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Search results

  1. diwata

    Neighbor is Away – Is one of these accounts yours? Part 4 (Level 40 and up)

    All are Level 40 and up. It would pain me to delete high-level neighbors as I know how much time & effort it takes to get to that level. Not to mention that some spend real money on the game. I noticed that many of them were during the UFO quest. That was almost 2 years ago. That was also the...
  2. diwata

    Neighbor is Away – Is one of these accounts yours? Part 3

    Continuing with the neighborhood clean-up. I am currently visiting the following neighbors these days and is consistently getting the message “Neighbor is Away”. If one of these accounts is yours, please let me know so I will not delete. All are under Level 35. Player Level (last 2 digits)...
  3. diwata

    Neighbor is Away – Is one of these accounts yours? Part 2

    Continuing with the neighborhood clean-up. I am currently visiting the following neighbors these days and is consistently getting the message “Neighbor is Away”. If one of these accounts is yours, please let me know so I will not delete. All are under Level 30. Players & Level berna 17...
  4. diwata

    Separate tab for flight items

    Not sure if this was already suggested. Can we have a separate tab for flight items so we don't have to keep scrolling through excess building items we have? Flight items and excavation maps can be combined since they are both needed for flights.
  5. diwata

    Please make it easier to not accidentally spend greens. Remove some features.

    I know this is a business and all. But your customers should spend because they want to, not because they were tricked and accidentally clicked and spent greens they don't intend to. Please remove the 'in your face' manner of making us spend. Trust that if we want these items, we will seek for...
  6. diwata

    Is there another way to get the Statue of Liberty besides drops from New York?

    I am not talking about the reward building but one of the collections for Weather Vane. Appreciate it!
  7. diwata

    Neighbor is Away – Is one of these accounts yours?

    Hi Everyone! I currently have 433 neighbors so I am doing a neighborhood clean-up. I have visited the following neighbors for the past 12 days and consistently got the message “Neighbor is Away”. If one of these accounts is yours, please let me know so I will not delete. I figured many players...
  8. diwata

    How to Get the Most Item Drops?

    Hi guys. Not sure where to post this and not sure where to look but here goes.... How can I get the maximum drops from mapped destinations like Oceana, Eastern Europe, Westerm Europe, etc....? In your experience, which is the best? Golden dice? The regular white dice? Spy glass, Sky captain...
  9. diwata

    Launch Rewards Guide, anyone?

    Is there a guide on what you get for every launch for all 3 platforms? Does it still depend on whether you are in first place or not? It seems that GI made changes that I haven't grasped yet.
  10. diwata

    Upcoming Quests - Any Clues?

    I'm always on the edge of my seat if the next quest will need lots of low-level planes and force me to sell my expensive Giants... anyone?:p
  11. diwata

    Mystery City Square?

    GI keeps offering these things. I don't want them. I want expansion on the city side! :arghh:
  12. diwata

    Will there be any quests in June to July?

    Well, World Cup is still going on. June is almost over but what do you think? I'm trying to remember what other quests we had during these months last year.
  13. diwata

    Neighbor is Away???

    Your neighbor hasn't visited his Airport City for too long, that's why you can't get bonuses. Ask friend to come back! Call him back (button) ~ Well, this just sucks. Anyone getting the same thing when you try to visit neighbors? Not even sure how GI defines 'too long'. One of my neighbors has...
  14. diwata

    Building - Item Drops

    Not sure if there is a topic on this already but has anyone noticed if the buildings drop items more on a particular period and then stops giving drops for another period of time? For example, I think about a month ago, I can click on my neighbor townhouses and they would give me at least 1...
  15. diwata

    Spaceship engine - when is it needed?

    Just wondering... I don't remember using it but maybe I just forgot.(n)
  16. diwata

    Why am I being sent a ....

    Why am I being sent a cooling chamber and server rack? I can't gift them. Is there any 'rule' that I do not know of?
  17. diwata

    Level 5 Hangar for smaller planes

    Has anyone used a level 5 hangar (for jumbos) to house a turboprop plane? Can it be done? Is the maintenance as fast as when you house the turboprop in a level 2 hangar?
  18. diwata

    Ipad friend code

    Hello! I get a lot of invites from ipad users but one of them don't know where to look for his friend code. Is there any guide on this? Thank you!
  19. diwata

    Have you always been a gamer?

    I never considered myself one as I am uber picky and I only really play city building games. The only PC game I played was Sim City and even that I did not even take seriously. I don't even remember if there was a level up on it or what level I was when I stopped playing.
  20. diwata

    XP count - Has anyone verified if it is adding correctly?

    I tried to jot down my current XP before the new new XP award is added after the mission is completed and it seems like it is always short. When I add them they do not tally to what the total should be. For example: I had 9579 XP, if I add the newly awarded 380 XP, total should be 9959 XP. But...
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