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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. J

    Airport Buildings

    Be carefull for data sheet created for Control Tower 9. Only the cost is true. Item listed are those required for Control Tower 10 (available at lvl 62). Also need 50 electricity units Other Building: Runway lvl 7: Level: 41 / Cost: 140 000 / Electricity required: 40 / Construction Time...
  2. J

    Airport Buildings

    The cost to build Control Tower 9 was 1 000 000 gold. Unfortunatly i do not remember items required. Control Tower Lvl 10 will be soon accessible for me. I will give you cost but items required are: 8 Infrared Camera 8 Motion Sensor 8 Coffee Machine 8 OBservation Drone Hope that help
  3. J

    🛩 Wasted Alliance (full) & All New Tadashi (full) pilot recruitement! 🚁

    Hello Wasted Eagle, I'm interested to join All New Tadashi and i sent a private message to Bob. I don't if he read it. I do my weekly tasks and i try to fly more every day. I would to evolve in a bigger team and yours seams nice. Please let me know if you wa more information. Bye
  4. J

    On The Wings of Love 2020: Wedding shop interest?

    ok thak you for help
  5. J

    On The Wings of Love 2020: Wedding shop interest?

    Hello all, I have a question concerning the new building wedding dresses shop that costs 4 greenies. What could be the interest of this building after the end of the event? Do you think that could increase max population like other greenies building? Thank you for you help
  6. J

    Hello, I understand your point but honestly i did not take time to check what everyone need...

    Hello, I understand your point but honestly i did not take time to check what everyone need... Game should be upgraded in order to simplify that... I have checked your actual list but unfortunatly i can sent you nothing... My level is too low. I will check more tomorrow.
  7. J

    Need Solar Panel

    Hello all I have my blue pad ready but still waiting for the fourth solar panel required to upgrade my mission centre. Could anyone add me to send it please? Thank you.
  8. J

    Green Launch Multiple launches - launched - no more launches

    On it. Waiting for third guy.
  9. J

    Green Launch Multiple launches - launched - no more launches

    Hello I m interested to join some mission after mine would be finished. I sent you an invitation.
  10. J

    Green Launch [closed] Space Launch running

    Hello all, I'am doing a space launch right now. I take first place but feel free to join
  11. J

    Green Launch Looking for 2 Co astronauts

    Hello, I send you a request. thx
  12. J

    Join Air Angel Alliance

    Ok thank you for help. You re right it’s sad that data is not directly linked to each profile. So I just have to find a first team ...
  13. J

    Join Air Angel Alliance

    Ok it’s per week. But where can I check that data?
  14. J

    Join Air Angel Alliance

    Hello The number of passengers required is per day?
  15. J

    Green Launch Green launch on going [closed]

    Thank you all Mission has been launched thank your help Many thank for your help and discussion in private message
  16. J

    Looking for a (french) team

    Hello I've started the game 2/3 weeks ago but i really appreciate it and i would join a team. If possible a freanch team would be fun but i open to english one... . Just need one with active members... Thanks all for proposition
  17. J

    Green Launch Green launch on going [closed]

    Hey, Thank you for your help taht should be great to finis it. I will try to prepare next launch more carefully! I need to lean more ... Thank you
  18. J

    Green Launch Green launch on going [closed]

    Hello all, Yesterday I wanted to try space launch but i was surprised by countdown ! So i would like to find some players to help me to complete that launch. Still 11h remaining, fill free to contact me. My friend code 03za1zgay Thanks all for your help
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