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Advice wanted on planning out Red+QL launch day


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
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Hi everyone,

I have a QL and enough items to start 9 red launches (which is about all I can do in a day anyway if each takes 2 hours). Yay, so far so good. I only have 19 PEBs though meaning I can only invest 2 per launch, so at start that is 936 points out of 3000, or 976 as I have a bunch of Large Fuel Tanks too.

Is that OK to also ask for #1 position on these launches? I want #1 so I can get the maps.

My worry is that I start a RL+QL with 976 points and then someone hijacks first place by putting in 1500+.

So my question is this: is that OK and acceptable or should I wait to accumulate more PEBs to ensure I can put in 1500 points per launch?

I'd really appreciate advice so I can do this properly. Thanks so much!

👧 ⛽
So I have 14 red launches plus a QL to burn. Anyone interested in doing this tomorrow? I ask in that my weekend is getting busy and I may not be able to do it then.
i wouldn’t lit a QL if I had only 14 red preps... considering that most probably I’d be rotating firsts, I’d wait until I had some 20 or more available...
so that would be my advice... wait another week, grab some more red preps ...
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