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8.13 Preview (now in color)

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It was posted on Airport City Facebook official group by a moderator Walter on July 6 2020


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1200+ Star Club
Musketeers Alliance
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@Ur-quan three questions:

If I let paint my normal plane as an S3 one, will it have only the look of it or the functionality (increased speed) as well?

Can the dev team also concentrate their efforts to reduce the size occupied by the game? A few months ago it was like 600 MB max, now it is double as much. Also the game started to significantly drain the battery - if I'm without recharging possibility for the whole day, it simply makes my phone die. It might be advisable to devise a button to switch off some optional processes like cars etc. as already mentioned above by many.

Why are the updates weighing more every month? With over 200 MB of the recent one to download it makes updating a horrendous task, especially on Windows which takes a lot of time to download (and I do have very good connection). So what extras does it contain to be that huge? 🤔

Finally, to make this post not all-complain, thank you for fixing the flight screen so now when I click onto a plane the window opens just on it, not on the flight to same destination with the longest time to complete, as it was the case before. This is an important fix and I would be the greatest fan of likewise ideas. Good job!


Active Member
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Amrl. DeWinter
You’re a new guy to the game. We play this game already for years. We’ve faced many bugs and issues with the game. The anti-cheat system keeps failing and they just do nothing about that. Sorry to say, but it’s not respectless at all. Players on here are concerned about the route they take. Rather than having a good update with cargo, extra levels, extra space missions, we get “this”. A meaningless update (even though I like I can paint my aircraft), it should have been in the package from the start. Having your own airline, means having your own colors. Then it’s also only available for those in alliance. And I won’t be surprised if you’re into a low level alliance, some colors won’t be available either. Then we have not spoken of just a regular color scheme, instead of designing your own.
Good to see you enjoy the game, we all do, but they could do more to keep us all satisfied, and not just their own bank account.
I do agree of course. I've talked about disrespect beacause players saying "bullshit updates" "NEWB" are just frustrated players in a gaming world they no longer understand.

Oooof couurse the game needs better updates. Clever updates. "Useful" and novating updates. I'm trying to remind everybody here that gaming business is in first place, business. And we all know here that business is business. They HAVE to think with their bank account because it's defining how they will live the next months... And btw, making more money is also meaning more employability !

I mean, do they remember they downloaded the game for free ? I've paid many games more than 70$ and got disapointed sometimes, but it's just how the industry is built. In free games, it's a lot more difficult to ask for more content while most of the players are playing for free a game some devs spent months on. You know what I mean right ?


Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
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Barkmi4 *items*
You guys seem a bit respectless so let's start right away...

I'm not sure GI's a team of 2k devs, and you know what ? You guys are right. You are a maximum of 5% of the players and so probably less than 10% of GI's revenue.

Don't complain about the lack of updates for lvl 80+ content. You've finished the damn game. gg next right ? Just be happy if you have some.

You've put many $ in the game ? We've all done this in many games in the past and I'm still not saying "bullshit update" for updates they made for new players. This is how the community grow, and looks like it needs to so younger players will come to this forum. Younger in both meanings of course. How old are y'all ? Welcome to the new industry of video games, where gathering new players is more profitable than making new updates for 1% of them.

Beside my angriness from your funny replies of mine, yes this game needs many bug fixes. Now find me a game where all the bugs are fixed. Just find me one. Most of the games from recent years still have bugs introduced in the game since launched, while their dev teams are composed of 20 studios, in 10 coutries, with 2k people working on it.

Don't you get that you've finished the game ? As I'm working in an esport and gaming school, I can really tell that you guys do not know anything about how gaming industry works at each level.

The good old days where games (espacially those from Blizzard) where made to last decades is over. I'm sorry to tell you.

Welcome to 2021.

Thanks to GI's team for what they're providing (while having coronavirus issues btw) and next time try to be respectful with new players trying to get involved in the community. Stop being slefish. Thanks.

There is a different level of enthusiasm from new players, to the older ones which makes new members very obvious to us long termer, cynical types 🤪. Don’t let that stop you sharing your opinion. New and old players have different perspectives and opinions, both are valid. However once you get into the weeds of the game, you will see that the problems you face later in the game are very different to those you face at an early level. Relatively, these early level problems are short term in comparison. In time you will see what I mean.

