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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  • I request you, who are long-time subscribers, to announce the link of Friday's points (at the earliest opportunity).
    Dave, I just completed my first quest ever (Winter Dream 2022) and did not know to send a picture of reaching level 40 to get a "reward". So. I'm too late for this one (can't get the screen shot) but is this the normal process when completing a quest?
    I am still at a loss on how I go about this forum? Is my signature the same as my user name : shaper? I did put up a question yesterday and so far I cannot find it or even an answer? I did mention that I am an oldie (79) and female.
    shaper A-R
    shaper A-R
    Can I be neighbors or friends with anyone? I also would like to know where my and what a FC is please,anyone? I don't seem to be able to get a reply to any of my questions so fr.
    Hi, you'll be better posting on the actual forum so everyone can see it.
    shaper A-R
    shaper A-R
    Thank you
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    Reactions: Dave
    David help me. I have Windows10. I've been playing for several years. I spent a lot of money on this game. But now I have a problem. I have no update on 12/12/16. I have no next events. what should I do. How to update the program. Thank you
    Have a read of the forum and you will see about the current windows issues.
    Hi Dave. Since you are one of the main Airport City Attendants may I add you also as a neighbor? My friend code is 20r1jac7z (Sorry). Also, I am still getting the ads after paying the small fee. Can you help? Also, where is the "vip lounge"? I originally contacted Cosmic Blue and he said contact you. I checked with my bank and the charge went through so I thought I should have this stuff available. Thanks.
    Because I paid the small fee, what can I do daily to make up for these losses even though I'm paying? Not sure if the few dollars are worth it then. I'd rather have free 100 units of fuel daily for spending 2 and 1/2 minutes watching. Can you help? Please advise how to make up for losses. Thank you
    Ok. lied to you. Now it is showing the ads in order for me to get the free stuff. It just wasn't working at all before. You know. The "unavailable" grey button. I haven't used anything today so it just wasn't working at all.
    @iambobone , do you mean on the actual game? The forum and game are not connected. The VIP Package is for the forum only.
    Hi Dave! I was trying to choose a gift to send you but I don’t have enough info, neither on your game’s name nor here...
    Hi Dave, are you updating the Forum or is it my internet?! Things just seem off. Best Regards, Nicola
    hi!! my code is: 03mnrytv !! many thanks for accepting and adding! please send me some things and i will do the same
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