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5.4.16 update on android bringing 100 limit - POLL inculded, Will you continue to play?

Would you continue to play Airport City if the 100 limit item is rolled out to everyone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 113 78.5%
  • Yes, but I would play less often

    Votes: 15 10.4%
  • Undecided - Please comment below

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters


VIP Flyer
Former AC Developer
  1. iPhone
Sending planes to Turkish Coast for landing lamps, for future map runs? That used to be fun. Now...well, I have over 100 lamps, and any day GI might come and take those all away.

Just for the record: nobody takes away what you already have stored. But you wouldn't be able to get more until you spend those things that you have already. And, as I've mentioned before, it's affecting either new players or if you do a complete re-install of the game and your friend code changes.


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
We have confirmation from users that restoring your crashed game with Google play will give you the cap and combined with the above I'll take that as a confirmation this will happen to us all sooner rather then later.

I have completely lost any motivation to keep playing this game when all we do is wait for a nerf to come in effect.

I will send out gifts today for the ones I have received and fly my flights for alliance this week as I don't want to leave anyone hanging then I'm cutting my losses and will look for another game.

I will never touch a game from this developer again. And because your cheery signature reminded me I will leave you a 1 star review for your way to treat old customers.

Big thank you to everyone on these forums for the great times!
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
Just for the record: nobody takes away what you already have stored. But you wouldn't be able to get more until you spend those things that you have already. And, as I've mentioned before, it's affecting either new players or if you do a complete re-install of the game and your friend code changes.

This is simply ridiculous. If you stick to it, you'll lose all the loyal players who paid for your jobs for years and you can look for other jobs instead, tell your management how frustrated people are and make them revert their decision AND promise to NEVE EVER introduce a 100 limit again. If at all, a 1000 limit might be tolerated but certainly not one set to 100.


VIP Flyer
Former AC Developer
  1. iPhone
I have read lots of emotional responses, but nothing about your thoughts regarding the balance of the game.

I'm glad you've asked, but most of that stuff falls under NDA I've signed. My job is to keep Airport City running and being fun while being profitable, and our team does that for almost 6 years now, but we don't make all the decisions.

So far, it is more of a tech limitation to remove 100 item limit (per each item) for old players after re-install. Our engineers and support team try to find a solution that will lift it for you if you played the game for a long time and are used to the way you've played previously. It should be possible, but getting it to work through support team might take some time. Drop a ticket to them if you're affected.

As any my comments seem to infuriate everyone at the moment, I'll refrain from further comments for awhile (although I'll keep reading of course). As always — contact a support team, if there's a suggestion or a bug you would like to report. You can now do that from inside the game from the Settings menu, and be sure to include your e-mail if you want to get a response (we can't make it a required field because of some regulations, but without an e-mail the support team will not be able to contact you).
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
I'm glad you've asked, but most of that stuff falls under NDA I've signed. My job is to keep Airport City running and being fun while being profitable, and our team does that for almost 6 years now, but we don't make all the decisions.

I know that the developers are seldom at fault when things like this "happen". It is usually the decision of short-sighted management who then are too proud to admit that they made a mistake and therefore cannot simply take their wrong decision back.

I still hope that they will overcome their pride and do the right thing and treat all players, all and new alike and not give those who are used to playing differently a huge advantage over those who just start and then will never be able to keep up with those who are in the game for long alreay.
It is always a big advantage to have played a game longer but this limit creates a huge difference between old and new players and removes the fun for new players once they reach a certain point in the game.


1600+ Star Club
  1. Android
I'm glad you've asked, but most of that stuff falls under NDA I've signed. My job is to keep Airport City running and being fun while being profitable, and our team does that for almost 6 years now, but we don't make all the decisions.

So far, it is more of a tech limitation to remove 100 item limit (per each item) for old players after re-install. Our engineers and support team try to find a solution that will lift it for you if you played the game for a long time and are used to the way you've played previously. It should be possible, but getting it to work through support team might take some time. Drop a ticket to them if you're affected.

As any my comments seem to infuriate everyone at the moment, I'll refrain from further comments for awhile (although I'll keep reading of course). As always — contact a support team, if there's a suggestion or a bug you would like to report. You can now do that from inside the game from the Settings menu, and be sure to include your e-mail if you want to get a response (we can't make it a required field because of some regulations, but without an e-mail the support team will not be able to contact you).
Why you limit us if you offer extra slots in factories? Some of the costs 200 greens.

When players buy all additional slots in 6 factories, there are producing everyday 48 beds, 48 pills, 48 flight catering, 48 blankets.

Limit 100 for them means throwing money away. After 2 days they can't collect new items.


Someone in GI is thinking about consequences of changing these rules?
A 100 item limit was introduced with previous update for new players (and those who reinstall and get a new friend code). Unfortunately, I can't comment on this decision further other than that it is a "game balance" feature.
I'm glad you've asked, but most of that stuff falls under NDA I've signed. My job is to keep Airport City running and being fun while being profitable, and our team does that for almost 6 years now, but we don't make all the decisions.

So far, it is more of a tech limitation to remove 100 item limit (per each item) for old players after re-install. Our engineers and support team try to find a solution that will lift it for you if you played the game for a long time and are used to the way you've played previously. It should be possible, but getting it to work through support team might take some time. Drop a ticket to them if you're affected.

As any my comments seem to infuriate everyone at the moment, I'll refrain from further comments for awhile (although I'll keep reading of course). As always — contact a support team, if there's a suggestion or a bug you would like to report. You can now do that from inside the game from the Settings menu, and be sure to include your e-mail if you want to get a response (we can't make it a required field because of some regulations, but without an e-mail the support team will not be able to contact you).


