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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

500 Stars Club


1600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Today I reached the 502 star. I can still improve it!
In my profile it shows: Expert - 164, Master - 4, Specialist - 0, but I have to wait for next challenges. Missing stars I can get from destinations which belongs to some challenges.

Other thing:
164x3+4x2=500 but I have 502 stars. It's very strange.....

2014-09-07 21.31.02.png

DarekK greensmith - Tom, Darek - 500 club:) , blimey - well done for achieving this milestone (y). Tom, also achieving nearly 15m experience is also absolutely mind blowing - now if only GI would let you convert that!:greedy:

Congratulations on your perseverance with this game, despite all the various challenges and frustrations :banghead: that have been set by GI over the years. It only seems like yesterday when you broke into the 300 / 400 club! It is still such an addictive game that none of us can seem to put down. :confused:

I'm hoping to hit the 400 star milestone on my main game shortly and reakon there is still enough stars for me to collect / hit 500 sometime in the distant future, thats if my maths are correct, (using the excel file for the Adventure destinations).

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