Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. H

    Red Launch On the pad...

    Whats your id and ill add you
  2. H

    Blue Launch Blue launch!

    1416 points done 23 hours left 2nd and 3rd open Friend code: Hazman1786
  3. H

    Blue Launch Free to join 2nd/3rd

    1454 points done 23 hours left Friend code:Hazman1786
  4. H

    Blue Launch Free to join , 2nd and 3rd available

    14 hours left 1392 points done Feel free to join Friend code: Hazman1786
  5. H

    Blue Launch Quick launch

    11 hours left on blue launch, 1st is taken but all other spots open 1352 points done , 648 left Friend code:Hazman1786
  6. H

    Blue Launch Just started , anyone welcome

    1st taken 1130 points 23 hours left Friend code: Hazman1786
  7. H

    Blue Launch Blue- welcome to join

  8. H

    Blue Launch Blue- welcome to join

    Blue launch 1300/2000 6 hours left 1st taken but rest are open Friend code: Hazman1786 open to join :)
  9. H

    Launch items

    What is the easiest way to get powerful explosive bolts/ main stabilizers?( i.e. getting more launch ready crates)
  10. H

    Searching alliance

    im a level 34 and im very interested in joining , msg me back if theres still spaces :)
  11. H

    Blue Launch Blue launch, captain taken

    all spots but captain are open, Message me if you are wanting to join Add me: Hazman1786 :)
  12. H

    Blue Launch Captain taken , all other positions open

    feel free to add me but do message me aswell please:) Friend code: Hazman1786
  13. H

    Blue Launch Captain taken , anyone welcome to join for other spots :)

    Friend code : Hazman1786 Please message me before requesting :)
  14. H

    Blue Launch Looking for any blue launch to join ?

    If there is any spaces , or captain spots open on blue launch let me know:)
  15. H

    Looking for anyone in lucky? Im friends with A Sv.VR in game

    Ok just let me know thanks
  16. H

    Airport City Questions

    Regarding the cloud atlas collection, i have recently clicked in excess of 200 clouds( i have however done many more than this On my account) with no drop of any items what so ever, i am a level 28 and found out about the cloud atlas colection at around level 10 , since then i have collected 1...
  17. H

    Can i send you a request and join the blue launch?

    Can i send you a request and join the blue launch?
  18. H

    Looking for anyone in lucky? Im friends with A Sv.VR in game

    I sent a friend fequest to you:)
  19. H

    Looking for anyone in lucky? Im friends with A Sv.VR in game

    Hi , yes i am still looking for an alliance, do you have an open spot in yours?
  20. H

    Looking for anyone in lucky? Im friends with A Sv.VR in game

    Hi, is anyone is from the alliance lucky? i sent a request to join , i am a level 21 which might be low but i feel like i am quite advanced for such a low level , if you could consider my request that would be greatley appriciated :)
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