Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. H

    Back to School 2021 Award

    Tasks completed! Thanks
  2. H

    Looking for Friends working on event

    FR Sent. All four required buildings are on the far right side of my city.
  3. H

    Looking for Friends working on event

    FR sent I have all four required buildings to visit on far right side of my city
  4. H

    Back To School 2021 Available

    FR sent. I also have the 4 buildings required if you need to visit them. On the far right edge of the city.
  5. H

    Down The Rabbit Hole 2021 Award

    Completed. Thanks
  6. H

    Fuel Sale there, then not?

    Yes. Same thing happened to me.
  7. H

    Cinemania 2021 Award

    Completed. Thanks!
  8. H

    Age of Ash 2021 Award

    Completed. Thanks
  9. H

    Awarded 350 Stars

    Completed 350 stars!
  10. H

    The Land of Opportunity 2021 Award

    Completed. Thanks
  11. H

    Update to Neighbors List with Training Center and Planetarium

    @Virtsou FR Sent. Appreciate if you would accept.
  12. H

    Update to Neighbors List with Training Center and Planetarium

    @Josh-70 FR sent. Appreciate if you would accept.
  13. H

    Update to Neighbors List with Training Center and Planetarium

    @andy8758 FR request sent. Appreciate if you would accept.
  14. H

    iOS Did Red Helicopters Change? (New Update has Resolved this Issue).

    The update that loaded for me today has corrected the issue with the red helicopters coin bonus. Thanks.
  15. H

    The Great Game 2021 Award

    Completed. Thanks
  16. H

    iOS Did Red Helicopters Change? (New Update has Resolved this Issue).

    I have three red helicopters. One Goldfinch and Two Crossbills. None are showing the coin bonus.
  17. H

    iOS Did Red Helicopters Change? (New Update has Resolved this Issue).

    I just noticed that my red helicopters are no longer getting the 100% coin bonus. Did this just change or am I just now noticing it? I checked the WIKI and it still shows the red helicopters and destinations defined as I had thought, but it is no longer that way on my game.
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