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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. Air Colonia

    iPadOS Planes have no sound-who has the same issue?

    While takeoff, taxiing and landing, ALL planes have no sound. I noticed it after the last update (7.19) and I hope it gets fixed soon! Who has the same issue? EDIT: I have sound effects on, volume high and the other sounds (coin collecting sound etc.) are working! Happy flying (with no sound :)) !
  2. Air Colonia

    Red Launch -LAUNCHED-

    Red launch is on pad. 1st place will be @kappatango, I’m 2nd. Feel free to join :)
  3. Air Colonia

    A more realistic city...

    Hey guys, in my opinion it would be FANTASTIC to see a 3d city with people and cars driving around on the streets...and with 3d buildings and a free camera that can be moved around the city and the airport/industry so you can see it from many angles. G! already did a “first step“ with the 3d...
  4. Air Colonia

    Blue Launch LAUNCHED

  5. Air Colonia

    Blue Launch Launched :)

    Friend code - 037k8au2u - would be nice to see you at my launch
  6. Air Colonia

    Easy coin trick

    Just looked at my warehouse and I had a couple event (English egg, etc.) and guest plane collection buildings in there. When you sell one of these buildings, you get 600 coins for event buildings and 60-310 coins for guest plane collection buildings. So I simply sold all buildings in my City...
  7. Air Colonia

    Red Launch Who is launching at the moment?

    I ran out of treadmills, so I‘m looking for a red launch to join, but unfortunately no neighbours are launching right now. So who is launching a red rocket at the moment? Please quote your name down below and send me a request If you would like to launch with me. I’m looking for a 2nd or 3rd...
  8. Air Colonia

    [LAUNCHED] Help needed on blue launch

    I have a difficult problem, I can’t take part in the event since it came out, because I have this stupid „pre-start menu“ open since 2 days, which means I can’t switch to the apogee mission. And because of my neighbours, which are all flying the apogee right now, I cant even launch the rocket...
  9. Air Colonia

    QL Party Friend Requests

    10 launches in 6 (???) days... For high level players this is really easy, but I have‘nt got that many neighbours which use a QL frequently. Can somebody who does QL Apogee missions at the event send me a friend request?
  10. Air Colonia

    What a crazy glitch

    I just had to post this 😂 Just looked at a neighbours city and saw this really cool runway 😄. Does anybody know this?
  11. Air Colonia

    This is ridiculous!

    Got hijacked by a guy who payed 16 (!) more fuel! I spent 2 Powerful bolts and 3 main stabilizers which is quite much for me because I haven’t got so many of them. And I have a question: Should I post his name here to avoid others from being hijacked by this person or would that be kind of...
  12. Air Colonia

    Red Launch -LAUNCHED-

    RED LAUNCH- friend code 037k8au2u
  13. Air Colonia

    Next event and update

    Does anybody know when the new update is going to be released? Also, which event will be next? Thanks in advance :).
  14. Air Colonia

    Air Lab

    What’s the Air Lab? When I go to repair items, it says required for Owl, Air Lab and Hawk. I never heard of this before. If I type “Air Lab” in the Wiki, it says “no results found.” If you know what it is, can you explain it and send a picture? Thanks in advance.
  15. Air Colonia


    How is it possible to reach 55000+ magic keys at the current event? You have to play 24/7 and you need TONS of fuel! I have 21500 right now and I as many guest planes as I can and I flew 600 times to Wonderland, causing that I burnt 6.735 units of fuel at one day. Im not even close to the...
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