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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. R

    1/19/2024 - Friday Bonus is Here!!!!

  2. R

    1/12/2024 - Friday Bonus!!!!

  3. R

    How are you all handling the plasma shortage?

    If you don't have Astro box (14AC) or Friend bonus (69AC), it is tough to fill the need for plasma with 72 neighbor debris that get you 40 or so plasma per day (without debris bonus). How do you deal with the shortage? I ran out of neighbor visits already and have to wait 9 hours before more...
  4. R

    First Friday Bonus of 2024!! - Happy New Year!!!

  5. R

    Last Friday Bonus of 2023

  6. R

    12/22/2023 - Friday Bonus is Here!!!

  7. R

    12/15 - Friday Bonus is Here!!! - Extra Greenie Today

  8. R

    Two achievements today!!!

    Got my first Cloud Castle on 2nd acct. Also, finished gruelling 11months long upgrade on 6 Game Studios to level 10 on my main acct. :O
  9. R

    3 Regrets after playing for 13 months

    1, Wasting Aerobatic Plane Livery on Swift. 2. Not knowing about purchasing Mystery Bonus from Airship for 8000 coin ( lost 100+ chances on getting Sky Captain) 3. Purchasing Courthouse and Private School buildings too late due to know knowing about the bonus drop. I thought it was just coins.
  10. R

    It has taken whopping 10 months to upgrade1!

    I thought I've been at it for 6 months. But after checking the game wiki, Airport City Event took place in Jan 2023 and another in Nov 2023. That means I've been upgrading these Game Studios for that duration non stop. I am now in the last leg of it with only 58 more free finds to go. This...
  11. R

    12/01/2023 - Happy December Friday Bonus!!!

  12. R

    Thanksgiving Day Harvest!!!

    Thanksgiving day has been good to me. As the record shows, this probably was the easiest and least time consuming event ever. But, it was also boring as hell. Except for the early part (1st and 2nd day), most of the 1060 tasks were completed withing 1min of posting. Planes and buildings...
  13. R

    11/24 - Friday Bonus is Here!!!

  14. R

    11/17 - Friday Bonus is Here!!!!

  15. R

    11/10/2023 - Friday Bonus!!

  16. R

    Airport City Event 2023 Finished

    Since I don't see the award post..... 1st place and holding!!
  17. R

    11/03 - Friday Bonus!!!

  18. R

    Windows Stand Bug but I will not complain :)

    I have 10 stands. But, I have 11 planes on stand. I wanted to put away one airplane with no free reserve spot available. So, you do the normal [to reserve and replace] routine]. I click on reserve and select one from reserve as replace. The screen got funky so I close and...
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