Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Ddave1

    iOS Level 60 reset again - I am very very angry now

    yet again my game has reset to level 60 I am been complained to support for weeks about launch issues, these are all obviously related to the servers not saving data remotely at the servers along with this level reset. I have gone from level 69 to 60. At first glance I have lost over 2000...
  2. Ddave1

    Red Launch Launched

    I've just opened a red launch if anyone wants to join in Ddave1
  3. Ddave1

    Red Launch Launched

    Red launch open -IPad 18 hours to go 700/3000 points logged - places are available for those who want to join If you need to add me as a friend, message me so I know who you are Ddave1
  4. Ddave1

    Red Launch Launch open

    Red launch just started on Ipad Places available Ddave1
  5. Ddave1

    Red Launch Launch open - IOS ipad

    hi all I have a red launch open. Started by mistake - D'oh - 20.15 Uk time Please feel free to join, all places available Ddave1
  6. Ddave1

    Red Launch Launch open

    I've got a red launch open Places available - 2nd/3rd User name Ddave1 Thanks guys and girls
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