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5.4.16 update on android bringing 100 limit - POLL inculded, Will you continue to play?

Would you continue to play Airport City if the 100 limit item is rolled out to everyone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 113 78.5%
  • Yes, but I would play less often

    Votes: 15 10.4%
  • Undecided - Please comment below

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters


700+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Im so lucky that I have had this feature since monday this week and it is unplayable.

Receive gifts from neighbours? No I allready have the items in stock.
Visit neighbour buildings? In stock.
My own planetariums? In stock
Space buildings? In stock.
Only thing that works is adventure buildings.

This is the end of the game. You cant save up anything. What about the 8000 lolipops needed for Falcon flights?

Does not sound promising. Did you maybe try to raise a ticket so they can give you back normal warehouse.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
I will give it a try, but the reason Im in this "trouble" now is because of an earlier ticket and the language problem on the previous version. And i guess they made this "special" feature for a reason and its though luck for me.

Got asked to all the upgrade steps again, since GI didnt know that their own code was broken. So I deleted the app and installed it again and got this "broken" version. Was still able to transfer my game to iPad trough game center, but next day suddenly all my neighbours had dissapeared so I had to go back to this "new super great awesome" version
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over

The question is if that will save anyone from being hit, especially in the long run. When noone installs the updates any more, some other features become "accidentally" incompatible with those who play the latest version and at some point, they might even ban the access to their servers with "too old" versions.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
I expected that the 100 limit might make me give up on the game long term. What surprised me was how much it's already decreased my enjoyment, even though the limit doesn't apply to me yet.

I discovered today that much of my enjoyment comes from making plans and preparing for the future.

Sending planes to Turkish Coast for landing lamps, for future map runs? That used to be fun. Now...well, I have over 100 lamps, and any day GI might come and take those all away. So it's not so fun any more. Why bother sending out those flights if I can't trust that I can use what I collect?

Trading items so I can build more laundries, build a sweets factory... That used to be fun, because I was making plans and preparing for future flights, for planes I don't even own yet! Now...well, any day GI might come along and take away my stockpiles. So it's not as much fun as it used to be.

Being in a fuel ring has also been fun. But again, at any point now GI could come along and vaporize my fuel reserves. So now this element of the game has lost appeal as well.

And as has already been pointed out, a 100-per-item limit would make the new alliance missions literally impossible. There is no fun in being assigned tasks that are not possible to complete within the rules of the game.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Limiting items to 100 might just be the last straw for me. I have items where I have a thousand/thousands in my storage. I will feel really robbed and I will feel really sad because I played AC for more than 4 years now. It will be hard to part ways. I know I have said this before. But I have some other games I'd like to play but never had the time. I also have to catch up on my reading and writing and crafting. Maybe by then, I will have time for these other stuff.

I implore you, GI. Please do not change the rules in the middle of the game and take away our happiness. You are supposed to provide enjoyment and be paid for it. What you will be doing is the opposite.
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600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Kazinho / Harambe
This is ridiculous. To treat your customers with this level of contempt is disgusting.

As soon as this limit applies to my game, I am out.

You will not see me back.

Push ahead with this "upgrade" at your peril. It won't just be my game that dies.


VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
I expected that the 100 limit might make me give up on the game long term. What surprised me was how much it's already decreased my enjoyment, even though the limit doesn't apply to me yet.

I discovered today that much of my enjoyment comes from making plans and preparing for the future.

Sending planes to Turkish Coast for landing lamps, for future map runs? That used to be fun. Now...well, I have over 100 lamps, and any day GI might come and take those all away. So it's not so fun any more. Why bother sending out those flights if I can't trust that I can use what I collect?

Trading items so I can build more laundries, build a sweets factory... That used to be fun, because I was making plans and preparing for future flights, for planes I don't even own yet! Now...well, any day GI might come along and take away my stockpiles. So it's not as much fun as it used to be.

Being in a fuel ring has also been fun. But again, at any point now GI could come along and vaporize my fuel reserves. So now this element of the game has lost appeal as well.

And as has already been pointed out, a 100-per-item limit would make the new alliance missions literally impossible. There is no fun in being assigned tasks that are not possible to complete within the rules of the game.

Well said! I have not 3 starred any destinations for Condor plane...I won't start for months. But...I bought multiple factories for millions of coins total...so I can produce needed items to stockpile when I start flying the Condor.

A 100 count limit per warehouse item makes my factory purchases a total waste...

In anticipation of this future 100 limit...I have lost my excitement playing the game. I will not again spend real US dollars on greenies, ever again, with this 100 count limit hanging over our heads...


150+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
I just send a complaint to G! about this! Hope EVERYBODY will do that! They do listen! Its a game because of US players, without US players there would not be a G!...
  1. Android
Friend Code
Cowboy Roper
I have been playing this game for several years. At least 3 maybe longer. A 100 per item limit in the warehouse would make the game unplayable because you cannot stockpile items for future flights, or to complete events or to do launches. I am still figuring out alliances and how they work. On a side note, it seems impossible to get enough passengers in a week to make the top 100. But I will keep trying.

