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I don't know which two players you are talking about. They are not in my league.

There is a very easy explanation for this. It could be a strategy - play offline for a while then reconnect so people don't know how much you are accumulating.

We often go on long drives. My husband drives - I play. I'm not online when I do this. And if I am landing lots of flights that give high currency AND I'm running something like vintage weathervane so they come in quicker AND I'm running a lucky ticket (very cheap at 4 greenies), I can very easily build up thousands of currency in a few hours of playing offline.

We are happy to teach you these strategies. There are tons of people on this forum who are happy to help with tips.
The 2 top players in Chicago this week.
1st is the one i reported.
2nd is not in my event ranking.

He was online. I saw him adding event points at every refresh 2 days ago.
In 4 hours he added 100 Chicago flights to his total. And has been adding more and more every day.
I still think that account looks like something is wrong. But that is my idea. And i am not the only one thinking that way.
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M: -items-
I'm not all that innocent. I was making some of the same accusations back in 2015. Now I know better. Because I'm legitimately doing the things I saw others do back then and thought was cheating.
I think we all see some suspicious things every once in a while, but some people here only see cheaters. No matter how often you or others explain, no matter how many screendumps of warehouses or collections are shared. They only want to argue and question everything. And these judgemental people aren't open to any explanation.
They only want to call everyone a cheater who reaches their goals.

And then there are you, explaining it over and over again. Calm and respectful, trying to bring them to senses 👍🏼


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
The 2 top players in Chicago this week.
1st is the one i reported.
2nd is not in my event ranking.

He was online. I saw him adding event points at every refresh 2 days ago.
In 4 hours he added 100 Chicago flights to his total. And has been adding more and more every day.
I still think that account looks like something is wrong. But that is my idea. And i am not the only one thinking that way.
For number 1, I see a robust city and fleet. I see plenty of flight catering facilities that may have been upgraded to produce 2, 3 or more flight catering (you can't tell from a pic). I can see they have clearly been playing a while with 6 grand hotels, 6 game studios (3 of which have been fully upgraded). I see some buildings that can only have come from previous years' events. And they have been playing for a while. There is absolutely nothing suspicious to me here.

For number 2, I also don't see anything suspicious. Probably doesn't spend the money that player 1 does. You mentioned something about catering - I see two on the city side. Looks to me like somebody who works hard at making their small airport work.

I just don't see any cheating here.

As for adding 100 chicago flights, that's very easy. It's even easy to do it every day - especially if that is all you're doing.
For number 1, I see a robust city and fleet. I see plenty of flight catering facilities that may have been upgraded to produce 2, 3 or more flight catering (you can't tell from a pic). I can see they have clearly been playing a while with 6 grand hotels, 6 game studios (3 of which have been fully upgraded). I see some buildings that can only have come from previous years' events. And they have been playing for a while. There is absolutely nothing suspicious to me here.

For number 2, I also don't see anything suspicious. Probably doesn't spend the money that player 1 does. You mentioned something about catering - I see two on the city side. Looks to me like somebody who works hard at making their small airport work.

I just don't see any cheating here.

As for adding 100 chicago flights, that's very easy. It's even easy to do it every day - especially if that is all you're doing.
just my 5 cents about that #1
I don't have a good feeling about it. I may be wrong, but I would expect a lot of adventure buildings... too many spaces unoccupied.
Perhaps he had access to a gigantic amount of greenies a while ago (there was a video on youtube showing how to do it) and now is playing legit...
Perhaps he spent a huge amount of real money buying greenies... With all the greenies that were given away on that city, I would expect him to have fully upgraded factories. all of them.
Anyway, if any cheat happened, it was not "yesterday"
#2 seems perfectly ok to me.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
just my 5 cents about that #1
I don't have a good feeling about it. I may be wrong, but I would expect a lot of adventure buildings... too many spaces unoccupied.
Perhaps he had access to a gigantic amount of greenies a while ago (there was a video on youtube showing how to do it) and now is playing legit...
Perhaps he spent a huge amount of real money buying greenies... With all the greenies that were given away on that city, I would expect him to have fully upgraded factories. all of them.
Anyway, if any cheat happened, it was not "yesterday"
#2 seems perfectly ok to me.
I could name at least one long time forum member whose game couldn't be restored by GI so was gifted by GI all the green spaces. We don't know the case here.

