Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Recent content by pdxsk

  1. pdxsk

    iPadOS Alliance mission - how are planes determined?

    Thank you for the info!
  2. pdxsk

    iPadOS Alliance mission - how are planes determined?

    The weekly Alliance Mission…the destinations change, but for months, i have not had a change in the plane types. Same three plane types every week in my game, yet i have 1000 completions to each of those destinations. I need new destinations! Which means diff plane types. Anyone know what...
  3. pdxsk


    Yes! I should have initially. This player has six Lighthouses as you can see.
  4. pdxsk


    Hello, I saw an airport that has six “Lighthouse” buildings. 12 passengers every 20 minutes. I do not remember an event where that building was obtainable. Just curious if anyone remembers?
  5. pdxsk

    Piggy Bank?

    Thank you for the info! I guess I thought it complicated, but its not! I am starting my 13th year of playing Airport City this month. I started Halloween, 2012. I have so many coins, i wish i could sell them back to the app author, haha.
  6. pdxsk

    Piggy Bank?

    Just had a “piggy bank” offer pop up. Can someone explain what the purpose is? US $2.99 is the cost.
  7. pdxsk

    iPadOS Bugs with OTWOL destinations

    Same problem for me, in iPad…iOS Update: i updated my game from the Apple Store and it now functions :)
  8. pdxsk

    Superfast plane - 50 greenies

    Having played this game for over 10 years, i have not seen an offer (besides Casino, Bank and Mint) that can improve the grind of your game more, than buying the “superfast plane” livery for 50 greenies. A must for the Condor plane, in my opinion. Available now in the Riding The Comet store...
  9. pdxsk

    Feb 10th - Friday Bonus is Here!!!

    Im on iOS. Says “expired” for me…sad!
  10. pdxsk

    iPadOS Game loading problem

    All fixed for me also. A couple planes were in the warehouse as noted. Boy, i wish i had control of my warehouse!
  11. pdxsk

    iPadOS Game loading problem

    Same exact issue for me on iOS. An hour ago it was fine, then i opened a few minutes ago, noticed a small, maybe 10MB update (fairly common to see that size of update) and…bugged. I also sent msg to Support with screenshot.
  12. pdxsk

    iOS Thanksgiving Event - leaderboards

    I am closing monitoring the Thanksgiving event competition leaderboards. The amount of 'pilgrim hats' updates maybe every 10 minutes. I just watched one persons total jump over 100,000 pilgrim hats in about 15 minutes. How is this even possible? I mean even someone willing to spend $$$$$ of...
  13. pdxsk

    Windows Stuck on "Loading"

    I am ok now also, on iOS.
  14. pdxsk

    Windows Stuck on "Loading"

    I did here: https://gameinsight.helpshift.com/hc/en/16-airport-city/
  15. pdxsk

    Windows Stuck on "Loading"

    Me also, on iOS
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