True, but that limit still hinders other things such as red maps. You literally need to save up hundreds of barrels of all kinds (red, black, blue, and yellow) to pull those maps off. Just lift the limit and let us play freely. Cheaters will always find a way to do so, and Im sure theyre still cheating now. Good try GI. You tried to stop cheaters, but it doesnt appear to have worked. Remove the limit and try another tactic.It would be slightly less awful if the game logic took the 100 limit into account. So, that players with it did not get alliance missions which need more than 100 items. Or that instead of planes dropping items items that couldn't be picked up, they dropped something else. At least then it would be a bit more balanced. Instead we have a game that's built on logic which assumes infinite storage, when often, that is no longer the case.