Congratulations Ivan and the team! I hope you’re not getting the 7 year itch 

Anton choose wrong time for vacationsexcept two people who were on vacation
While we all wait for 6.11 to arrive, there are some pics of our team I would like to share, because it is quite big, and I don't want to take all the blame or the praise for myself!
Currently Airport City team is based in two locations: Moscow and Novosibirsk (a 4 hour flight between them). Majority of our team is in Moscow, where all the game designers, engineers, and UI artists are. Novosibirsk office handles art tasks for several Game Insight games, but Airport City is the one that keeps them most busy with all the planes, helicopters, buildings, chests, and promotional art.
Please welcome the Novosibirsk art team! They do most of the things you love about Airport City for the last two years. The art is created through painful multi-stage process going from sketch to 3D model to texturing to post effects to low polygon in-game models with nasty game designers making suggestions and edits during every stage to make every building a piece of art.
The cake for our anniversary in Novosibirsk office.
Moving on to Moscow office. The (non-alcoholic) beverages are being served with a choice of chicken or fish. Too bad it was just this one Friday... But I'd vote to have this initiative every year from now on!
Preparing to cut the birthday cake in Moscow.
From left to right: Kirill, our project manager since last year who makes sure everything's released on time with all the features we want to see (previously he worked as a senior engineer of Facebook version of Airport City for several years), our art director Dana who manages all art for Airport City since development of the game started in late 2010 (there're only two people still working on Airport City since then: Dana and our lead server engineer Evgeny, I came on board several months after that), and finally me — as a project lead I oversee things overall, how it all works and plays together, and what the next big step should be every time we make it.
And, finally, the whole Moscow Airport City 2018 team here! Well, except two people who were on vacation.
Evgeny is the man behind all server-heavy features like alliance missions and all kinds of ratings. As a bonus, he wakes up at night and fixes them remotely if possible if anything goes rogue (as it does occasionally).
From left to right in the front: Anton, our lead UI artist since last year (hell yeah), and Sergey, the lead mobile client engineer — he and his team of Unity developers do all the features that game designers envision.
Bonus: for the last year's 6-year anniversary Game Insight has made us this Jumbo S3, and since then it's right here next to my desk (not pictured here) to inspire us all!
Have a great day, everyone!
Airport City team.