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8.5 Update is out

Judging from the above reply I can thus deduce:
  1. Spend money
  2. Reduce fuel stocks
  3. Reduce Items stocks
  4. Reduce bonus stocks
  5. Get frustrated because the game is stifling your progress

Once #2 - #4 have been depleted you will naturally go to #5 and then automatically or despondently return to #1... and repeat the steps ad nauseum

Don't say I didn't warn you...
Especially true when the subsequent event is only 1 day after the finished event
Hope the above will not be me. #1 will definitely not be me
Judging from the above reply I can thus deduce:
  1. Spend money
  2. Reduce fuel stocks
  3. Reduce Items stocks
  4. Reduce bonus stocks
  5. Get frustrated because the game is stifling your progress
6. Get frustrated because you are not able to three-star some previous event destinations (as they are not available this year)
Last edited:
  1. Android
Friend Code
I bought the Premium too (Android). Received msg that purchase was cancelled due to no internet, but 5 seconds later receive the purchase receipt on my email. Seems I payed but did not get the pass...
Dont worries, send a support ticket via in game system, with their speed of solving, you might get those items after the event ended. It was my case, so I hope you won't be the same.

Anyone got issue with connection or event update? Spent 300 fuel on Egypt flight and got a score of 5/170, wat a....

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
  1. iPad
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Barkmi4 *items*
I am already wondering - could GI have hit some total number of destinations restriction so that (once they introduced two new events recently with new destinations) they have to delete some existing event destinations?!
No idea. I’m quite disapointed.
Maybe next year it will be different...? We don’t know what they are planning.


1400+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I am already wondering - could GI have hit some total number of destinations restriction so that (once they introduced two new events recently with new destinations) they have to delete some existing event destinations?!
Maybe not deleted but postponed to next year.
Doing this can take your attention to next year event.

And if I'm correct some destinations this year won't be available next year.
I am already wondering - could GI have hit some total number of destinations restriction so that (once they introduced two new events recently with new destinations) they have to delete some existing event destinations?!
More likely that the same bunch of people who have messed this great game up with crazy warehouse levels, ridiculous number of heli flights on last event and their shockingly poor programming came up with the idea of swapping event destinations around
I have decided not to participate in this event. I don't think it's funny to look and find all different buildings in my neighbours cities, it just take a lot of time. And I don't see any meaning of flying 150 times to Egypt or 70 times to Monrovia when I already got the 3 stars. It just costs fuel and resources and it's not worth the rewards you get. Please bring back the old events, I truly miss them 😢


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
Can anyone confirm if the free videos are back to how they used to be? Answer the following if you rely on all available ads daily:
1) Can you watch at least 10 videos daily?
2) Do you still experience a cooldown period?
3) Are the cooldown periods/video frequencies consistent on a daily basis?
Please state your platform if you choose to respond. Thanks in advance.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Can anyone confirm if the free videos are back to how they used to be? Answer the following if you rely on all available ads daily:
1) Can you watch at least 10 videos daily?
2) Do you still experience a cooldown period?
3) Are the cooldown periods/video frequencies consistent on a daily basis?
Please state your platform if you choose to respond. Thanks in advance.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Not really sure

PS: got some issue banner/webpage few hours ago, showing that some errors occurred regarding the ads, blah blah ... but still got the item.

From Android 11 - Pixel 3a.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
I guess we are now in a downtrend when it comes to our relationship with GI. The uptrend was good in v7.0 for the most part, but ever since the new event format came into being (besides the 1st event), people just havent been pleased (well...moreso than usual). I'm hoping for a reversal soon, else we may see more players trickle away.
P.S: Still waiting on this plane customization feature, as I no longer care to watch my planes mid flight (stopped watching after day 2 😅). We need to see what the great gain is with 8.0...still haven't seen it yet

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
  1. iPad
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Barkmi4 *items*
I have more and more neighbors who are blocked "for violating the rules of the game". Does anyone know what's going on?
Nope, but this seems to be the second round of mass blockings.
I do wonder what is going on 🧐🤔

Are people exploiting holes we don’t know about, or have G! made a mistake?
I haven’t seen anything suspicious going on, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t.....


600+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
  1. iPhone
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03j2z0gz (PM me when adding, or your request might get deleted)
Nope, but this seems to be the second round of mass blockings.
I do wonder what is going on 🧐🤔

Are people exploiting holes we don’t know about, or have G! made a mistake?
I haven’t seen anything suspicious going on, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t.....

Is there a mass blocking? I mean, one of my alliance members also got blocked. I believe it's wrongly blocked.

I did see Pinok and Darekk got blocked too. There are a couple players in top 20 alliance that got reset to 0 and blocked.
Nope, but this seems to be the second round of mass blockings.
I do wonder what is going on 🧐🤔

Are people exploiting holes we don’t know about, or have G! made a mistake?
I haven’t seen anything suspicious going on, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t.....
GI has been blocking players with "unusually high amounts" of fuel or pax in the bar... They really want to get rid of older players 😡😠🤬

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