I think im right in saying that no-one on here holds you personally responsible for this latest restriction, and that frustration you are reading about is against Game Insight as the majority of us are under the impression this is who has instigated this latest move. People love this game and for many it is regarded as a hobby, which people invest money in.

Im aware you can't say much due to the NDA - but I would envisage this decision was not made by you or your team. I would also hazard a guess that your not overly happy about it - AC must be like a child to you and your team. Something you thought about, developed and made into a successful game. Seeing all this unrest about the latest restriction can't be very pleasant, especially if you had no say in the decision.

This situation reminds me very much of the vBulletin forum software situation that took place about 7 years ago.

vBulletin was ground breaking software, the leader in all forum software and had a huge marketshare. The developers, Kier and Mike then decided to sell their company in a huge internet giant called 'Internet Brands'.

Internet Brands was only interested in making money, and not on customer service. They wanted new versions rushed out quickly to make money - even though the two main developers said it wasn't possible. In the end, Kier and Mike left and Internet Brands outsourced the development - This resulted in very poorly written software that was full of bugs. The market share nose dived and unfortunately vBulletin has never recovered.

Kier and Mike went on to set up Xenforo (which this forum runs on).

Personally I feed AC is going in the same direction.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
So far, it is more of a tech limitation to remove 100 item limit (per each item) for old players after re-install. Our engineers and support team try to find a solution that will lift it for you if you played the game for a long time and are used to the way you've played previously. It should be possible, but getting it to work through support team might take some time. Drop a ticket to them if you're affected.
At least a silver lining. Maybe you can keep us updated once there is a quick and feasible solution to remove the limit for longtime players. Thanks.


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
So far, it is more of a tech limitation to remove 100 item limit (per each item) for old players after re-install. Our engineers and support team try to find a solution that will lift it for you if you played the game for a long time and are used to the way you've played previously. It should be possible, but getting it to work through support team might take some time. Drop a ticket to them if you're affected.

It should be possible to remove the limit for old players isn't very reassuring...

The big question is why would you limit new players but not old ones, and how should we trust that this won't effect old players too next week?
Just for the record: nobody takes away what you already have stored. But you wouldn't be able to get more until you spend those things that you have already. And, as I've mentioned before, it's affecting either new players or if you do a complete re-install of the game and your friend code changes.

Please clarify reinstall. I play on IOS. I backup my game in iTunes/GameCenter. I plannto get a new iPhone in August. When I get the new device and install AC I would then restore my original game on the new device using my iTunes/GameCenter backup which is linked to my Apple ID.

I believe my original Friend Code would carryover to the new device. Can you confirm if this is true and if my game would have the 100-limits at that point? Thank you
  1. Android
Will you guys stop playing AC like I do?
How about we stop all, until they change the limit?

I only do gifting today, my world seems all black.
This limitation is killing the game.


  1. Android
No. I won't keep playing.

I always considered playing AC a hobby. Hobbies cost money from time to time and that's just fine.

The idea of my wings being clipped over and over again, however is not. Imagine being a marathon runner and being told you could only run 2 kilometers a day!? That just isn't right.

Game Insight made us run fast, very fast. Forcing us to slow down to 'balance the game' is a day late and a dollar short. Literally! They'll have to find out the hard way, I guess. Forcing me to spend my money elsewhere is just bad marketing.

Once the warehouse cap infects my game, here's what's going to happen:
  1. Pull the plugs of all support games. Sorry, fuel traders... :unsure:
  2. Uninstall Little Wasted to finally free up much needed memory space on my iPhone.
  3. Bury the H-bomb. Yes, the H-bomb, @Robby Kusuma ... :cry::)
  4. Hand over the reigns to Wasted Alliance to a staying member or forum flyer.
  5. Keep Wasted on my laptop for old time's sake.
  6. Thank everyone on the forum for the blast we had the past years and sign off. Which, trust me, will be the hardest part to do...
A crying shame because nobody wants to quit a hobby and all the friends made in the process...

Thanks, GI, for giving us an awesome game. (y)
Screw you, GI, for f*cking it al up... (n)
Stop Playing is the best for me Wasted.
My heart stop when I read that limit.
At least I wanna keep my memory for the beauty of the game.
The strategy, the patience, the friendship, the management, the calculation, etc.
This game in my opinion has the best meaning to live with.
I wont wasting my time to the Developer who wong listen and arrogant.
I stop, and until the limit gone, I will never comeback.
I am not going to find another game, as I may dissapoint again.

And Thank You Free2Play for the fun and the killing part.
To loose me maybe not a problem for you, but to lose my game is killing my world.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Airport City might just be a game to us but it is a livelihood for some people. Guess who will lose if people stopped playing AC and move to other games/things?


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
Friend Code
ask me
What another shame, I'm sure our big 85 votes is really going to get their attention. Keep on drinking the Koolaid and update the code that will bring death for your next game crash.

I would like all the non-voter lurkers to know that yes, this was an active forum b/c of us. What they will end up playing will be just a shell of a truly remarkable game. Shame on all of you that won't cast your vote :mad:
I didn't update my games to this latest version, both of my games are at 5.4.14, this morning, when I open my LY2 game, it went back to 4 days ago with the event just started. Not sure if this is a penalty for people do not update to 5.4.16 :eek:. I have screen shot from 4 days ago when I completed the event, now I need to redo the event. Not sure if anybody else experienced this.
Last edited:
  1. Windows PC
I didn't update my games to this latest version, both of my games are at 5.4.14, this morning, when I open my LY2 game, it went back to 4 days ago with the event just started. Not sure if this is a penalty for people do not update to 5.4.16 :eek:. I have screen shot from 4 days ago when I completed the event, now I need to redo the event. Not sure if anybody else experienced this.
Yes happened to me went back to the day of the new update but I did not bother sending ticket because I knew I could complete event in the time.

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