Like many others here, if the 100 per item limit is enforced in the warehouse, I will most likely stop playing because the game will not be 'fun' anymore, only a source of frustration. I will hold off on updating until I hear back from GI support as to what impact the update will have and IF it will impact my current game.

Why after getting the pop up window on my game about the update, do I suddenly hear the theme music from JAWS playing? (LOL)

B17 Flying Fortress

1000+ Star Club
  1. Android
I've played since AC was born and haven't spent a single cent on the game. The 100 limit would not be welcome. The game has had its highs and lows. It's nice to see them trying something new with the alliances and alliance missions but it wasn't thought out properly. Or was it, just in their favor. The update bugs and impossible quests in the last couple years have brought the fun level to a new low. They need to just do away with the alliances totally and just start a level 4 launch pad. Go back to what worked well. Stop charging us for every little thing. I'm flying falcons, thunderbirds and condors right now. With 250 in fuel I send out 4 or 5 planes and I'm done for the day. Condors take so much and so long I only check in twice a day. I stopped visiting except for quests because it takes too long. The game is boring now and has been for years but I will continue to crawl along with my 10 or 15 flights and send out my 20 gifts daily. Its just a game, it shouldn't be causing all this disappointment. I have a feeling this airplane has lost all power and is spiraling down to a fiery end. Just glad I've only invested time, too much time.


Alfonz Senki

500+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
main: alnmgae, support: 04ms6v1e, 2nd support: a0o8r60
main: AS-..... (the item I need the most), support: AS-no_gift!
A 100 item limit was introduced with previous update for new players (and those who reinstall and get a new friend code). Unfortunately, I can't comment on this decision further other than that it is a "game balance" feature.
I have read lots of emotional responses, but nothing about your thoughts regarding the balance of the game.
Most of the online social games have some sort of "energy" which you need to have to do actions in the game. This brings some sort of balance into the games since players who have lots of time to play can't do lot more actions than other players who only play 5-10 minutes/ hour or few times a day.

Now think about even without a warehouse one can fly 16 falcons a day (12 lollipops from factories 20 items from gifts, 2 items/flight), takes 720 fuels which can be generated in 11h (70 fuels/h). If you want to do more than that, you can setup a support game and have 20 more flight items or more fuel.
No problem playing in this style even with the warehouse cap.
The problem is the people who can play nonstop, can generate lot's of money and fuel from QL parties and it leads to inflation. Everything is too expensive in the game, because the easy money from the space flights.
For ex. a falcon brings around 300 gold back from a flight, but cost 1/2 million. Ridiculous.
To bring back some balance, they need to reduce prices, but before that they need to nerf QL parties.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems GI decided this is one step in this direction, since the previous example shows it doesn't hurt "normal" players just the "hardcore" ones.
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
It seems I missing some important information. How do you upgrade a plane???

I haven't tried it so far since I'm still new to the game.
But when you look at the planes in the shop, you see an "upgraded" version of each plane next to it with the cost in gold or silver coins mentioned. Those planes fly 10% faster than the normal planes. So you need to earn enough silver coins from launches to upgrade your plane and fly faster.
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems GI decided this is one step in this direction, since the previous example shows it doesn't hurt "normal" players just the "hardcore" ones.

Just look at my example above. How are you supposed to spend 250 silver on an upgrade of a falcon if your warehouse can only hold 100? Make partial payments every once in a while?
It DOES affect all players, also for map flights like @Robobobo888 mentioned above. Much of the fun of the game comes from planning ahead and preparing for what you plan to do and if you cannot pile up what you need to make your plans come true, there is no point in even planning.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
No. I won't keep playing.

I always considered playing AC a hobby. Hobbies cost money from time to time and that's just fine.

The idea of my wings being clipped over and over again, however is not. Imagine being a marathon runner and being told you could only run 2 kilometers a day!? That just isn't right.

Game Insight made us run fast, very fast. Forcing us to slow down to 'balance the game' is a day late and a dollar short. Literally! They'll have to find out the hard way, I guess. Forcing me to spend my money elsewhere is just bad marketing.

Once the warehouse cap infects my game, here's what's going to happen:
  1. Pull the plugs of all support games. Sorry, fuel traders... :unsure:
  2. Uninstall Little Wasted to finally free up much needed memory space on my iPhone.
  3. Bury the H-bomb. Yes, the H-bomb, @Robby Kusuma ... :cry::)
  4. Hand over the reigns to Wasted Alliance to a staying member or forum flyer.
  5. Keep Wasted on my laptop for old time's sake.
  6. Thank everyone on the forum for the blast we had the past years (!!!) and sign off. Which, trust me, will be the hardest part to do...
A crying shame because nobody wants to quit a hobby and all the friends made in the process...

Thanks, GI, for giving us an awesome game. (y)
Screw you, GI, for f*cking it all up... (n)

*mic drop* :cool:
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