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  • Sent a neighbor request to your dal-ftw and tmp-stp games.
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    Reactions: LAX
    Cleared your regional game and sent a new neighbor request. (The others look fine on this end. So, let me know if the others also need to be deleted and resent.) What a mess.
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    Reactions: LAX
    Got it - I will check my other games shortly!!
    Didn't have you on LAX-2 or Drew17 either - sent you requests
    Hi, Great to see the Captain back up and running in the alliance, we'll soon be near the top 50. When we reach the 200 reputation points mark, does that mean our number of members for the alliance goes up.Thanks for sending all those things to me. If I send you protractors would you be able to send them back to me, I need 7 more for the control tower 10 and then I can get my twelth plane. all the Best, Mal.
    Yes, glad to see him back in action - he has been through a LOT with that game. When we get more alliance we should be able to add more members. Do you have anyone in mind?

    Whatever you need that I have I'll send to you - no problem!! You have been a great addition to our alliance - glad to have you aboard!! I have to send you invites from my two other games.
    I Have Every week 30000 passengers
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    Reactions: LAX
    If you can swing 30,000 passengers a week consistently I will give you a try. Look for an invitation from Eastern Alliance on Sunday. We'll see how it goes.
    I sent you a request to join our alliance - Eastern Alliance
    About 12 hours after the message came up it just disappeared and everything was back to normal. However it came up again yesterday when I was doing a rocket launch. I've had this before and I've found that if you hit the use button too quickly after say the time is up for an explosive bolt, the message you are time travelling will come up again.
    Hi, Thought I'd better tell you I've had a message saying I've been time travelling and cheating and I can't interact with my neighbours anymore. I've contacted GI, what happens from here, I'll be gutted if I can't play the game as I did any longer.
    Don't panic, GI apparently had major server problems this week resulting in many people getting that same message. Try completely closing out of the game and turn off your device and then restart it. This should correct the problem. Our alliance totals are still going and being counted.
    I'm sure we'll do it before too long. I wonder if you could send me some washing machines or flatwork ironers, I'm trying to keep up my numbers of blankets. Cheers, Mal.
    Absolutely, be glad to!
    Glad everything is going well, top 50 here we come. Mal.
    You are a GREAT addition to our alliance. Man, does it take a lot to crack the top 50 though!!
    Also, if you haven't already done so, please check you inbox. I posted a note to our alliance welcoming you aboard!!
    Hi, Thanks for the invite, flights going out left, right and centre. Cheers, Mal.
    Glad to have you aboard!!
    Are there any particular gifts you need or want? My main game can't send fuel 20.
    a29icmc, Biggles857, Mal.
    Thank you. I just sent you a neighbor invite. When you accept it, I will send you an invite to the alliance!!
    I just sent you an invite to our alliance. Please join Eastern Alliance!!
    Hi, I see you are looking for alliance members, I do about 45 - 50k passengers a week. I'm on android, I don't know if this will make a difference. Mal.
    If you want to give it a go, I will send you an invite right now. Our alliance is Eastern Alliance. I will send you a game invite first!! What is your neighbor code?
    hello, could you add me as yur neighbors ?
    friend code aalm14s

    Could you accept me as a neighbour, Biggles857. code a29icmc. I don't have your code. Thanks.
    Sent request for all your games from my support game Infiltrados. Thanks to accept
    I inadvertently deleted your request on three of my games, so I sent you friend requests from those three. I did already accept from the other two games.
    Eric I forgot to mention on the 500 stars that I wouldn't have got there without great support from neighbours thank your for you help when times were hard
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    Reactions: belledohna and LAX
    No problem, Neil, I was the same way when my game was blocked. If it weren't for this forum & fantastic neighbors like you, I would have quit playing a long time ago.
    Eric how is your game performing after update, i cant wait to get home and turn on the ipad? Just read the posts still not update on iOS grrr
    Eric - received a H T and G M !!! TY and TY -- need 2x HT and 4x GM - Thanks - Bill - ps my signature is up to date.
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