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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. S


    I must admit I have done a hijacking once. It was one of the first launches I participated. I joined when there was about 18 hours left on the clock and I invested a full round of resources minus the big one. Several others joined as time passed. I checked it again with about 30 minutes on the...
  2. S

    Rock The Sky 2020 Award

    YES Finally!!! I made it :D 4 days of missing two items from the stage and getting no drops at all made me give up on this event... then this morning I got them both in one click :ROFLMAO:
  3. S

    question about how to complete the Rock the Sky event

    Thank you @Dave , @Chloe11111 and @Husam for your answers. Unfortunately you more or less confirmed my fears, that completing these types of events is down to nothing more than dumb luck, and I have never been on good terms with the RNG Gods :cry: Maybe I will complete the event this year or...
  4. S

    question about how to complete the Rock the Sky event

    Is there a way to improve the drop rate of the event building Main Stage (Level 3) in the Rock the Sky event? I'm asking because I'm having trouble with the Woodstock Nostalgia collection. With 7 days remaining of the event I have watched about two or three dosens of adds in the first 1½ days...
  5. S

    The Great Game 2020 Award

    Done :giggle: Nice little event
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    It Came From Outer Space 2020 Award

    Finally done :)
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    Down The Rabbit Hole 2020 Award

    Finally Done :)
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    Easter Cheer 2020 Award

    Done :)
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    7.15 preview

    I hope you're wrong. This game is already difficult for a casual player like me. The only reason I get anything done in this game is because I'm unemployed, so i can visit the game more than once or twice a day.
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    Long-Awaited Mail 2020 Award

    Done :)
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    The Spring Has Come 2020 Award

    Finally done :)
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    On The Wings of Love 2020 Award

    Done :)
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    Dragon Rising 2020 Award

    Apparently it is still possible to complete events... YAY :D I had actually given up on ever completing events ever again. It's been so long since I last managed to do that :cry:
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    Holiday Rush 2019 Award

    Done - Finally an event that was relatively easy to do and where the RNG gods didn't hate me :)
  15. S

    Thanksgiving Day 2019 Award

    Finally done with this event :giggle: I really hate the Pioneer Trail collection... I didn't get it the last time it was up, and even though I only needed 4 cowboy hats, I almost missed it this time too...
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    Dark Skies 2019 Award

    Finally Done!!! The RNG have not been my friend the last few events
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    Curse of the Valley of the Kings Award

    Quest completed :giggle:
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    Back to School 2019 Award

    Event completed :)
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    The Great Game 2019 Award

    Completed :giggle:
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