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Hi, the next update comes out this week, and I'm excited to give you a preview of it!
Special Event

Special Event
- Down the Rabbit Hole special event with a new reward building: Time Tower
- Collect Magic Keys during the event and participate in the event ratings
- Use Magic Keys to purchase bonuses and buildings in the event shop
- The buildings for sale in the event shop are: Tea Party Spot, Oak House, Chess Park, and Cricket Field
- One more building, Black Queen's Castle, will be available through direct purchase
- An updated tutorial and first day welcome gifts for the new players
- Updated rules of automated push notifications: we wouldn’t bother you at night any longer or send out several notifications in quick succession
- If you tap experience points bar in the top left of the main screen, it will take you directly to your Profile tab in the Neighbors menu; this way it’s now faster to share your friend code with anyone
- The default tab to open in the Neighbors menu is now Favorite neighbors, if you have any; that was a feature that was sadly lost previously during a transition from old Neighbors menu to the new one
- The same thing for the Gifts menu: Favorite neighbors by default, if you have any
- Purchasing an expansion is now faster with ‘select an expansion’ intermediate step removed as unnecessary; there’s an intentional small delay before the menu appears, too, so there’ll be no accidental purchases
- We’ve updated the logic behind the Show Me buttons and green hint pointers so they help you better
- You can now check your Daily Bonus progress through the Daily Mission menu (the right tab); it also has a Show Me button that will take you directly to the collections that you can obtain by playing Airport City daily
- Updated UI: Duty Free, Reserve Hangar, Production Buildings (Flight Catering Facility, Laundry, Sweets Factory, etc.)
- A new high-definition look for several buildings: Mansion, Manor, House with a Pool, Villa, and Country House
- Our UI should now natively support all phones with a notch at the top of the screen (like the one found at iPhone X) with proper indents
- The radars on the main screen are now dynamic: if you have active flights or guest planes available to land, there’ll be ‘planes’ (dots) on the radar, if you have none — there’ll be none
- You can now turn off the Intro with GI logo in the Settings menu — the game will start up directly from loading screen (that's not going to speed up loading the game itself, mind you)
- The interaction with a building on a map (Move, Rotate, Sell, Put to Inventory, Place a Road) is redone from scratch, it should be easier now, try it out
- Fixed: the weekly alliance mission sometimes asking you to use a plane that you no longer have
- Fixed: the list of possible alliances to join showing you all the alliances including those that aren’t really available to you, because they’re full or you don’t meet their requirements
- Fixed: the collectible items you’ve collected from a flight ‘flying out’ to Inventory instead of Collections
- Fixed: the quest becoming incomplete if you’ve spent some of the required items after you’ve previously completed it
- Fixed: ‘always at zero’ passenger counter for players that are not part of any alliance in the Manage tab of the Alliance menu — we've removed the pointless counter there
- Fixed: the sort order of items in the Preview menu for some collectible item chests
- Some other bug fixes
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