There was also a scenario when I played before the break where I purchased a small amount of greenies and GI somehow gave me 5000. Is that cheating?
I could name at least one long time forum member whose game couldn't be restored by GI so was gifted by GI all the green spaces. We don't know the case here.

There was also a scenario when I played before the break where I purchased a small amount of greenies and GI somehow gave me 5000. Is that cheating?
true. that's why I say I DK. but an experienced player (as someone who lost everything and was compensated by GI) would have most probably done different choices - at least it's how I see it.
Anyway not blatant enough for me to write to GI about him
The 2 top players in Chicago this week.
1st is the one i reported.
2nd is not in my event ranking.

He was online. I saw him adding event points at every refresh 2 days ago.
In 4 hours he added 100 Chicago flights to his total. And has been adding more and more every day.
I still think that account looks like something is wrong. But that is my idea. And i am not the only one thinking that way.
I just looked at the airport of the player you pointed out. He uses a mod in the game, with which the spent greens are doubled when buying. For example, you buy a building for 20 green, get the building and 40 green back. This mod has been used for a long time. I now see 40-50 players using it. GI doesn't have automatic detection of this mod, so some people use it very successfully.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
I just looked at the airport of the player you pointed out. He uses a mod in the game, with which the spent greens are doubled when buying. For example, you buy a building for 20 green, get the building and 40 green back. This mod has been used for a long time. I now see 40-50 players using it. GI doesn't have automatic detection of this mod, so some people use it very successfully.
How can you tell


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
I know people who use this mod. I won't point them out. GI does not deal with automatic blocking. I think it's because programmers are poorly qualified. Or maybe the anti-cheat is expensive and they feel sorry for the money.
I don't understand. You won't point out people who you know are using this mod but you will point out to GI someone who is because they are ahead of you in the competition?

If you think it's important to crack down on cheaters, why not report them all including those you know who are using the mod?

EDITED - very sorry @Towelie I realize it wasn't you. But I will leave this here as evidence of my mistake
I don't understand. You won't point out people who you know are using this mod but you will point out to GI someone who is because they are ahead of you in the competition?

If you think it's important to crack down on cheaters, why not report them all including those you know who are using the mod?

EDITED - very sorry @Towelie I realize it wasn't you. But I will leave this here as evidence of my mistake
GI should identify cheaters. It is not the player who should monitor and report someone, but the company itself should take action. Because of the stupidity of programmers or the greed of the company, this is not done.


1100+ Star Club
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I just looked at the airport of the player you pointed out. He uses a mod in the game, with which the spent greens are doubled when buying. For example, you buy a building for 20 green, get the building and 40 green back. This mod has been used for a long time. I now see 40-50 players using it. GI doesn't have automatic detection of this mod, so some people use it very successfully.
What is the benefit to you that you won't make this transparent to the rest of us? I say this as it just makes it look like you are hiding something to protect yourself. :unsure:


1400+ Star Club
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@V_421 just for your knowledge there was a bug that you could choose what you want when buy a MSB (openning the box, see the reward but not take the reward if you not like) . Don't remember if MSB7 exists when this bug happened.
Be carefull to acuse someone if you don't know all bugs happened during years of AC game.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
@V_421 just for your knowledge there was a bug that you could choose what you want when buy a MSB (openning the box, see the reward but not take the reward if you not like) . Don't remember if MSB7 exists when this bug happened.
Be carefull to acuse someone if you don't know all bugs happened during years of AC game.
LOL yes.

