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Age of Ash - Final Code!

  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Despite on the collected chests via the last code, NON of my 4 games can't complete the quest!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
4 games running on android and you could/would say, 1 of them has a chance to complete, but NON???
This is absolutely a disgrace!!!
As a AC-player from almost the beginning i would like to say to GI:
It was a fantastic event, graphics, volcano eruptions etc., but you left your faithfull players standing in the cold in this event.
How many old disappionted players do you need for quitting this game and say goodbye??? Keep up the good works and you'll lose a lot of players!!!!


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Thanks GI for the 3 Volcano Chests !!
It gave me CWC items and with some chests bought, i managed to finish this very very very difficult quest !
Good luck everybody (just 15 min left)

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