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After level 80, is there any point on continue playing?

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Hello everyone. I'm a few hours short of arriving to Level 80. It took me 11 months to be there. I'm also in a top 40 alliance, I have 13 planes (including 3 condors) flying at least 20 hours every day. I move between 70 and 90k passengers a week. Not a lot but the best I can do without cheating. I plan to arrive to 319 stars today
I've bought "greenies" 5 times in total, always in the 100 "greenies" offer, and I've spent it wisely.

So, my question is: does the game gets any better? Or is it time to say goodbye?
The last year (almost) I've spent between 3 and 9 hours a day clicking. 9 hours a day is more than the time I sleep, or I work. I'm a bit ashamed.
Could you suggest me what to do?
The wise thing, in my opinion, would be to quit, having met nice people and had a lot of fun.
But it seems to be too repetitive for the time being...

Any suggestions from you?
So, my question is: does the game gets any better? Or is it time to say goodbye?
The most important thing one can ask is what are your deliverables? However, another question arises which seem to suggest that for 80 levels you have been playing this game in a "tunnel".

Now what is that you enjoy competition or planning? As you post suggest, competition trumps the cards. The race which you were so eager to finish is done there's no level 80.5 or 81 or 90 level 80 is the end for the "racers" this is where you can happily pack your proverbial bags and look for another game like ms pacman, sugar rush or kung fu master...

I'm a few hours short of arriving to Level 80. It took me 11 months to be there
this tells me you haven't barely scratched the surface of this game
I have 13 planes (including 3 condors)
The last upgrade is 14 planes you are 1 short thus retiring is not an option
I plan to arrive to 319 stars today
320 stars and you are contemplating to retire...? I'm 4 short of 700 and retirement is not an option, yet.

Now that you have reached level 80 that level you always wanted to get it is now that you get to play the game, this is now that you get to start to plan and strategise. This is where you start to fly for those exclusive buildings like emergency spaceport, space needle, luna parks, etc. This is where S2 plane have no value instead S3 planes are more coveted.

Now that you have reached the magic number my challenge to you is how many more collections can you successfully complete. Out of the 267 collections I've counted 41 'exclusive' collections which I suggest you race through them.

There's more to this game than reaching level 80. Have you done all weekly alliance destinations (those ones that you fly a 1000 times to 1 destination)? Have you done the alliance purple maps (those you fly 500 times to a timed map destination)? Have you done adventure maps? have you done excavation maps?

It's time to look for another motivation


350+ Star Club
Active Member
agreed with DXB, new goals or quit

- go for all the stars possible
- go for all the available buildings (helicopter, planes, events, collectible items)
- go for all the land possible
- go for all the helicopter buildings, platforms, helicopters S2
- make sure you always have enough free land to build event building in case of an event
- go for #1 in top100 flights
Hello everyone. I'm a few hours short of arriving to Level 80. It took me 11 months to be there. I'm also in a top 40 alliance, I have 13 planes (including 3 condors) flying at least 20 hours every day. I move between 70 and 90k passengers a week. Not a lot but the best I can do without cheating. I plan to arrive to 319 stars today
I've bought "greenies" 5 times in total, always in the 100 "greenies" offer, and I've spent it wisely.

So, my question is: does the game gets any better? Or is it time to say goodbye?
The last year (almost) I've spent between 3 and 9 hours a day clicking. 9 hours a day is more than the time I sleep, or I work. I'm a bit ashamed.
Could you suggest me what to do?
The wise thing, in my opinion, would be to quit, having met nice people and had a lot of fun.
But it seems to be too repetitive for the time being...

Any suggestions from you?
So you’ve 3 starred all destinations, built all adventure buildings, got reserve hanger at level 5, have a fleet of S3 planes. You clear 200k pax per week without batting an eyelid. You’ve passed your “knowledge and understanding” of the game onto lower players to help them?

Sounds like you set 1 goal = level 80. That’s just a level. Doesn’t mean anything. That’s collecting points. What are your playing objectives? Fix new ones. Unless you think it’s level 80 and that’s it.
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Many good advices guys, thanks.
There's more to this game than reaching level 80. Have you done all weekly alliance destinations (those ones that you fly a 1000 times to 1 destination)? Have you done the alliance purple maps (those you fly 500 times to a timed map destination)? Have you done adventure maps? have you done excavation maps?

