A public launch group that does red launches every weekday. Just request an invite if you want to participate. Launch rules below:
Launch Rules
New additions shown in purple
1) Launches will be done on my pad (NV7). If we have 10 or more people, a second rocket will be placed on Aviatrix's pad (Skpr). See Section 10 in regards to handling overfills and the 2nd rocket
2) For now, launch time each day will be 17:00 UTC (16:00 UTC when we switch to Daylight Savings Time), starting on Monday, November 5, 2018. We will launch every Monday through Friday, and have the weekends off. We will wait 7 minutes after launch time for late participants to join, and 3 minutes to load up. After 7 minutes, your spot will be taken by someone else, and we will proceed without you. If time creep becomes significant (60 minutes past the original launch time on Monday), we will take a break the following day, resetting the time back to 17:00 utc
3)Points: The points spread for all launches are given below. If we have more than 8 participants, then the remaining points (132 points) will be spread amongst the positions 8 and below. Those points will be determined when the launch list is posted.
Reds (default points)
#1 (936 pts)
#2 (576 pts)
#3 (576 pts)
#4 (256 pts)
#5 (256 pts)
#6 (134 pts)
#7 (134 pts)
#8 (48 pts)
#9 (48 pts)
#10 (48 pts)
4) Positions will be assigned one day prior to each launch. You can call for a position in the daily public thread as soon as I have made the announcement to pick your spots. I will not consider position requests made before I made this announcement, including Sunday morning biddings. Support accounts will be first placed below 7th place to allow main accounts to get rewards, and will be moved up if the top 7 positions aren't filled. Players can interchange their main and support for this purpose.
I need all participants to stick around until the rocket is launched, as we often need to LFT Load (explained below in Rule #7). After each successful launch and 5 participants have signed up, you will see a list with the assigned positions shown for the next launch. No list posted means there will be no launch that day, as we always need 5 participants. If you are assigned 8th place and below, please only put in 12 points and wait for everyone else to get into position. Once everyone is in position, add your points up to 48. If done correctly, it should launch us.
5) Captains must be willing to take responsibility for launching the rocket if all else fails. I will always take captain on the Monday and Friday launches. The other days are yours to select, and I won't fly as captain on those days unless nobody wants it.
6) Newcomers: New participants are always welcomed, but they must join the Captain's Queue and wait their turn to become captain. Also, they must take position 8th or lower (what we call the Jumper Seats) on their first launch to get a handle on how the launches operate.
Read Section 9: Captain's Queue for more details.
7)Large Fuel Tank (LFT) Loading: LFT loading is a procedure in which all launch participants add an LFT to their points until the rocket lifts off the pad. This is only done once all participants are in and have deposited their assigned amount of points. Once that is done, it is up to me to decide when LFT loading will commence. Always wait for my message stating so. We will always keep adding until we launch, but DO NOT ADD if you will hop over someone in launch position. Wait until they add, and then keep adding if need be.
8) Violators/Hijackers: To reduce the odds of hijacking, please only load 2 points when you board the rocket until everyone is onboard. Once everyone is aboard, the rocket will be locked and everyone will get into position. If I see any unusual activity on the pad in terms of points addition, the person will be removed, no questions asked. If you made an innocent mistake, I will let you participate, but address it with all who are affected in the public thread, and we can make amendments in future launches.
9) Captain's Queue
-The Captain's Queue is the secondary list where each of you will sign up to be captain on a constantly rotating list.
-I will not be included in the rotation, since I have Mondays and Fridays already
-If you are set to be captain, you MUST partake in the launches of the other participants. You no longer have to partake in the previous day's launch, but if you only launch with us when it is your turn for captain, you will be removed from the queue without any notification.
-Captains must show up for their assigned launch days, no questions asked. If you know you can't make a launch, you can switch permanently with someone else in the queue. If you miss your captain's launch without any prior notification (even if you didn't sign up), you will be skipped in the rotation....no questions asked.
-If a launch gets canceled due to low participation, you will be moved to the next available day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Mondays and Fridays are not negotiable.
-If I lose a launch day, I will NOT take one of your launch days. I will work only with the days that are mine.
10) Overfill and The Second Rocket
If we have 10 or more people sign up, a second rocket will be introduced to the pad by Aviatrix. Here is how signups will be handled.
- For the second rocket, I will move people over based on their initial requests first...on a first come, first serve basis.
-If all else fails, I will move the bottom portion of the list to the 2nd rocket.
-The person next in the queue will take captain, so when more than 10 people sign up, an extra person from the queue will be captain. I recommend that you partake in the 2 launches just before your turn to be captain, in case your shot at captain comes early.
-Whenever a second rocket is used, the host (Aviatrix) will always have 2nd place locked. I will keep tabs on the list of both rockets, so no worries about getting things mixed up.
-During a launch, please only comment in the thread if something is wrong. With two launches going on, I would like for only the hosts to comment to give clear instructions to those who need it. Pay attention to your host, based on the rocket you're assigned to!
-With 2 rockets, it's imperative that all participants are on time! We will load up based on the arrival of the latest rocket, and we will be very strict with the 10 minute time limit.
-With two rockets, LFT loading will occur pretty much everytime, so be prepared to put in more points.
11) Preboarding
-We will always pre-board when we start the week's launch at 12:00 utc (11:00 utc for daylight saving time). This is to prevent time creep
-Pad will be closed unless tagged by a person ready to board.
-If everyone is in place except for one person, we will give the person 1 hour to report to the pad, unless they stated their expected arrival time in advance or give a status update on launch day. This includes Captain positions.
I know it seems like a lot at once, but once you've participated in a couple launches, it will become second nature....and it is highly efficient in regards to reducing time and cost to launch. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks and look forward to working with you all.

