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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. P

    6.27 Update

    Yeah no way will i build the main building but I am going to try and increase my crop circles from 2 last year to all 6 this year.
  2. P

    6.27 Update

    So much for UFOs having an often drop...I have yet to have anything drop.
  3. P

    Windows - May Trading Thread

    Thank you @ItsRalphy and @Robert
  4. P

    Blue Launch Launched

    1200/2000. I have first and 2/3. Other second or third spot open
  5. P

    Blue Launch Join me :) 1300/2000

    Fun launch happening . Join me.
  6. P

    Blue Launch Anyone interested in Blue Launches?

    I tend to do a fair amount. Going to start one right now actually.
  7. P

    Blue Launch Launched

    Join my launch and be awesome
  8. P

    On pad

  9. P

    6.26 update

    I wish we had another event to get another jumbo ranger or similar plane for free. That's a nice plane to cut down on time.
  10. P

    Blue Launch Launched

    Two people in so far. I have first and would like my support to get second or third ideally.
  11. P

    Blue Launch Launched

    Please help get us off ground. Thank You.
  12. P

    Blue Launch Closed

    added from both accounts
  13. P

    6.24 update

    I commented to some people on FB. They just don't understand there's a whole community here to help them lol
  14. P

    6.24 update

    I'm guessing green QL will be plenty this week lol
  15. P

    Family life quest - nearly there!!

    I've clicked so many trees and never got a drop. I gave up. I click every cloud for past two years and still only have 35 or so collections done. And I play a lot.
  16. P

    Weekly Alliance Mission upcoming changes

    Am I the only one who thinks people are over reacting? I joined about a month or two after the 100 limit started and I have still enjoyed this game a lot with the limit. I don't know the game any different from what it is now but this shouldn't be the end of the world like people make it seem...
  17. P

    Red Launch Launched. March 17

  18. P

    next days on green

    @Mate flying right now?
  19. P

    Adventure needing data?

    This seems to have created quite the debate. Free2Play able to chime in?
  20. P

    Adventure needing data?

    Do you need data to fly adventure flights or can I do that in airplane mode? And will those flights count for alliance pax numbers? I have a 5 hour flight tomorrow so maybe I'll do some maps.
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