For some perspective, this game has always been plagued with bugs. Not just minor ones, ones that continuously interfere with gameplay, update after update. Hence some of the comments you have seen.

However, the fundamentals of this game are very good. That’s why we put up with it, and many people here have been playing for 5+ years despite the lack of quality assurance before an update release. We all know bugs happen, but when they are so consistent, and continuously interfere with gameplay it becomes unacceptable - especially as a paying customer.

There are years worth of content within the game following L80, so levels aren’t the be all and end all. However, other than the odd new event, it has been years since any meaningful new content has been added. Whether this is levels, buildings, planes, destinations, helicopters, alliances etc. We really are at a stalemate, we (the ~5%) have been begging for some new gameplay for a very long time. And by this we mean a new adventure, a new challenge, not just something new to look at.

G! have made some major graphical improvements over the last 18 months particularly. I don’t think anyone here would argue about that. But honestly, it’s starting to feel like this is all that’s being worked on. There is no question in my mind that with the V7 release they acquired a large new player base - so in some respects this graphical improvements have paid off. But in the last 6 months or so there has been a noticeable decline in players, at least from our community.
The other side of this, is that these graphical improvements are using more memory and more data, and the game just doesn’t perform right on older devices. This becomes increasingly frustrating, and ultimately works against them.

Lots of new players want more coins and more xp, but this becomes meaningless fairly quickly. There are ways even at low levels to make 100,000’s of coins per day. Remember the game is designed to make you feel like you can‘t complete all side tasks and need more coins, that’s how they get people to spend.

Stick around, there is a wealth of knowledge here. The search function is your best friend, and never been afraid to ask a question openly or directly to someone. You’d be surprised how much you can learn.

Try to see the positives in posts too - everyone has a different sense of humor.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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There is a different level of enthusiasm from new players, to the older ones which makes new members very obvious to us long termer, cynical types 🤪. Don’t let that stop you sharing your opinion. New and old players have different perspectives and opinions, both are valid. However once you get into the weeds of the game, you will see that the problems you face later in the game are very different to those you face at an early level. Relatively, these early level problems are short term in comparison. In time you will see what I mean.

For some perspective, this game has always been plagued with bugs. Not just minor ones, ones that continuously interfere with gameplay, update after update. Hence some of the comments you have seen.

However, the fundamentals of this game are very good. That’s why we put up with it, and many people here have been playing for 5+ years despite the lack of quality assurance before an update release. We all know bugs happen, but when they are so consistent, and continuously interfere with gameplay it becomes unacceptable - especially as a paying customer.

There are years worth of content within the game following L80, so levels aren’t the be all and end all. However, other than the odd new event, it has been years since any meaningful new content has been added. Whether this is levels, buildings, planes, destinations, helicopters, alliances etc. We really are at a stalemate, we (the ~5%) have been begging for some new gameplay for a very long time. And by this we mean a new adventure, a new challenge, not just something new to look at.

G! have made some major graphical improvements over the last 18 months particularly. I don’t think anyone here would argue about that. But honestly, it’s starting to feel like this is all that’s being worked on. There is no question in my mind that with the V7 release they acquired a large new player base - so in some respects this graphical improvements have paid off. But in the last 6 months or so there has been a noticeable decline in players, at least from our community.
The other side of this, is that these graphical improvements are using more memory and more data, and the game just doesn’t perform right on older devices. This becomes increasingly frustrating, and ultimately works against them.

Lots of new players want more coins and more xp, but this becomes meaningless fairly quickly. There are ways even at low levels to make 100,000’s of coins per day. Remember the game is designed to make you feel like you can‘t complete all side tasks and need more coins, that’s how they get people to spend.

Stick around, there is a wealth of knowledge here. The search function is your best friend, and never been afraid to ask a question openly or directly to someone. You’d be surprised how much you can learn.