Launch Rules
New additions shown in purple
1) Launches will be done on my pad (NV7). If we have 10 or more people, a second rocket will be placed on Aviatrix's pad (Skpr). See Section 10 in regards to handling overfills and the 2nd rocket
2) For now, launch time each day will be 17:00 UTC (16:00 UTC when we switch to Daylight Savings Time), starting on Monday, November 5, 2018. We will launch every Monday through Friday, and have the weekends off. We will wait 7 minutes after launch time for late participants to join, and 3 minutes to load up. After 7 minutes, your spot will be taken by someone else, and we will proceed without you. If time creep becomes significant (60 minutes past the original launch time on Monday), we will take a break the following day, resetting the time back to 17:00 utc
3)Points: The points spread for all launches are given below. If we have more than 8 participants, then the remaining points (132 points) will be spread amongst the positions 8 and below. Those points will be determined when the launch list is posted.
Reds (default points)
#1 (936 pts)
#2 (576 pts)
#3 (576 pts)
#4 (256 pts)
#5 (256 pts)
#6 (134 pts)
#7 (134 pts)
#8 (48 pts)
#9 (48 pts)
#10 (48 pts)
4) Positions will be assigned one day prior to each launch. You can call for a position in the daily public thread as soon as I have made the announcement to pick your spots. I will not consider position requests made before I made this announcement, including Sunday morning biddings. Support accounts will be first placed below 7th place to allow main accounts to get rewards, and will be moved up if the top 7 positions aren't filled. Players can interchange their main and support for this purpose.
I need all participants to stick around until the rocket is launched, as we often need to LFT Load (explained below in Rule #7). After each successful launch and 5 participants have signed up, you will see a list with the assigned positions shown for the next launch. No list posted means there will be no launch that day, as we always need 5 participants. If you are assigned 8th place and below, please only put in 12 points and wait for everyone else to get into position. Once everyone is in position, add your points up to 48. If done correctly, it should launch us.
5) Captains must be willing to take responsibility for launching the rocket if all else fails. I will always take captain on the Monday and Friday launches. The other days are yours to select, and I won't fly as captain on those days unless nobody wants it.
6) Newcomers: New participants are always welcomed, but they must join the Captain's Queue and wait their turn to become captain. Also, they must take position 8th or lower (what we call the Jumper Seats) on their first launch to get a handle on how the launches operate.
Read Section 9: Captain's Queue for more details.
7)Large Fuel Tank (LFT) Loading: LFT loading is a procedure in which all launch participants add an LFT to their points until the rocket lifts off the pad. This is only done once all participants are in and have deposited their assigned amount of points. Once that is done, it is up to me to decide when LFT loading will commence. Always wait for my message stating so. We will always keep adding until we launch, but DO NOT ADD if you will hop over someone in launch position. Wait until they add, and then keep adding if need be.
8) Violators/Hijackers: To reduce the odds of hijacking, please only load 2 points when you board the rocket until everyone is onboard. Once everyone is aboard, the rocket will be locked and everyone will get into position. If I see any unusual activity on the pad in terms of points addition, the person will be removed, no questions asked. If you made an innocent mistake, I will let you participate, but address it with all who are affected in the public thread, and we can make amendments in future launches.
9) Captain's Queue
-The Captain's Queue is the secondary list where each of you will sign up to be captain on a constantly rotating list.
-I will not be included in the rotation, since I have Mondays and Fridays already
-If you are set to be captain, you MUST partake in the launches of the other participants. You no longer have to partake in the previous day's launch, but if you only launch with us when it is your turn for captain, you will be removed from the queue without any notification.
-Captains must show up for their assigned launch days, no questions asked. If you know you can't make a launch, you can switch permanently with someone else in the queue. If you miss your captain's launch without any prior notification (even if you didn't sign up), you will be skipped in the rotation....no questions asked.
-If a launch gets canceled due to low participation, you will be moved to the next available day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Mondays and Fridays are not negotiable.
-If I lose a launch day, I will NOT take one of your launch days. I will work only with the days that are mine.
10) Overfill and The Second Rocket
If we have 10 or more people sign up, a second rocket will be introduced to the pad by Aviatrix. Here is how signups will be handled.
- For the second rocket, I will move people over based on their initial requests first...on a first come, first serve basis.
-If all else fails, I will move the bottom portion of the list to the 2nd rocket.
-The person next in the queue will take captain, so when more than 10 people sign up, an extra person from the queue will be captain. I recommend that you partake in the 2 launches just before your turn to be captain, in case your shot at captain comes early.
-Whenever a second rocket is used, the host (Aviatrix) will always have 2nd place locked. I will keep tabs on the list of both rockets, so no worries about getting things mixed up.
-During a launch, please only comment in the thread if something is wrong. With two launches going on, I would like for only the hosts to comment to give clear instructions to those who need it. Pay attention to your host, based on the rocket you're assigned to!
-With 2 rockets, it's imperative that all participants are on time! We will load up based on the arrival of the latest rocket, and we will be very strict with the 10 minute time limit.
-With two rockets, LFT loading will occur pretty much everytime, so be prepared to put in more points.
11) Preboarding
-We will always pre-board when we start the week's launch at 12:00 utc (11:00 utc for daylight saving time). This is to prevent time creep
-Pad will be closed unless tagged by a person ready to board.
-If everyone is in place except for one person, we will give the person 1 hour to report to the pad, unless they stated their expected arrival time in advance or give a status update on launch day. This includes Captain positions.
I know it seems like a lot at once, but once you've participated in a couple launches, it will become second nature....and it is highly efficient in regards to reducing time and cost to launch. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks and look forward to working with you all.