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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. I


    I just wanna say, Chloe11111, ....you're one of the best people here!!!! You are soooo helpful to EVERYONE!!! You're the .......LADY!!! I hope you're a girl. I'm assuming that based on Wonder Woman...which you kinda are!!!
  2. I

    Space Launch Etiquette

    I do not know, but AFTER you have started a launch and are on pad, but have NOT launched it yet, can you add a QL and have it count on that particular launch? Or is it like the planes where you must have your "bonus" or whatever you are using activated before you send your flight, so you get...
  3. I

    4QL red party COMPLETED

    Again, Thank you to ALL who made today happen. It was an awesome experience for a virgin "red" pad launch. The shuttle was incredible. This is what makes Airport City sticking around and playing for. Because of people like you guys. All the support. Now, on that note, was it just me or a lot...
  4. I

    4QL red party COMPLETED

    Yes I would like to participate. I would like to capt. 59 and 60. I am neighbors with both FV and 2, and KenKyu1. Pilot 1. I would love to do more with you guys. You guys have been great to me....ALL Of YOU HOSTS and QL backers!! Thank you. I just built my red pad and completed it yesterday...
  5. I

    Friday Ql launch

    (y) I'm PST so I'm a right behind you in time. Will join your later ones if I can get enough preps. Damn sneakers are killing me right now! Sending NR. Pilot 1
  6. I


    Heck, Teach us all HUANG. I mean you sound like a real smart guy. I want to know!
  7. I

    Never got 2nd plane, and no, it's not in my warehouse under any of the tabs

    ya I used to get that sent to my email a few months ago when I would send in a ticket. Now, they DON'T REPLY TO ME AT ALL. They stopped acknowledging my requests. They have either blocked my email so they don't send replies, or they just put me on a blacklist somewhere at their office to where I...
  8. I

    Never got 2nd plane, and no, it's not in my warehouse under any of the tabs

    Yep. and if you complain to them about their mishaps, you get put farther back in the line. I'm not even sure if they have me standing in THEIR complaint line. I think they moved me to someone else's line 😂
  9. I

    Never got 2nd plane, and no, it's not in my warehouse under any of the tabs

    They have mine. Directly, when the message/ticket is sent, near the top right under the "Have a question? Search for answers" box, for about 2 or 3 seconds it will say in light green lettering, "Thanks for contacting us. Your message was received". So my request is getting to someone there. I...
  10. I

    Never got 2nd plane, and no, it's not in my warehouse under any of the tabs

    Ya, like I said, it's not there. I got my first one. Yes I know. It comes wrapped as a mystery plane and you have to click on it, open it up and then it goes into your plane inventory. It's not there. I got my first one. Not the second one. I put in a ticket, they don't reply to me. I think...
  11. I

    Never got 2nd plane, and no, it's not in my warehouse under any of the tabs

    Still never got my 2nd plane for paying the premium and yes, they did charge me. They don't reply to any tickets I've sent to them. I think they blocked from listening to me because I had sent some choice word messages for other problems they have had with my account. I don't get a reply from...
  12. I

    Second Plane

    Nope. They never sent it to me. I got my first one, but not the second. No, it is not in my warehouse anywhere under any of the tabs.
  13. I

    Second Plane

    Nope. They never sent it to me. I got my first one, but not the second. No, it is not in my warehouse anywhere under any of the tabs.
  14. I

    Second Plane

    Did everyone get their second plane if they paid the premium? I still have not. HELP!!!
  15. I

    Fair notice being given!!!!

    Well, How did you do? Did you get him? I hope you did
  16. I

    Fair notice being given!!!!

    Ah, would one of those be a ZIE-K.... ? I think you might have one in my group. I noticed someone in group was 100th with only 38 masks. Then today it's 238. It just made me think "I know who you're talking about". 🤣 🤣
  17. I

    Windows Anyone else missing their launched rocket?

    Yep. Was on pad waiting to join and now there's no pad anywhere.
  18. I

    QL Blue Launch Friday 14th 3pm

    Sorry Benny. I must have missed you. I am around for a next one. What is your Pilot name? We are neighbors, correct? I'm FR 20r1jac7z
  19. I

    QL Blue Launch Friday 14th 3pm

    Would like to join. Sending request. Pilot 1. And the time is UTC time 3pm, or London time or.....?????
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