Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. E

    Vic Trading Page

    Hi Vic the only thing I had on your list was biker jacket so I have sent you one of those. Additional radar would be most appreciated if you could send one of those? Eve
  2. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    I think there may be a glitch in the game with sending stamps. I read somewhere else that someone had sent a stamp and what was received was a different item!
  3. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    Just sent you one back - thanks!
  4. E

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    UK also :D
  5. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    username: Eve Usercode: k7muud Level - 18 Items I need Powerful Amplifier x 2 Haze Machine x 2 Master plan x 2 City Model x 1 Shredder x 2 Stamp x 2 Ergonomic Chair x 2 Smoke Detector x 2 Fuel Additives Passengers Fuel Items I can Send Fuel (3 Units) Biker Jacket Haze Machine Air Conditioner...
  6. E

    What device do you play Airport City on?

    Another galaxy S2 user here - will try the juice defender , cheers for the tip!
  7. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    In need of the following to complete both my repair base & town hall. Stapler x 1 Insulation x 2 If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated!
  8. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    Much appreciated Jimmy!
  9. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    Hi Lee Just accepted :D I can send you a haze machine unless you require anything else? Cheers Eve
  10. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    In need of the following to complete my hangar shredder x 2 Stamp Cash counter Have 10 gifts left for today Username: Evelweevel Usercode: k7muud Level - 14
  11. E

    Collectible items?

    Thanks Dave, disappointing that they don't do anything else other than that!
  12. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    Thanks Dave, don't have access to a server rack yet but will send as soon as I can.
  13. E

    Collectible items?

    Been playing airport city for a week now and when it comes to the collections there is one thing that is confusing me. There are items which are 'collectible items'. I have acquired 11 treadmills & 4 cupids but cannot find anything thats tells me when & how they can be used? Any ideas?
  14. E

    Evel Weevels trade thread

    Username: Evelweevel Usercode: k7muud Item(s) Requested: stapler calculator whiteboard power source drill machine insulation shredder stamp cash counter loudspeaker power amplifier spotlight haze machine
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