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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. QF-Charles

    Valley of the Kings Curse 2023 Award

    An early thanks for the badge.
  2. QF-Charles

    Suggestion Vacation or Break Announcements

    While we tend to put these in our game name, such as "Away", "Break" or "Back July 30", at times we cannot identify who that neighbour is due to the lack of space in game name. This is rather frustrating, so having a forum location to offer more details would be handy. There may be a situation...
  3. QF-Charles

    World of Wildlife 2023 Award

    Completed, thanks in advance.
  4. QF-Charles

    Windows Support Account QFChaz1Issues

    I must have put my brain to sleep..HUH???? BTW, hope you are well.
  5. QF-Charles

    Awarded Another Hundred Stars Reached!!!

    That's impressive! Congrats my dear, well played. I may get there in another few years.
  6. QF-Charles

    Windows Support Account QFChaz1Issues

    Okay, thanks. Take care. Charles
  7. QF-Charles

    Windows Support Account QFChaz1Issues

    I almost forgot... I had gifting arrangements with a few neighbours that need to be addressed. @Pit1024 @Sazaville @AKryztov @Mouse. Hope I remembered all? (Oh maybe @Harcourt ?) I will be looking at sending invites and or gifting you from other support accounts I'm not gifting you. May take a...
  8. QF-Charles

    Windows Support Account QFChaz1Issues

    Today I lost all neighbours and have had various issues with this computer. Therefore, I have decided I will no longer be gifting from this account. If and when I resolve this I will send invites. Thanks Charles
  9. QF-Charles

    Age of Ash 2023 Award

    Completed, tks in advance for award.
  10. QF-Charles

    Rock The Sky 2023 Award

    Complete. Tks in advance for award.
  11. QF-Charles

    Riding The Comet 2023 Award

    Completed, fun and easy (unlike the last one)
  12. QF-Charles

    Spring is Here 2023 Award

    Completed, what a pain of an event!
  13. QF-Charles

    Easter Cheer 2023 Award

    Completed. Another easy one.
  14. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    Clever reply there Rob, funny too! Yes, many years I hope. :)
  15. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    Thanks, Rob, and many thanks for being such an important neighbour. Greatly appreciated! :)
  16. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    I didn't see this. Ha Ha.
  17. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    True, the name Chuck isn't used here but having worked many years in the U.S. I got called it a lot. Hated it! Prince Charles is now free but alas, I'm just plain ole Charles. Enjoy the weekend mate!:)
  18. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    Thanks kindly, I trust you and family are well. Take Care, Charles.. (Sometimes Charlie but never Chuck! Now everyone will call me Chuck, especially that suspect character @Sydney ) :ROFLMAO:
  19. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    Thanks kindly, Paula. Take Care Charles
  20. QF-Charles

    Awarded 600 Stars - Many to go.

    Why am I still showing 500+ Star Club and not 600?
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