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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. Helen Elizabeth


    To all great neighbours of Benjamin Thomas, HH2 and Happyhelen I'm off to New York for a few days so no gifting sorry about that. I will return to normal business!!
  2. Helen Elizabeth

    Secret Society

    Hi guys I am playing lass Airport City mainly as it constantly crashes and it's a pain visiting neighbours. I have started Secret Society, wondered if any of play? I can add you as neighbours, unlike AC you can gift 50 Neighbours daily. Cheers Happy Helen
  3. Helen Elizabeth


    Dear neighbours of HH2 & BenjaminThomas, I'm off tomorrow for a week, so no gifts of fuel from HH2 and gifting from my iPad game BenjaminThomas may be sporadic! Taking my wheelchair and hoping for an injury free trip!!
  4. Helen Elizabeth

    iOS Rabbit Hole Woes

    Hi, playing the latest quest, have managed to get Plane of Hearts, when I go to buy hanger, I get the message I can't build any more hangars. This is despite the store saying this hangar doesn't require a control tower. Any one else had this issue (apart from dreadful game crashing when I try...
  5. Helen Elizabeth

    Happy Helen is home!

    To all my amazing neighbours a big thank you for all your gifts on AC. For the last week I have been in hospital in Albertville after breaking my leg ( right tibia in 3 places) and surgery. My first time to be in hospital overnight, or to be ill. I don't speak much French! I am overwhelmed by...
  6. Helen Elizabeth

    Weekend code 25 December 2015

    Hi guys Happy Christmas, is there a code today?
  7. Helen Elizabeth

    Neighbours, everyone needs good neighbours.......

    Many thanks to all great buddies who keep supporting HH2 as I plod along for Glasgow maps, @Knut @Juvenal , @Neil ellor , @Theo1977 , @javi Sorry if I forgot anyone :LOL::cool:
  8. Helen Elizabeth

    Airport city weekend code for 3rd April 2015

    What is the code this week end please?
  9. Helen Elizabeth

    Week end code works on iPad

    Hi, the w/end code works on iPad, so don't miss out on 3 greenies benz228
  10. Helen Elizabeth

    Launch anyone?

    Hi, Benjamin Thomas is ready to launch,I don't mind which colour, happy to take silver ;)
  11. Helen Elizabeth

    Multiple buildings!

    Pakman, Kazinho How do you guys have more than one training centre or planetarium?
  12. Helen Elizabeth

    Am I missing something?

    Hi all forum buddy's I am sending lots of additional radars, am I missing something or why do I need them? Secondly, how do I get a casino and is it worth my while? Cheers ;) Happy Helen :)
  13. Helen Elizabeth

    green launch

    Hi any neighbours of HH2 want to join my green launch? I started to join with Tom greensmith then realised were are not neighbours so I don't mind where I finish if anyone wants to grab gold!! Thanks HH
  14. Helen Elizabeth

    Where's my City?

    Major sense of humour failure, opened my iPad game to find a basic level 1 game!! Re boot to find same, have opened a ticket via my phone game. Any one else have this experience? Am not Happy Helen :(
  15. Helen Elizabeth

    can't visit neighbour

    Az1 Hi Aaron, couldn't visit your city earlier, I got message that your game isn't updated? Wondered if any of your neighbours also had this message??
  16. Helen Elizabeth

    Winter Olympics

    wwo55 I really enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics from Sochi. Wondered if you got to go to the games? I visited Sochi many years ago one summer after visiting Moscow and St Petersburg. joboo, wow, Canada did well in the games, especially the ice hockey. I didn't care who won just enjoyed the...
  17. Helen Elizabeth

    Week end code?

    Hi all, anyone got the week end code? Thanks HH ;)
  18. Helen Elizabeth

    Happy Special Birthday

    greensmith Hi Tom Very very happy special birthday, have an amazing weekend of fun Happy Helen :) :)
  19. Helen Elizabeth

    Spyglass or Dice?

    Hi fellow addicts! I am currently working on the Egyptian quest. Have both spyglass and golden dice on separate occasions. Drop rates (drops are seldom rather than very seldom) are miserable considering other quests! Would appreciate what has worked for you? Many thanks as always :) HH
  20. Helen Elizabeth

    Defrosters gone!!

    My phone game HH2 has lost 3 defrosters!!! :eek::sick:(n) My 3rd catering facility was up and running for last few days, then for no reason the facility has regressed! Has this happened to anyone and what do I do short of begging for more defrosters??? :bookworm:
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