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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. Phlflyer1

    Airport City 2015

    Not sure if things work differently on the other platforms but on Windows 8 I have noticed that even though I can unilaterally delete someone from my neighbor list if I think they've unfairly hijacked one of my launches it does NOT delete me from their neighbor list. At least not right away as...
  2. Phlflyer1

    Airport City - Must Have Features for 2015

    I was coming to post exactly what Spearman just said. Please, PLEASE add this feature as it would really be nice to help out other neighbors with items that we have in our inventories in excess while another player desperately needs them. It would add so much to the social aspect of the game and...
  3. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    Blue launch started. 23 hours remaining and only 900 points to go until liftoff.
  4. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    Green launch started an hour or so ago and only around 300 points remaining to complete if you'd like to jump in without having to add too many points.
  5. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    yorkshireskippy - Most certainly. Will start sending you server racks x3 next round of gifts. If you could return Perfume it would be very helpful to my duty free. Thank you!
  6. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    Just started a Blue launch if anyone is available and wants to join in. I've put in a bit over half of the points required and will add some more later in the day as needed to ensure completion.
  7. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    highlander - Wow, too much Flyers knowledge to be a fan of any other team but the Flyers... Small world :) One good thing about Ghosts injury is that it seems like torn ACLs are a common injury any more but I hate that it will set his development back for a while. I was really looking forward...
  8. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    highlander - LOL... Good to see another hockey fan here. Yes, we got Coburn back on defense last night but lost Luke Schenn to a likely separated shoulder and our best defensive prospect in the minors tore his ACL so it was not such a good tradeoff :( Are you an Avs fan or fan of some other...
  9. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    ItsRalphy - Yes, I tried gifting you after I got you on my neighborhood. I've deleted you on this end again. Tried putting in your code but get the same invalid message. Guess we're just not meant to be neighbors according to G! :banghead:
  10. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    Hi ItsRalphy - Try deleting me from awaiting reply and add my code again? Have no idea with this crazy game sometime. I hope we can finally get connected.
  11. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    ItsRalphy - It has been a while since I've dropped by this board but when I was here a couple of months back we had a hard time getting on each others neighborhood list. Another wonderful G! bug. For some reason, you recently popped up on my list of friend requests and I accepted so you are...
  12. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    Hello All, I have a blue space launch going. It is presently at 824/2000 points with 20 hours left. All are welcomed to join and help finish off the launch.
  13. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    erees, Thanks for the heads up on the new Post Office commerce building. At the time I had typed my question, I was unaware that there was a new commerce building for purchase. I had to delete one of my bowling alleys in order to construct it but it is on its way to being built. GiftXchange &...
  14. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    I can gift the Marking Machine now for the Post Office challenge. Does anyone know of a good FAQ that explains exactly how this latest challenge works? Do I really have to spend greens in order to pick up the mail that is littering my beautiful town? :asshat:
  15. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    Simon, yes, I have received a space collection item by clicking on a neighbors Space Travel Monument but it seems to be quite rare. I am much more successful by clicking on the Research Labs, Mission Control Center and Launch Pads so I don't bother clicking my neighbors Space Monuments too often.
  16. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    I've started a blue (Prometheus) launch if anyone is interested and available to join.
  17. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    @yar, Sorry I missed your message before sending this evening. Will send you an anti theft gate tomorrow.
  18. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    ItsRalphy - I am sorry that we cannot connect completely either. When you were able to re-add me on your side your name dropped off of my neighborhood list on my end. So, you were able to join my last launch because you could see me on your side but, when it comes to gifts, I cannot send them to...
  19. Phlflyer1

    Windows - Airport City Item Trading

    ItsRalphy - Ugh, this game is so buggy and frustrating. On my end you are in the waiting list again and not in my neighborhood. You may as well delete me and not worry about sending me gifts as I won't be able to return them :( Thanks for helping out with the launch I started earlier!
  20. Phlflyer1

    Windows8 - Space Missions

    Hello all, I've started a blue/Prometheus launch. 23 Hours to go and only 250 points left to go. Easy third place for anyone that wants to come in and finish off the launch.
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