And besides, anybody who could choose exactly what they want from MSB 7 would not go for the monsterous 3x3 irish castle with a 5% res bonus/radius 1. They would probably choose the serenity garden with 10%/radius 2
@V_421 just for your knowledge there was a bug that you could choose what you want when buy a MSB (openning the box, see the reward but not take the reward if you not like) . Don't remember if MSB7 exists when this bug happened.
Be carefull to acuse someone if you don't know all bugs happened during years of AC game.
I have been playing this game for 2 years now. Have seen some bugs. Probably not all. Did not exploit any of them. Because i like to play it clean.
Have read many thread on this forum. And can not say every plays that way.

If you guys think he is not cheating. Fine.
I have other idea about him.
I could point you to other players in weekly ranking this week who are not legit. But seems nobody cares any more.

It would be gi that should track those people. But they do nothing about it.

People moving 200k pax and more but having almost no pax buildings. And no visa to collect it.
But maybe i am totally wrong.
Saying somebody could be cheating almost seems like commiting a crime.
This will be last thing i say about this. Reading all the messages give me impression there are no cheaters. Because you can not prove it.
I can only hope gi takes their responsibility and does something about this.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
I have been playing this game for 2 years now. Have seen some bugs. Probably not all. Did not exploit any of them. Because i like to play it clean.
Have read many thread on this forum. And can not say every plays that way.

If you guys think he is not cheating. Fine.
I have other idea about him.
I could point you to other players in weekly ranking this week who are not legit. But seems nobody cares any more.

It would be gi that should track those people. But they do nothing about it.

People moving 200k pax and more but having almost no pax buildings. And no visa to collect it.
But maybe i am totally wrong.
Saying somebody could be cheating almost seems like commiting a crime.
This will be last thing i say about this. Reading all the messages give me impression there are no cheaters. Because you can not prove it.
I can only hope gi takes their responsibility and does something about this.
We aren't saying there are no cheaters. Of course there are.

But many of the "cheats" people are pointing to are just intense players who put in many more hours than others and play with a strategy rather than flying wherever.

Think of it like this. Someone who doesn't know about QLs and QL parties would think someone doing 10 launches in a week is cheating. We see it every time the outer space event is on. People can't figure out how they will get 10 launches done in the short event.


700+ Star Club
Musketeers Alliance
Well technically you can play the game without a single pax building - you just have to land guest planes, complete the "Lost&Found Collection" and hope that you get from the mystery box either "Pax 50" or "Pax 150". Not really a strategy if you want to get high numbers (only with maybe thousands of uncollected collections and then you still must hope every time to get the item), but to keep your small planes in the air maybe possible^^
Well technically you can play the game without a single pax building - you just have to land guest planes, complete the "Lost&Found Collection" and hope that you get from the mystery box either "Pax 50" or "Pax 150". Not really a strategy if you want to get high numbers (only with maybe thousands of uncollected collections and then you still must hope every time to get the item), but to keep your small planes in the air maybe possible^^

Damn, I never thought of that !!!!!
Well technically you can play the game without a single pax building - you just have to land guest planes, complete the "Lost&Found Collection" and hope that you get from the mystery box either "Pax 50" or "Pax 150". Not really a strategy if you want to get high numbers (only with maybe thousands of uncollected collections and then you still must hope every time to get the item), but to keep your small planes in the air maybe possible^^
That would explain how 1st in egypt does 40k with 2 cottages...
Unless i missed some other pax building.


150+ Star Club
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That would explain how 1st in egypt does 40k with 2 cottages...
Unless i missed some other pax building.

One thing I don't get; why are people so focussed on others in this game? Why are people watching the rankings to accuse someone of cheating?
@V_421, maybe you can tell me? You watched the scores of at least two destinations; Chicago and Egypt and accusing the leaders (and 2nd) of cheating. Personally I really don't care about the rankings. If I'm in top 10 at the end of the week, nice. If not, that's fine too.
But why do people spend time on checking the rankings of multiple destinations, and checking the leaders cities rather then playing their own games?
Sure there are cheaters, but aren't they in every single game? Above all, it's still a game, right?
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