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5.4.16 update on android bringing 100 limit - POLL inculded, Will you continue to play?

Would you continue to play Airport City if the 100 limit item is rolled out to everyone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 113 78.5%
  • Yes, but I would play less often

    Votes: 15 10.4%
  • Undecided - Please comment below

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
What another shame, I'm sure our big 85 votes is really going to get their attention. Keep on drinking the Koolaid and update the code that will bring death for your next game crash.

I would like all the non-voter lurkers to know that yes, this was an active forum b/c of us. What they will end up playing will be just a shell of a truly remarkable game. Shame on all of you that won't cast your vote :mad:
I would also like to ask any windows players to go on the store and review the game, I have because Microsoft forward them to the developers,hit them were it hurts, and hey you will see my lovely review ;)


600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
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Lol.... How u can keep it profitable when people will stop playing this game...
Ridiculous! :D
New people download games everyday. AC is fun in the beginning. It captivates people, and they spend money to level up.
Around level 30, it changes and things start to take longer. Some people leave. Many people spend more money.
Around level 50-55, it changes, things cost ridiculous amounts, flights take even longer. Some people leave. Many people spend more money.
Once you pass these levels, you've figured out the game. Many have casinos, banks, and mints. People are spending less money and taking up more resources. G! is making money off the videos watched and some that still spend real money but very small percentage vs resources used.
If the long time players leave, no big drain on $$.
New players are suckered in everyday. Money keeps coming in.
G! loses loyalty fan base but they don't care - it's all about where the money is coming from. This has been the company philosophy since the beginning. Although the last 2 years seemed to have been geared differently (mainly since Free2Play has been a member here), they are back to their original greedy mind set.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Maybe I just don't want to think too much about it but how will G! profit if they limit items to 100? Because if I hit that dead-end, I will just stop playing because it will be too limiting considering flights to 3 stars can be as much as 600 flights.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
New people download games everyday. AC is fun in the beginning. It captivates people, and they spend money to level up.
Around level 30, it changes and things start to take longer. Some people leave. Many people spend more money.
Around level 50-55, it changes, things cost ridiculous amounts, flights take even longer. Some people leave. Many people spend more money.
Once you pass these levels, you've figured out the game. Many have casinos, banks, and mints. People are spending less money and taking up more resources. G! is making money off the videos watched and some that still spend real money but very small percentage vs resources used.
If the long time players leave, no big drain on $$.
New players are suckered in everyday. Money keeps coming in.
G! loses loyalty fan base but they don't care - it's all about where the money is coming from. This has been the company philosophy since the beginning. Although the last 2 years seemed to have been geared differently (mainly since Free2Play has been a member here), they are back to their original greedy mind set.

This is where game reviews will help and let new players know what's up.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
Maybe I just don't want to think too much about it but how will G! profit if they limit items to 100? Because if I hit that dead-end, I will just stop playing because it will be too limiting considering flights to 3 stars can be as much as 600 flights.
As much as a 1000 flights. Yes, one thousand.
The new destinations from the Alliance Tasks are a 1000 flights with Sky Captain as end reward for three stars. All requiring a flight item.
e.g. Three-starring Canberra with turboprops takes us a 1000 flights, normal fuel (14 + 28), normal pax (38), longer flight time (2h40, like San Francisco), 1000 Landing Lamps, one drop item... (n)
Last edited:


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
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ask me
Wait, No need to be angry on other's Because they don't voted, Just like you have your thoughts, They have their own.
No one has right to force other's to vote.

That's right, I have my thoughts and I shame others for not voting. Last I heard this is a public forum and I sure don't see how I could possibly FORCE others to vote.:rolleyes::cool:


VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
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When players wanted land expansion...GI expanded. I bought greenies with real money to buy more land. Now...GI actually is making my land purchases worthless...airport side land I bought for more lollipop, bed, pill and other factories...is now wasted money. Limiting to 100 per item is about as smart as going back to fewer land expansions...whoever thought up the 100 count item limit is not smart. Unless...GI is going to try and "sell" us warehouse expansions...that's the only way I can think of GI to make money is make the warehouse a "pay for more storage"...it's sad. I'm done spending real money and will find another game.


600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
Friend Code
Unless...GI is going to try and "sell" us warehouse expansions...that's the only way I can think of GI to make money is make the warehouse a "pay for more storage"...it's sad.
That is similar to what they did when they changed the population count to include commercial buildings. The change made it impossible to build new buildings unless you wiped out half your existing buildings. And that was before you could warehouse buildings.

A few releases (months) later, (After many of the veteran players quit), they introduced the grand hotel.
No. I won't keep playing.

I always considered playing AC a hobby. Hobbies cost money from time to time and that's just fine.

The idea of my wings being clipped over and over again, however is not. Imagine being a marathon runner and being told you could only run 2 kilometers a day!? That just isn't right.

Game Insight made us run fast, very fast. Forcing us to slow down to 'balance the game' is a day late and a dollar short. Literally! They'll have to find out the hard way, I guess. Forcing me to spend my money elsewhere is just bad marketing.

Once the warehouse cap infects my game, here's what's going to happen:
  1. Pull the plugs of all support games. Sorry, fuel traders... :unsure:
  2. Uninstall Little Wasted to finally free up much needed memory space on my iPhone.
  3. Bury the H-bomb. Yes, the H-bomb, @Robby Kusuma ... :cry::)
  4. Hand over the reigns to Wasted Alliance to a staying member or forum flyer.
  5. Keep Wasted on my laptop for old time's sake.
  6. Thank everyone on the forum for the blast we had the past years (!!!) and sign off. Which, trust me, will be the hardest part to do...
A crying shame because nobody wants to quit a hobby and all the friends made in the process...

Thanks, GI, for giving us an awesome game. (y)
Screw you, GI, for f*cking it all up... (n)

*mic drop* :cool:
This what will happen when (Once the warehouse cap infects my game, here's what's going to happen:)
You wait your all your alliance members happen to them then we quit all :D at same time.

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