Try to see the positives in posts too - everyone has a different sense of humor.
Well said @Barkmi4 (Mike) 👏🏿


350+ Star Club
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Aaa divyank
I am on level 77 and I joined last year in feb and seeing at better players I had a goal I remember in our friends group these people used to feel so great to complete the event where I couldn’t even finish it and I thought I could also be like them and complete the event the event now a days are also hard but they still feel some incomplete first of all we can’t spend our currency which we earn hard and if we see the players under level 25 are working uselessly just for 2k coins or 500 coins they need to improve the event system we don’t have any problem with being able to paint or cars just what we want is instead of focusing on cosmetic changes also concentrate on aesthetic changes such as levels and what we mean by levels is not just levels we want new terminals new control towers new buildings and new planes aswell so please @Ur-quan keep our consideration in mind although according to some we are just 5% of all the players but we are the most loyal of all have been playing since years
  1. iPhone
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You guys seem a bit respectless so let's start right away...

I'm not sure GI's a team of 2k devs, and you know what ? You guys are right. You are a maximum of 5% of the players and so probably less than 10% of GI's revenue.

Don't complain about the lack of updates for lvl 80+ content. You've finished the damn game. gg next right ? Just be happy if you have some.

You've put many $ in the game ? We've all done this in many games in the past and I'm still not saying "bullshit update" for updates they made for new players. This is how the community grow, and looks like it needs to so younger players will come to this forum. Younger in both meanings of course. How old are y'all ? Welcome to the new industry of video games, where gathering new players is more profitable than making new updates for 1% of them.

Beside my angriness from your funny replies of mine, yes this game needs many bug fixes. Now find me a game where all the bugs are fixed. Just find me one. Most of the games from recent years still have bugs introduced in the game since launched, while their dev teams are composed of 20 studios, in 10 coutries, with 2k people working on it.

Don't you get that you've finished the game ? As I'm working in an esport and gaming school, I can really tell that you guys do not know anything about how gaming industry works at each level.

The good old days where games (espacially those from Blizzard) where made to last decades is over. I'm sorry to tell you.

Welcome to 2021.

Thanks to GI's team for what they're providing (while having coronavirus issues btw) and next time try to be respectful with new players trying to get involved in the community. Stop being slefish. Thanks.

You can also see the opposite.

The game is about 10 years old?! Still opened and active so that means GI generated revenue with it.

then second question: how many real gameplay modification since I joined the game (1,5 years)? I know this is very less compared to a lot of you here. Answer is 0.
Maybe those people wanted more content more new event more new gameplay.

so yes GI probably don’t put all effort on this game. But why they put them on painting planes and car features instead of significant content ?!

So to conclude, back to my initial post: bullshit update.

and I don’t speak about bug or cheaters that put more than 1M or 1,5M pax each week or every 2 weeks. Not possible at all and they are still there.
Last edited:


Active Member
  1. iPhone
Amrl. DeWinter
There is a different level of enthusiasm from new players, to the older ones which makes new members very obvious to us long termer, cynical types 🤪. Don’t let that stop you sharing your opinion. New and old players have different perspectives and opinions, both are valid. However once you get into the weeds of the game, you will see that the problems you face later in the game are very different to those you face at an early level. Relatively, these early level problems are short term in comparison. In time you will see what I mean.

For some perspective, this game has always been plagued with bugs. Not just minor ones, ones that continuously interfere with gameplay, update after update. Hence some of the comments you have seen.

However, the fundamentals of this game are very good. That’s why we put up with it, and many people here have been playing for 5+ years despite the lack of quality assurance before an update release. We all know bugs happen, but when they are so consistent, and continuously interfere with gameplay it becomes unacceptable - especially as a paying customer.

There are years worth of content within the game following L80, so levels aren’t the be all and end all. However, other than the odd new event, it has been years since any meaningful new content has been added. Whether this is levels, buildings, planes, destinations, helicopters, alliances etc. We really are at a stalemate, we (the ~5%) have been begging for some new gameplay for a very long time. And by this we mean a new adventure, a new challenge, not just something new to look at.

G! have made some major graphical improvements over the last 18 months particularly. I don’t think anyone here would argue about that. But honestly, it’s starting to feel like this is all that’s being worked on. There is no question in my mind that with the V7 release they acquired a large new player base - so in some respects this graphical improvements have paid off. But in the last 6 months or so there has been a noticeable decline in players, at least from our community.
The other side of this, is that these graphical improvements are using more memory and more data, and the game just doesn’t perform right on older devices. This becomes increasingly frustrating, and ultimately works against them.

