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Cosmic Blue
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  • Hi Cosmic Blue. Since you are one of the main Airport City Attendants may I add you also as a neighbor? My friend code is 20r1jac7z (Sorry). Also, I am still getting the ads after paying the small fee. Can you help? Also, where is the "vip lounge"? Thanks. Pilot 1
    I’ve sent you a request from my games. Hope u can accept
    Cosmic Blue
    Cosmic Blue
    acceped invite launch in progress, if you would like to join.
    Daniel De Gracia
    Have u accepted both request?
    I'm new to space launch and am hoping to join a green QL launch. Please may I join up with you?
    If you can let me join, please would you let me know exactly what actions I need to take?
    I hope this request is not too inconvenient.
    Having read your details, I feel that you will do what you can to get me started with space launches.
    Many thanks
    Hello Cosmic Blue, thanks for the award for bad santa's day....pls remember to award me the Holiday Rush award as well...thanks...
    Hi. Was wondering if you could tell me how to post Private Msgs on this board?

    • Like
    Reactions: Michael Gardner
    Michael Gardner
    Having same problem as you, wondering if you got an answer?
    I did send you an invite from my windows game. Please note that it is really just a support game for me as I am only on level 27. I certainly will send you anything that I can that will help you out!!
    Hi, I have received this answer earlier from the forum people:
    I have just logged into your account and was able to post and reply and still see your signature. Can somebody help me please ?cause I can not post, reply and my signature page is blank
    Hi Cosmic Blue, sorry to bother you but I have the same problem than last week. I am able to post on profiles only, I can't reply on threads and I can't post on any threads. I sent the same message to Dave yesterday and this morning, I just sent a message to the general forum to ''Contact us'' at the bottom of the 1st page asking them to help me
    Hi, I had to change my email to have access to the forum, I did all the steps, I follow the link and I came back to the forum and I got that message: Your email has been confirmed and your account is now fully active again.
    But it is not active, what should I do ?
    hi... please add me to be your neighbors or advise your friend code.

    my friend code : aalm14s

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