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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. CaroG

    It Came From Outer Space 2020 Award

    It took some time but finally done ⭐️
  2. CaroG

    Bonus Code - 2nd June 2020

    Pilot manual and fuel additive 🙄 better luck next time... Thanks for the code!
  3. CaroG

    7.18 Out for All Devices

    Not working for me either :(
  4. CaroG

    Mission Control level Three

    Yeah sure, I just thought I could get the items before so I didn’t need the ads (saw the post below though so now I know :)
  5. CaroG

    Mission Control level Three

    Oh I did not know that, thought I could get them before! Thank you for telling me :) I’m 100000 from being able to upgrade it now, so will let you know if I need it when I start upgrading
  6. CaroG

    Mission Control level Three

    Hi! I added as a neighbour, Pilot CG. I am also saving to upgrade MCC 3 and I am in need of the same items :) I can send horn antenna if you still need it?
  7. CaroG

    QL launches Thursday 21st of May, 6 launches *3rd launched* UPDATED LAUNCH TIMES

    Added you as a neighbour, Pilot CG :) have already completed the event but for future launches and gifts 😊
  8. CaroG

    Riding The Comet 2020 Award

    Completed 🥳😄
  9. CaroG

    blue launch using QL for event. changing to green

    Thank you @Cosmic Blue @PLMerry and @VdW9 for helping with launches, event completed 😄😄😄
  10. CaroG

    blue launch using QL for event. changing to green

    @VdW9 sent you a FR :) Pilot CG
  11. CaroG

    blue launch using QL for event. changing to green

    Will join in 10 minutes!
  12. CaroG

    blue launch using QL for event. changing to green

    Sent you a FR :) Pilot CG
  13. CaroG

    blue launch using QL for event. changing to green

    Sent you a FR :) Pilot CG
  14. CaroG

    Green Launch QL Party

    @Benny Sent a FR :)
  15. CaroG

    QL Party Friend Requests

    @joguest sent a FR
  16. CaroG

    QL Party Friend Requests

    @Ssam04 sent a FR :)
  17. CaroG

    QL Party Friend Requests

    Need neighbours doing QL launches for the event, please add me 031jlhu9x. Can also send gifts according to my signature :)
  18. CaroG

    7.17 Preview

    @Blitz7 Sent you a FR :) Username Pilot CG
  19. CaroG


    I just sent you a FR, want to join the QL launch as soon as my Prometheus launch is completed. Username Pilot CG :) thanks!
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