Some issues for me with 7.2 (Galaxy s9)
The icons for passengers/coins/neighbours visiting are slightly higher than the click of the building which is becoming rather annoying
This has become very annoying, indeed. I suspect the person responsible for the change either wasn’t with GI last time they fiddled with the icon or is the same person again and wasn’t happy with the unanimous call from the masses screaming, “switch it back!”.
I’m all for better looking graphics and constructive changes but this one has been rejected before and doesn’t seem to have any new benefit whatsoever. Everyone that plays the game has resigned themselves to the fact that long term RSI of a finger is inevitable because the prime input is tapping. Hundreds to thousands a day. Don’t screw with the basic primary functionality. Can you imagine Ford swapping the location of the clutch and accelerator in their cars because they think it looks better?!? Pleeease, GI, switch it back and bloody well leave it alone!