Lots of new players want more coins and more xp, but this becomes meaningless fairly quickly. There are ways even at low levels to make 100,000’s of coins per day. Remember the game is designed to make you feel like you can‘t complete all side tasks and need more coins, that’s how they get people to spend.

Stick around, there is a wealth of knowledge here. The search function is your best friend, and never been afraid to ask a question openly or directly to someone. You’d be surprised how much you can learn.

Try to see the positives in posts too - everyone has a different sense of humor.
I really appreciate your constructive answers and the time you took to talk about that.

As a new player and new member of this forum, coming from games where we used to have this kind of scenario it's confusing. While I think that he gaming industry changed a lot, I also understand players deserving new features for "end-game players". I also really hope that devs will take your investment into consideration cuz you deserve it of course.

I just don't like when we trahtalk devs before thanking them. Like, I wouldn't have posted my first reply if people started by "Thanks for that feature but...". No feature, no update is useless.



1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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From 2017 we've been waiting:artist: for new levels, mars mission, CMBs:angelic:, etc... We've also been waiting for free coins...:cigar:
Dont think the CMB is ever coming back, and to be honest, not sure if it's really even worth it...unless buying really expensive land or getting a lot of autocollect buildings are important goals.
I've thought of some other unuseful features to add:
1. Let us select the speed of the cars.
2. Let us select a custom colors for the PAX suitcases.
3. let us select the color of the cars.
4. Let us select the colors of the trees.

Liveries? really?
While at it also add:
Birds flying in circles
People wondering aimlessly
Lions, snakes, tigers, whales, antelopes, etc and allow us to choose their colours I'd really love to see a blue lion and I'm sure I'll play more if I can have that...
Some things I would like to see are:

1) You should be able to receive alliance invitations without having to leave your current alliance. If you accept the invitation, you would be switched over.
2) You should be able to withdraw from a launch if you feel it will go badly.
3) I would like to see a certain percentage of Alliance Mission Tasks be required just to get in the Weekly Alliance rankings. I make this proposal to try to break down a dichotomy in the game where you have Task Completion alliances and TOP20 alliances that only require a high PAX count.


600+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
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A A EarplugF20
I really appreciate your constructive answers and the time you took to talk about that.

As a new player and new member of this forum, coming from games where we used to have this kind of scenario it's confusing. While I think that he gaming industry changed a lot, I also understand players deserving new features for "end-game players". I also really hope that devs will take your investment into consideration cuz you deserve it of course.

I just don't like when we trahtalk devs before thanking them. Like, I wouldn't have posted my first reply if people started by "Thanks for that feature but...". No feature, no update is useless.

Most of us are just really disappointed. The latest updates brought us cars, new looks for buildings, now we get "paint your aircraft". Most of us in here play for multiple years. Some over 5 years.
Good to know for you, is the fact there was no item limit for us until 1,5 years ago when the big v7.0 got out, which was big, but not brought us any new levels or content, only a completely new airfield. Almost everyone active on these forums have been hit by this update. Most have paid serious $$$$ to get all their industry buildings maxed out. They've had 10.000's, if not 100.000's of some flight items. During this week, a lot of them got banned and might only get their accounts back if they transfer their items into green money. Their cities been maxed out, so the greens don't compensate ANY single thing to them. Also they won't get paid the full amount of those items in greens, they won't give away 50.000 greens to players, I can assure you that.
This background story might just explain why some of us don't show a thanks for a new feature, they want the game back the way things was.
Then again what I mentioned in my other story. The anti-cheat systems suck big ass. Players who have gotten their stuff fair (see above) get banned. The big ass cheaters keep flying millions of passengers weekly and they never get banned, doesn't matter how much reports they get in a week.
We've been waiting for a lot of things to happen for 4 years. What is an airfield without cargo department? Why don't we get such thing? Why no extra space missions? Why no extra levels? No extra destinations?
Instead of getting more of that, we rather get more bugs, more glitches which not get fixed. It's 1.5 years ago and still there's guestplanes standing still at the end of the runway and it's still not fixed.
Believe me, I enjoy playing the game a very lot with my friends from my alliance. But sometimes I've got a feeling gi is not taking their customers very serious and only look to their own bank account (even if that's filled more if these bugs and glitches would be gone though).
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