Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    Thank you, what can I send you from my signature?
  2. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    Help needed with town hall items if anyone can help? X
  3. Michael


    @Phil1975 amazing, thanks, Let me know what I can send you?
  4. Michael

    Desperately need Stabilizer, Can send anything from signature daily?

    Desperately need Stabilizers or friends that can send stabilizers daily, Can send what you need from my signature, including stabilizer, flight catering, additional radar etc Thanks
  5. Michael


    @Phil1975 any chance of sending me a Stabilizer from your matty account daily and ill send whatever you need from signature daily? cheers. X
  6. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    sent gifts: @Speed Fuel20 @Akki A/Radar @Phil1975 A/Radar @mwraymer Stabilizer @zica Stabilizer @Shail Patel Stabilizer
  7. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    Hey folks, anyone able to add me, and send me a stabilizer? Cheers, I will of course return you a gift from the list below. X
  8. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    @patel have sent friend request, can send stabilizers if you can send me fuel supply, cheers
  9. Michael

    Android and ios weekly trading thread September 11, 2017

    @Phil1975 added you, and i will send you additional radar each day, if you can send tesla rod, cheers buddy.
  10. Michael

    Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    sent gifts @zica server rack @Akki additional radar @mwraymer stabilizer @Speed fuel 20 anyone else need something from my signature just tag me and add me haha
  11. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    @Akki, sounds great, Just noticed you can send spiked tire too, that would be good tomorrow. X
  12. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    @Akki ive sent you friend request, will send you additional radar, can you send me powerful transmitter
  13. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    @Speed thanks, sent you fuel 20 too, I will send you everyday, if you do the same, If you ever want anything different to fuel 20, just tag me and all ill send what you need.
  14. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    Hi all, Hope everyone is good, desperately need Massive spotlight or Tesla lightening rod Will send anything from signature below, Thanks
  15. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    @Long Hey, Ive added you as friend, Can you send massive spotlight and ill send you 20 fuel, cheers?
  16. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - September 4, 2017

    @m @mwraymer Hey Ive added you, Can you send me massive spotlight and ill send you Stabilizer? Thanks
  17. Michael

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - August 28, 2017

    Hi, Im looking for tesla lightening rod and massive spotlight, New to the game, so would appreciate some neighbours also, added my friend code to my signature thanks.
  18. Michael

    Welcome Michael to Airport City Game!

    Thanks for your advice, Im sure I will have many questions, I will get back to the group as and when they crop up. Cheers X
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