Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Cosmic Blue
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  • I would like to be your neighbor.Friend code w15cb5z ,level 60 ,game name Radu/NcMod/FlHos
    Do you accept me ?
    How could you change the status in your signature. I am a daily player since september 2013 and think that I am an active member.
    Thanks for the note on the forum. Would appreciate your friend code for Windows 8 PC. mine are wrjdk4e and w1abt8m
    Can you access to forum from computer, it seems it is not working for some, also me... But it works from tablet and phone...
    ok cosmic blue I have you in my neighbour(yar) ,now can you send me oscillating beacon all time ?And for you what do you whant?
    hi cosmic blue I am interesting to do a daily gift excahange with you,are you interested by me ?I am a daily player my user name is rocky friend code wqgv9lo.

    Add me as ur frnd. I have just started playing. Will appreciate anything you send.
    Code is : wcp7sxe

    I need : Dispatcher console, Flight goggle & text book.
    Please send it to me :(
    QL party now, if you want join lukasz (lukehome). 3 QL are involved, there is special post for this ocasion (y)
    yar, not having luck with GI recovering my previous game. So here is my new friend code, wh0h3fx.
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