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Neil ellor
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  • You sent Jpjpjp999 a security camera... slip of the finger as we both don't need items for duty free?
    Hi Neil, I can't seem to add your CaptainNe2 to my android game (a4g4anr) I can send video boards from that game if it helps?
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    kirsty i will try to add later when i get wifi. i dont need anything for the quest now but thanks anyway
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I tried but cant add you!!! What do you need for the stadium i am about to complete so let me know before i do
    Hi Neil,
    Need two Robotic lawn mowers to my gifting game if at all possible? Don't worry if you want to go ahead and complete though...there's still lots of time left and I've nearly finished collecting the items from it through neighbours :)
    Neil, what has priority? Video wall for mission control or robotic lawnmower? Jpjpjp999 can only sent one a day....
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Lawnmower please it's a blooper I also need video board not video wall
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    What! I just sent you a video wall, reckoned it was a male thing, how wrong can I get, sorry Neil, I will try better tomorrow :(
    Do I have your captain ne2 in my Jpjpjp2 list? can't find it but can sent the goals..... just sent an invite if you want
    Neil - have you been getting the packaging machines i have been sending to Captain Ne2? let me know. If not, i can try again.
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Yes i have been receiving many thanks. I hadn't had time to up date my signature but also as i have received so many i am going for three Flight Catering need another 2 P M & 2 defros
    Roger that!!! will send one today and tomorrow.
    Neil - it appears that Kristy will be starting a launch at 1900 BST ??? Not sure what type though. It would be 1400 EST and 1300 CST.
    Hi Neil - Looking for some help I'm in need of Travel Guide 4x and Album 3x - Bill
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Bill sorry I don't have either HH gave me travel guide but not sure what game
    Neil how much longer before you can go Lunar. I'm thinking we need to do three launches and spread the points out say 1300. 750. 750 total 3000. Or something like that. Btw I cannot join ur NE2 launches so we need to figure that out too.
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I need one astragraph for my collection on Ne2 so who knows hopefully tomorrow I am just waiting to go. Captain tneil just finished 3000 solo phew!!! Who can you join so we can go HH?
    Neil - It would have to be you main game - just like the old days !!!!! Right now I'm stuck in a launch with a guy who doesn't want to add points. And it's his launch!
    Hey, I see you added me from captain ne2, but I don't see a needs list. Would love to help you out, though.
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I am just trying to get up some levels and help out the neighbours who have got me through with captain tneil. If I need anything I will ask I'm sure you know me by now thanks
    Hey there. I apologize/apologise for accidentally sending P(10) to you today to your Captain NE2 account. I reacted too quickly.
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    That really is no problem I do it all the time just thanks for any gifts it apreciated
    @Neil ellor,@Simp1710, how do we break the news to @billsnj that's he missing out on our fun doing all these launches! You know how jealous he is, Neil has 2 females supporting his launches! Not saying anything about age here!!
    Neil - attempted to join NE2 Blue Launch this AM. Before attempting to join I first sent a Gift to NE2 and I visited NE2's city. Then I attempted JOIN. Got bounced into my own SOLO Launch. -- Bill --
    Keep me posted on NE2's needs - things are confusing right now - Blue Launch Glitch - stupid GI and I need 2 more Intercoms - and they are just not arriving. Bill
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    bill its just 2 holograhic display left that you can gift, i may need walkie talkie if you still have them when things settle down, thanks bud
    Hd on its way - I still have Walkie Talkies Bill
    Hi Neil,

    I just add Captain tneil from my Bali Hi game. Pls accept.
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Invite accepted not sure why we were not neighbours?
    Bali Hi
    Bali Hi
    You probably tried adding me previously, but it did not connect. And I can't add iOS name with spaces, but the bug was fixed recently!
    Can you add my game to your captain game? Then I can launch with you... My code is ac8qpin
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Launch is on Ne2 you are welcome to join. I will send invite from Captain tneil but this game is blocked I'm still trying it get GI to fix it
    olly 333
    olly 333
    My lander returns within 1h15 and then I join your Ne2 launch, without tulips but with goofy ;)
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