It's time to look for another motivation
I've done the weekly alliance destinations, 3/3, for 21 of the last 24 weeks. Even very hard ones, that required setting alarm clocks at odd hours during the night "to take off again".
I've never done the alliance purple maps, or the adventure or the excavation maps, simply because I don't think I have enough resources to start something and not finishing it.

agreed with DXB, new goals or quit

- go for all the stars possible
- go for all the available buildings (helicopter, planes, events, collectible items)
- go for all the land possible
- go for all the helicopter buildings, platforms, helicopters S2
- make sure you always have enough free land to build event building in case of an event
- go for #1 in top100 flights
- I have neighbours with over 1000 stars. I don't think I could do that, or I want to do that. It doesn't change anything.
- All available buildings require insane amounts of cash (which I don't really have, although just by flying and clicking and space missions, maybe once a week joining one or two QL of my neighbours I can make about 600k per week, not bad but not a lot either).
- Land? That requires enormous amounts of real money, which I don't feel like spending.
- Helicopter: I've finished all missions of all helicopters, including some flights done over 10.000 times (Banff e.g.)
- There is still some land available. I've been stopped a bit by lack of population capacity but it is fixed now.
- I've been #1 a few times, once (amazing), with 220 flights to BCN...

Good new goals anyway.
I wish the game developer would create another 100 levels or so. Not much more. Just to know that XP continues!.
I've done the weekly alliance destinations, 3/3, for 21 of the last 24 weeks. Even very hard ones, that required setting alarm clocks at odd hours during the night "to take off again".
I've never done the alliance purple maps, or the adventure or the excavation maps, simply because I don't think I have enough resources to start something and not finishing it.
Have you flown all 10 weekly alliance destinations 1000 times? Flying a 1000 times is a 3 star to that destination.
In any case it maybe time to start adventure flights.
- All available buildings require insane amounts of cash (which I don't really have, although just by flying and clicking and space missions, maybe once a week joining one or two QL of my neighbours I can make about 600k per week, not bad but not a lot either)
Not really, all it needs is a little bit of planning and patience and while planning and being patience no amount of money is needed.
I've never done the alliance purple maps, or the adventure or the excavation maps, simply because I don't think I have enough resources to start something and not finishing it
I OFFICIALLY WELCOME YOU TO AIRPORT CITY now start to plan and strategise... Another window has been opened...
Good luck on your new endeavour.


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@eielef it all depends on your goal. I’m also at the point where the game brings little joy for me. The direction the game is going, it’ll be very hard to go without spending more and more money.

I was strategizing and planning to start gathering Police Stations and guess what? GI took away the option to use gold tokens. So all the strategizing and plan is gone. Except if I want to spend tons of real cash to get those Police Stations (or waiting forever with the 3 weekly greens).

Event is also not so fun anymore for me. I don’t want to be online and landing guest planes the whole day to be able to reach lv.20 without buying +5 progress level.

Getting black planes was supposed to be exclusive, that you need to play the game to get them. But it’s not the case anymore. Just pay some money, you can get those black planes. The satisfied feeling when you finally reach something when you play the game smartly is gone too. At least, this is what I’m feeling.

There are lots of things to do, but when it’s not fun anymore for you, or when you have no goals left (that is achievable for you without spending too much money or time that you can’t afford), you can walk away if you choose to do so. Life is too short to be unhappy playing the game that’s supposed to make you happy.
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pete blake

900+ Star Club
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I think its not possible to reach high status by any measure without paying real money or, having the patience of all the saints combined and waiting while assets of all kinds slowly and incrementally build up to levels you desire.

I guess it depends on your personality type. Which is why this game costs me real money.

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I would suggest that you set a goal to get 36 Sands of Time collection (Adventure maps) which is by far my proudest and most satisfying achievement I have to date. Along the way it taught me fuel and passenger strategies and it‘s accessible to the casual and dedicated player alike, just a question of time to complete.

I‘m currently trying to complete the purple maps for Hawks and Ravens, and the blue space maps, but once they are done I’ll be giving my attention to Voices of the Past, the next milestone Adventure collection.
  1. Windows PC
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Pilot 1
NOPE!!! You are done my friend. No Need to Continue on!
Spend your time and money on something valuable to you. I mean, this is just a game. Real life is passing you by. Go outside and breathe the fresh air now that you reached level 80. Congratulations!! Hey, let' go fishing!!


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
I'm just over a year into the game. I reached level 80 about 5 months in. I have 600 stars, 6 cloud castles, and lots of adventure buildings. Every main building is as upgraded as it can get - except my reserve hangar (I need more tokens for that).

But I've been working on the (free) Tower of London building for months and months now ... and I still have months and months to go.

I haven't got the Paul Bunyon statue yet - I only have 10/100 collections.

I still would like to get some dark towers, but I'm not even flying tbirds yet and the condors are beyond that. Oh, and would like some nuclear power plants too.

