpful, I am very fine with flight items like oscillating beacon and so on. I am updating my signature several times a day, so people can take a look what I need.

I keep on changing my username within the game, also knowing that it might take days to change on my neighbours screen. But most of the time, I just have difficulties in getting the really rare items, so it also takes me weeks to get the required items ;)
Delays in changing the name may only result in getting one item more than required. Collateral damage ;)

Because I don't want to run into the same trouble as you, Dave, I have no published my friend code yet and I don't add all people of the forum. I am afraid, of having more neighbours than gifts to send and don't want to disappoint a lot of people. I try to keep a look on the "wanted"-lists of people in the trading section of the forum, if I am able to send some special, rare item and add them as neighbour then to send them the required item(s).

It is no problem when you don't send me something in return, as long as you don't have a really special item for me, Dave! I am having a feeling for your situation :cool:

And btw: My "Wanted"-List is sorted by priority, so when someone has to decide, give me the item that comes first in my list.

Also, once again: A big, big 'Thank You' to all my neighbours for all those fine gifts you have sent me! That really saved me weeks of waiti...err...playing :lol:
And a big 'Thank You' to the members of this forum for all those important information and discussions about our favorite game!

And, Dave:
Current Items I Need:
Nothing needed at the moment!

Are you on level 6 already? I can't think of a situation in that I would not need anything ;)
I envy you for not needing anything at the moment! :blush:
I can relate to this - a lot of times when sending gifts, I recognize both of you because of the name "Dave" or "xp" but other times I'm not sure who is who. Also a shout out to Verscheber and VI who's names are recognizable for me. I try and go through the forum daily to send updated items but on days I can't I have trouble figuring out who is from the forum. That's why I always have a Lee before the item needed.

I can also understand the problem with not having required items on your list - I usually send fuel additives or additional radar or osciallating beacon or fuel - something that'll help with the flight to get that item.

Also the 3-4 days I've been missing in action, this forum's exploded with new members and trading threads! :D
I can relate to this - a lot of times when sending gifts, I recognize both of you because of the name "Dave" or "xp" but other times I'm not sure who is who. Also a shout out to Verscheber and VI who's names are recognizable for me. I try and go through the forum daily to send updated items but on days I can't I have trouble figuring out who is from the forum. That's why I always have a Lee before the item needed.

I can also understand the problem with not having required items on your list - I usually send fuel additives or additional radar or osciallating beacon or fuel - something that'll help with the flight to get that item.

Also the 3-4 days I've been missing in action, this forum's exploded with new members and trading threads! :D

First of all, welcome back!

I only have two users on my list, who don't have a "name" in front of their requested items, so I can just identify them. I have a problem with "Vic", because the forum wants me to enter 4 letters or digits for a search, so I have to look through the whole trading section for his thread. But I find him and his thread even quicker every day ;)
I think, when I kept my ingame name into default name "username", i'll be easy to recognize, Because, (I think) I will be the one in the neighbors list that "didn't" have a name.

But, I did not expect that Dave also have a neighbors with no-name alias "username".
First of all, welcome back!

I only have two users on my list, who don't have a "name" in front of their requested items, so I can just identify them. I have a problem with "Vic", because the forum wants me to enter 4 letters or digits for a search, so I have to look through the whole trading section for his thread. But I find him and his thread even quicker every day ;)

Thanks! :)

Agreed re: the thread finding. ;)
Great post xp :)

faithtear - I currently have 5 "usernames" on my friends list :lol:

Welcome back Lee. Forum certainly has got a lot busier! more popular then I expected!

Ive been trying to think of ways to make the trading easier, as theres quite a lot of threads now in the trading area. Dee dropped me a message with a suggestion earlier which I was hoping to try and sort out tonight, but im knackered after a busy day at work!

Hopefully it it implemented over the next few days.
  1. Android
Friend Code
gee.. i hope none of you guys has "elijackjack" more than once on your friends list..

used to add a needed item in my username but it takes days for it to be updated, i got some duplicate items..

anyhow, i am keeping it as elijackjack..

i am constantly updating my post here.. and you guys have been very helpful..


  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
So far I have added every single person that has posted a thread in the "Airport City Trading" section.

However presently I have 105 neighbours and its becoming increasingly difficult to work out who is who!

Names like "flightmeals pls" although advising what item you require, makes it impossible to locate your trading thread on the forum. Something along the lines of "Dave - flightmeals" may be more benifical.

Its also been discovered that it can take days for your username to change, so by adding the item you require, you may find you get in-undated with the same item even though you no longer need it.

I personally will be deleting all AC neighbours that I can not recognise from the forum. Each day when my count resets, I browse the trading section and send items to those I can help. Please dont be offended if you send me an item and dont get something back which you need. I only have 20 items with the limited gift list, I try to only send gifts to people that I have and they need.

Not meant to be a rant, just wanted to advise that now the forum is getting busier, my friends list bigger and with only 20 items its getting more diffcult to send items to everyone!


You should put this on the main page as a VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDATION, Dave!!! Since we all list out in our signatures what we need (and if someone can't figure out how to do that, how in the hell will they figure out how to send gifts!!!) EVERYONE should have their user name for this site as their user name for the game. Makes it A LOT easier!!!
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