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Thursday 30th January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

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350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Deetee04 - Tom's post and now yours confirms how we need to monitor completions of the LVL 8 buildings .
So I will not complete any of the LVL 8 Buildings until I'm pretty sure my neighbors are all set up too.
This means coming onto the site and checking each day. But I will do it!! Bill(y)
NOTE: Any neighbors that have not started upgrading (collecting items) had better start very soon or they will have to pay GREENIES!!!

Brexter pwcmvj Neil ellor Bali Hi sportybear Pakman HP- Rabblerouser greensmith Simp1710 Beckyp flip123 LAX Pilot2 Rsorour Simondo Gt city Uncle Mans Rocco One Bad Day

Mrstepot Becky I thought I copied youon this post but I didn't - please read the info above. Bill (y)


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad

Sent flatwork ironer, no need to return as I'm way behind in my little phone game ;)
Thanks, Happy Helen! I am so low on coins that it will be a while before I can buy a laundry, Giant plane, etc. I am glad to know you are in the same boat. When everyone else finishes their level 8 buildings, their ability to send those items as gifts will disappear. At least we will both be able to gift to each other! :)


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Mrstepot Becky I thought I copied youon this post but I didn't - please read the info above. Bill (y)
Thanks, billsnj
I have a dilemma because I don't have enough coins right now to purchase the level 8 buildings. I will have to hope that some neighbors will also be completing the level 8 buildings slowly, or else I will be unable to send/receive level 8 gifts when they are needed. Maybe some neighbors with second games like mine are in the same boat. I know Happy Helen is!
Feel free to send level 8 items to both my games for as long as you can! ;)
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
flip123, I think the "space between names" for iOS bug has been fixed.
I was able to add Gt city from my Android games (he couldn't add me). Try it next time!
Bali Hi, Thanks, will try this. They lifted the restriction of sending invites from blocked games. That is an improvement too. Havent been able for month to sent invites.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
GS4: GamingSwiftie4 (iPad), GS5: 04skwc5l
GS4, GS5
Uncle Mans - The problem is that we didn't know either until some of you found out and issued warnings that the level 8 items disappear from the gifting options when you completely build the level 8 building. So, like Mrstepot after the warnings came out, we quickly spoke up and are now asking for level 8 items even though we're no where near ready to use them. For instance, most of my stuff is at level 3. But, by the time I get up to level 8, no one will have level 8 items. :cry: So, I've added level 8 items to my signature hoping that my lovely neighbors understand that I can't return them because of GI. So, yeah, you're not the only one shocked... we are too. o_O
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
Uncle Mans - The problem is that we didn't know either until some of you found out and issued warnings that the level 8 items disappear from the gifting options when you completely build the level 8 building. So, like Mrstepot after the warnings came out, we quickly spoke up and are now asking for level 8 items even though we're no where near ready to use them. For instance, most of my stuff is at level 3. But, by the time I get up to level 8, no one will have level 8 items. :cry: So, I've added level 8 items to my signature hoping that my lovely neighbors understand that I can't return them because of GI. So, yeah, you're not the only one shocked... we are too. o_O

GS -

I have a total of 5 devices running AC (as you can imagine, I can't keep up!). One is Level 45 (and can gift Level 8), one is Level 42 and is banned (and GI won't tell me why) and the other 3 are in your boat where they are no where ready to use. After seeing Level 7 gifts go away :mad: , I totally support everyone putting Level 7 or 8 gifts in their list for later. :)


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
GS4: GamingSwiftie4 (iPad), GS5: 04skwc5l
GS4, GS5
Wow... And here I was thinking I was brave for attempting to restart both of mine at more or less the same time... Even though I definitely favor GS4 due to the platform and it will show in huge progression over time.
You are a very brave soul for running 5 games!

But, yeah the loss of level 7 items also took me by surprise (found that out at same time as level 8 disappearing)... not looking forward to the level 7 madness that I'm bound to encounter. :( But hoping to at least not compound matters with level 8 too... *sigh*
Thank goodness for friendly neighbors and this forum!
  1. iPhone
So many needs, so little time! If anyone sees anything specific from my list they want/need, let me know with a private message, or tagging me on here, otherwise I've just been hitting "send in return"... I've sent a few new friend requests, and a few that wouldn't work (might have tried in the past?) - Bali Hi, billsnj ? Maybe try adding me? Still can't see flip123 on my list, and Gt city is still in my pending requests?? I love GI so much (y)

Neil ellor

1300+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Captain tneil, 044gapqe
Captain tneil, Captain Ne2
I've been very busy updating as per the above conversations. I didn't realise I needed so much(n)
Many thanks (y) for all the gifts and i apologies for not returning everything from Ne2 its difficult gifting from only one game:(


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
So many needs, so little time! If anyone sees anything specific from my list they want/need, let me know with a private message, or tagging me on here, otherwise I've just been hitting "send in return"... I've sent a few new friend requests, and a few that wouldn't work (might have tried in the past?) - Bali Hi, billsnj ? Maybe try adding me? Still can't see flip123 on my list, and Gt city is still in my pending requests?? I love GI so much (y)

joboo Just attempted to add you using game name Joboo didn't work ??? Please try adding me game name - ERB22 - Will be glad to help you with LVL 8 items. Bill -


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Thanks, billsnj
I have a dilemma because I don't have enough coins right now to purchase the level 8 buildings. I will have to hope that some neighbors will also be completing the level 8 buildings slowly, or else I will be unable to send/receive level 8 gifts when they are needed. Maybe some neighbors with second games like mine are in the same boat. I know Happy Helen is!
Feel free to send level 8 items to both my games for as long as you can! ;)

Mrstepot Becky - I would advise you to attempted to colecr as many LVL 8 items as possible - with focus on the Terminal, Town Hall & Control Tower. There are several items that are really hard to get and as you neighbors complete they will not be able to GIFT you. The result will bethat in the future you will have to find "NEW" neighbors and they may not be on this fourm. (y) Take a look at my signature and you will see what I meand. -- Bill -- :cool:i


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Mrstepot Becky - I would advise you to attempted to colecr as many LVL 8 items as possible - with focus on the Terminal, Town Hall & Control Tower. There are several items that are really hard to get and as you neighbors complete they will not be able to GIFT you. The result will bethat in the future you will have to find "NEW" neighbors and they may not be on this fourm. (y) Take a look at my signature and you will see what I meand. -- Bill -- :cool:i
billsnj - thank you for the advice. I am asking for level 8 items while they are available. I cannot return gifts from my blocked account, and so far my android game can only send a centrifuge, compass, and blanket. I am totally at the mercy of my generous neighbors. However, I already know that a few of us are in the same position with our second games and hopefully we can help each other out when we get to the point where we can build level 8 buildings. Uncle Mans GamingSwiftie Happy Helen Neil ellor Simp1710 flip123 Pakman Jahuno.
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