I still have stars to get for regular eagle and jumbo destinations - and then all the stars above giant. So lots to keep working for.

And the most passengers I have flown in a week is over 250k but not 500k. I would like to do that some day in the next few months. And maybe 1m in one week some day too.

It's recreation. This type of recreation has me planning and thinking rather than mindlessly shooting things. It doesn't stop me from taking my dog on long walks or gardening (a favorite pass-time when there is no snow).

So, stop if you want. But by rushing to condors and level 80, there is so much you have missed along the way. ;)


1100+ Star Club
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Everyone has their own answer. I've been level 80 since I can't remember when, and I'm still finding new goals. Sometimes it is chasing space buildings, right now it's (in priority)
1) Completing the last 6 missions (they are all Condor missions, and I'm one item away from completing two of them)
2) Getting that 3rd star on Lunar missions (I'm at 68/100)
3) Getting 3 stars on all standard destinations (just t-bird and condor destinations left)
4) Getting 3 stars on all map flights (just started this one. Completed all the owl destinations, slowly working through the Hawk ones)

Once I have all that done all of *that*, I'll start looking at alliance maps...

Looking through the replies, I think you can see that it's become sort of a "build your own adventure" after you max out stars, town hall, runways, etc.
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started 4 5 20
I stumbled on this but if you think you are done with everything that has been just said and want to continue there is a way to start a new airport challenge do not land any extra guest planes unless its for a mission that gives you extra xp and also do not cash any collections in that also gives you extra xp then you will take awhile and you will be able to look around instead of rush rush rush ok done I'm at level 80 now like everyone said its a journey you make it what you want to make it. I set a limit to my cashing in collections I have calculated it out recently as I so very much want the money that the collections I have would give me and I would be a level 80 as well but for me there is no hurry I will get there when i get there. My downfall is the oil guest planes If you are uninterested in the game then go find something else to occupy your time with but this game has many many ways to play it and if I get bored with how I am playing it then I can try something else so the bottom line is are you asking us if you can just quit or are you really looking for different ways to play and different ideas for goals. as it sounds like you have a reason not to do what people suggested and really just want to be done with the game. If I am right I hope you find what you are looking for. If not then hopefully you will find something that will suit you for goals.
One thing I will say, if you do decide to continue to play airport city I would potentially relax a little. This game is a marathon not a sprint. I would advice if you prefer a game you can play to completion then maybe do look elsewhere as it sounds like you have been playing *a lot* and long term that is probably not good for your physical or mental health.

Don't get me wrong, if you can do that with no ill effects then good for you, but to me it raised a red flag. When I first started playing AC I would do the same stay up late and wake in the night and play and it was not sustainable.

When you start getting onto higher planes things naturally slow anyway so you probably don't need to be active add much.

All that said, it sounds like you have achieved a lot in 11 months. I was no where near level 80 nor flying as many passengers or flying condors. (I'm still not).

If you feel you you've gotten what your want from the game then that's time to move on.


700+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Hello everyone. I'm a few hours short of arriving to Level 80. It took me 11 months to be there. I'm also in a top 40 alliance, I have 13 planes (including 3 condors) flying at least 20 hours every day. I move between 70 and 90k passengers a week. Not a lot but the best I can do without cheating. I plan to arrive to 319 stars today
I've bought "greenies" 5 times in total, always in the 100 "greenies" offer, and I've spent it wisely.

So, my question is: does the game gets any better? Or is it time to say goodbye?
The last year (almost) I've spent between 3 and 9 hours a day clicking. 9 hours a day is more than the time I sleep, or I work. I'm a bit ashamed.
Could you suggest me what to do?
The wise thing, in my opinion, would be to quit, having met nice people and had a lot of fun.
But it seems to be too repetitive for the time being...

Any suggestions from you?
I’ve been level 80 for quite some time and have 647 stars and I don’t consider myself to be anywhere near retiring from the game ..... stars are my main aim now and expansion of territory, I’ve seen people on here with well over 1000 stars 😳 so I want that , I don’t care how long ,I don’t give up ...... two other facts also I’ve never spent any real money on the game and up to now I have never owned a Condor and only own one Thunderbird ,I’m still getting all stars available with the smaller ones .Everyhing is achievable without real cash I just make sure I get any greenies available for free and whenever possible finish high with visits to destinations and get greenie rewards there too . Sometimes some of the quests aren’t worth doing so I leave them 🤷‍♂️ . It doesn’t rule my life ,I play when I can .... which is a lot during lockdown but the game suits me as I will keep going till I have gone as far as I can ..... it’s in my nature , if it isn’t in yours then retire 👍
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