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Search results

  1. greensmith

    Guide to Writing on the Wall Collection (March 2016)

    The March 2016 update also brings us a new collection: There are six new Falcon destinations that require maps: Excavation Map Set: Mesopotamia (seldom) Assur: drops Clay Slab (seldom) Lagash: drops Reed Straw (seldom) Nineveh: drops Clay Token (seldom) Ur: drops Cylinder Seal (seldom)...
  2. greensmith

    Guide to The Roaring Twenties

    The February 8 2016 update also brings us a new collection: There are six new Falcon destinations that require maps: Excavation Map Set: New World Manhattan: drops Suit (seldom) Brooklyn: drops Fedora (seldom) Queens: drops Tommy Gun (seldom) The Bronx: drops Switchblade (seldom) Staten Island...
  3. greensmith

    Guide to A Walk in the Clouds 2016

    There's a brand spanking new Valentine's Day quest with new buildings, destinations and collections. A Walk in the Clouds 1. Put together the Riding the Carriage Collection by visiting Carriage Workshops 0/3 2. Complete the What Women Want Collection by taking romantic flights 0/3 3. Acquire the...
  4. greensmith

    Guide to Alliance Destinations & Map

    I put this Excel spreadsheet together so I could keep track of the Alliance maps that I've earned. It lists the Collections/Destinations/Planes/Items Needed/Stars and an empty column to count the maps. Perhaps it will come in handy for some of you. Please let me know if I've made any errors...
  5. greensmith

    Guide to Support Game(s)

    Many of us playing Airport City have more than one device capable of installing the game. That's why some of us have started "support games." What's a support game? It's a low-maintenance game to feed our main game with Fuel (20), which I consider the best gift available. Can every support...
  6. greensmith

    Guide to Stockholm (Level 60) Subquest

    With the new levels came new destinations and new subquests. Here's the guide for Stockholm: An Irreparable Loss: Take a flight to Stockholm Klandau's List: Bring Penicillin from Stockholm A Deserved Bonus: Bring a Blue Light-Emitting Diode from Stockholm Foundation Stones: Bring a DNA Model...
  7. greensmith

    Guide to Beijing (Level 59) Subquest

    With the new levels came new destinations and new subquests. Here's the guide for Beijing: Recurring Nightmares: Take a Flight to Beijing Think Big: Take a Flight to Beijing Gotta Have an Army: Bring an Archer from Beijing A Good Death: Bring a Soldier from Beijing A Vivid Imagination: Bring an...
  8. greensmith

    Thanksgiving Day Quest 2015

    New/old quest just popped up: There are three parts to the quest: 1. Gather items from neighbors' residential buildings to collect The Pioneer Trail collection (3 times) 2. Acquire items from Thanksgiving Day collection to get a Thanksgiving Turkey (3 times) 3. Land guest planes to meet the...
  9. greensmith

    Guide to Apogee (Green) Destinations

    There are five new destinations and six new collections that can only be obtained by coming in first in an Apogee (Green) launch. Besides the normal Master of the Universe Chest: You also get the Interstellar Set: When you open the Set you get a random map: In this case, it's a map to...
  10. greensmith

    Guide to Minneapolis (Level 58) Subquest

    With the new levels came new destinations and new subquests. Here's the guide for Minneapolis: A Shining Example: Organize a corporate seminar at a Private School Healthy Skepticism: Visit a Newspaper to print booklets with public service ads and visit residences (60) Tough Sports for Touch...
  11. greensmith

    Guide to Frankfurt (Level 57) Subquest

    With the new levels came new destinations and new subquests. Here's the guide for Frankfurt: A Bad Feeling About This: Talk with Salma in a Coffee Bar Fatigue Catches Up: Visit a Seafood Restaurant and talk with Jennifer The Answer to Every Question: Bring a copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra from...
  12. greensmith

    Guide to the Reserve Hangar

    There is a lot of information about the Reserve Hangar on the forum and most of it resides in a number of different threads. I thought I would combine all the info into one guide. The Reserve Hangar is a way to store planes you paid for and don't want to sell in order to buy new planes. There...
  13. greensmith

    Guide to Dakar (Level 56) Subquest

    With the new levels came new destinations and new subquests. Here's the guide for Dakar: Old Acquaintances: Find Alex by visiting residential buildings Competent Mechanics: Book a table for Alex and Frankie at a Coffee Bar All-Terrain Rally: Take Alex to Dakar A Bone Shaker: Bring a...
  14. greensmith

    Dark Skies 2015

    This quest just came out for Android as part of the 4.0.41 update. Here's the poop on Dark Skies 2013 version from @jgottlieb: The Pumpkin Bed is back in the store ($5) Completing the flights to Transyvania Machu Picchu Salem Fontainbleau Windsor get you the items you need for the Abnormal...
  15. greensmith

    New Collections for Alliance Flights -- October 2015

    There are eight new collections for Alliance destinations along with the recent Android Airport City update. While iOS has not been updated yet, I got this information from my Android support game. I will update this thread with screen shots once iOS has it. 1. How to Win Friends and Influence...
  16. greensmith

    UPDATED: Eleven New Collections -- October 2015

    UPDATE: Just found five additional collections ... for a grand total of eleven. I don't think I missed them the first time around. I rather think they were added when Android updated AC from the original 4.0.26 to the current 4.0.34. There are six new collections along with the recent Android...
  17. greensmith


    I started playing DomiNations (a freemium game) while sending my Falcons to pick up the last stars available to me and waiting for the next big update. The first thing that got my attention was the splash screen here: My jaw dropped as I wondered how they got permission to use these actors'...
  18. greensmith

    New Collections for Falcon Flights

    There are six new collections available with the recent update: 1. All Flesh is Grass These Bonsai-themed items are dropped (very seldom) from Falcons: Great Thinker Father and Son Wise Mother Weary Traveler Young Writer Complete the collection six times and earn a Private Conservatory 2. Sky...
  19. greensmith

    2015 Russian Victory Day Quest

    To keep this quest in a single, up-to-date thread, I've combined posts. Here's the quest in English as translated last year by Serge (S3R3G4): The challenge runs for 14 days and you have to collect: 1. 3 collections "Flying tank" 2. 3 collections "Serve Soviet Union" 3. 3 collections "Military...
  20. greensmith

    General Hardware/Software Problems: iOS vs Android

    There seem to be a lot of hardware/software issues recently: Airport City reset to beginning ... Airport City won't open ... and so on. I'm curious as to whether or not hardware plays a role in these issues. If you've had a hardware/software issue with your device and Airport City, what...
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