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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. Airmaster

    Android Bilding items from flight or gifts?

    Hey, i have a question about the building items needed for tower lvl 7. I have seen i can get them from flying to tokyo. But can i also get them sent as gifts from friends? Would love to get a quick answer thanks Peter
  2. Airmaster

    Looking for neighbors they can gift F20

    Hey all, i am looking for a second fuelring to join. My account is ready to go and i would love if s.o. has a spot in the ring :D Thanks Peter
  3. Airmaster

    Marking Neighbors in list with the yellow heart

    Since the update its a bit confusing for cause i can't mark my good buddies with the yellow heart anymore which makes life hard cause i always have to go through the whole friendlist. S.o. else with the same problem? @Gt city Do u know when this problem will be fixed?
  4. Airmaster


    Hey guys, need some help with my Laundry to build. i am still missing few things. Would be so so happy if someone could gift me that i can complete it soon Missing things for Laundry in my signature! It is up to date!!! Thank you so much guys Peter
  5. Airmaster

    Need help with Tower Lvl 7

    Hey guys, i am on building tower lvl 7. Now i can't finish it cause i am missing parts: 4 x Airline Route Map 3 x Headset 4 x Monitor 4 x Walkie-talkie If s.o. can gift these would be so so nice! PM me and let me know. Greetings Peter
  6. Airmaster

    General Items collected

    Hello guys, i have a question. Since days i am collecting Umbrellas from guest planes and have around 400 now. Now is my question, what do I need them for? Greetings Peter
  7. Airmaster

    Looking for Neighbors

    Hey guys, for collecting more things for spaceship starts I'm looking for neighbors with 2 or more trainingcenters. Feel free to add me: 045g6wz4 Greetings and many thanks Peter
  8. Airmaster

    Android Flights

    Good evening, i noticed the last few days, that when u finish up a flight with fuel it always shows the amount u need. But the amount is not shown right. it often tells you more than u actually need. S.o. else has this problem too?
  9. Airmaster

    General Buildings and costs

    Hey guys, just one question. Is there a page where i can overview all buildings with upgrades and there costs? If there is one would be great if s.o. could post a link. Thanks
  10. Airmaster

    Blue Launch Astronauts wanted!!!

    Starting a Blue one. U are very welcome to join and take any place u want. I sometimes feel lonely starting one on my own. So please join and add me: 045g6wz4
  11. Airmaster

    Looking for an active alliance

    I am an active player and since weeks I'm in a quite inactive alliance and it's boring to play with players which are never online so I left. So if someone is interested and want some support in the alliance invite me please. My code is 045g6wz4 I am lvl 38 and do around 25k a week. Greetings Peter
  12. Airmaster

    Android How to get a training centre?

    I am looking for a way to get a training center but I have no clue where to get it. Thanks for your help Peter
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