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  • Hi Dave, sorry to bother you but I have the same problem than last week. I am able to post on profiles only, I can't reply on threads and I can't post on any threads (since only few hours, all day I was able to post). Any idea of what could be the problem ? Thanks
    Hi, the problem is that I am always log in, each time I open the forum, I am log in. Do I have to log out and log in after ? The only thing I can do for now is to post on profile and read but not reply
    Have you tried logging out and then back in.

    I was able to log into your account to test it and was able to post on threads.
    • Like
    Reactions: rocky
    Thanks for answering me. I opened the forum few minutes ago and it still doesn't work, I can not send a message like usual, I have to post in the neighbour's profile, and a lot of other things are not accessible
    Working on it now and also awaiting the software developers to get in touch with me. Let me know if it starts working.
    Seems to be working fine now. Just logged in as you and was able to view and post etc.
    Hi, I sent this message to Cosmic Blue hoping that one of you two can help me to have my account active on this forum.
    Hi, I had to change my email to have access to the forum, I did all the steps, I follow the link and I came back to the forum and I got that message: Your email has been confirmed and your account is now fully active again.
    But it's not active
    All seems in order. Try again now
    Hi Dave,
    Could you add me as a neighbour, I'm level 60, 124 stars and 8 hearts. My code is a29icmc.
    Mal ( Biggles857 )
    Hi Dave! could you please accept me as a friend? my code is aue36kn. I'd like to visit your planetariums. I am on a 60 level and have 483 stars. thank you in advance
    One short question: before you set me with yellow star, for 500+ stars, my username on page was red, as your now... Now i am black. Can you set this back to red? Hope i explain properly... :D
    Hmm, strange. Im about to go away for 3 days, will will have a look into it when i get back :)
    Gt city
    Gt city
    Sure, no problem. Enjoy your trip. Greetz from my vacation :D
    Sorry to disturb you again: I see you set me flag "Administrator".. There, on section "Members Online", i am as "Well-known Member" now, before i got yellow star, i was administrator.
    Could this be solved by another group or something ?
    I tried to loging as administrator, and it works...
    Should be sorted now! Fingers crossed!
    As, since i was Top poster of previous month, i was wondering if there is still any iOS/android reward.... Probably not. Please, do not understand me, that i want something... That is question only... hehe :D
    Only did the reward for January. Proved far too difficult because the winner was in a country where you couldnt buy ios/google vouchers for!
    Gt city
    Gt city
    Hey, as i told, no problem. Was just a question! I assumed we stopped with that!
    As you will probably read, i wrote to you several things: my 500 star is not working. I tried to set it for me, but then i lost my privileges as Admin, i was downgraded as Mod. So CosmicBlue set me cack to Admin and remove my yellow star. So he told me, when you will be back, you can check and set it, if possible. No rush for that!
    Done :)
    Gt city
    Gt city
    Ok,i see. But now i lost the ability as "Administrator". I am "Well-known member" now... That is what CosmicBlue told me.... It should be other hack....
    Can you still do things as an Administrator, or is it the title changing from Admin to Well known member you mean?
    hi Dave,
    If you send me some level 8 items, I will hit return to see what is sent back, I used to be able to send router and VOIP which you need.
    Hi Dave, I've sent you an invitation. Will hou accept iT please? Tx!
    Strange, no request has come through yet.
    Strange it is!aybe you can add me? Friend code is af2bgsv. Thanks!
    @Dave. I know anubhav jain, uses AJ as initials on airport, but is there another AJ as in AJay, here in forums? I have one on neighbors list but he has been away for over a week now. Just wondering if he was here.
    Hi Ken, not sure off the top of me head. Might be worth asking in the Airport City chat section as I'm sure someone might know.
    First Of all @KenDuckySmith ,
    i dont use AJ as intails rather i use My full name in game-Anubhav Jain.
    Also @Ajay Is on the Forum,But He had Uninstalled the Game.
    Anubhav jain
    Deleted member 5399
    @Anubhav Jain. Thanks for the update on AJay. Now i know enough to delete from neighbor list.
    Hi Dave,

    Please add my games:
    Username: !BN - Item I Need
    Friendcode: af6wttd

    Username: !CN - Item I Need
    Friendcode: a5ghpw5

    Username: !BN2 - Item I Need
    Friendcode: atwzwmm

    Or send me your friends code.

    Have done , thanks
    Hi Dave,

    Will you also change my username to BM rather.

    Will change it now.
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