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Does anyone know or have a neighbour 'bigrigmike' ?
After my post about blue launch he put about 1200pts within 1 hour...
Ok, I haven't written this time that I'm going to take 1st place (was obvious for me because I have used 2 PEBs before posting)...
What really hurts are this two PEBs :(
  1. iPad
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I was hijacked in the past week. The launch had only just begun, and I was two whole minutes into it and adding points as quickly as possible but this other neighbour Irina Pilot had faster points and got to 1000 points before me. What got to me is that I rarely have enough points to start a launch and this person took it away from me. At least give the initiator enough time to add in their points! Obviously this person had enough points to start their own launch, and should have started their own launch.
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Happy Helen
I was hijacked in the past week. The launch had only just begun, and I was two whole minutes into it and adding points as quickly as possible but this other neighbour Irina Pilot had faster points and got to 1000 points before me. What got to me is that I rarely have enough points to start a launch and this person took it away from me. At least give the initiator enough time to add in their points! Obviously this person had enough points to start their own launch, and should have started their own launch.
I never start or join a launch if I don't have enough points.
I joined a launch a few days ago with 42 minutes left and only 775 points or so added, so I finished the launch, I also sent them a PM.
I didn't see it as a hijack as otherwise they would have lost their points. It's a new neighbour and I haven't heard back.
The majority of my neighbours have been with me for some time so are trustworthy,

How many neighbours do you have pwcmvj?

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I've got nothing against someone taking first place in a launch if it is obvious that the launch won't complete otherwise, and that the neighbours haven't put in any points since they entered the launch.
What I objected to was having finally amassed over 1000 points and someone hijacking first place before I had the chance to put all my points in.
Sometimes you have a heap of 40 points items and no 360 point items.

HH currently I have 108 neighbours although a percentage of them are no longer active and a percentage of them (like yourself) I used to be able to visit regularly but now I get a message saying that you are inactive - which is patently false. Recently the number has gone up with forum members who are looking for neighbours with universities.

I've also noticed during this Back to School challenge that I am no longer seeing the faces/avatars of neighbours who have visited my airport and clicked on something. Have you experienced this?

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
now I get a message saying that you are inactive - which is patently false.
I have same, with many of neighbours, but i know they are daily players. It looks like very anoying GI bug... :blackeye:

I've also noticed during this Back to School challenge that I am no longer seeing the faces/avatars of neighbours who have visited my airport and clicked on something. Have you experienced this?
Also same here, did not seen anyone for more then a week. Because of this quest, i am in need of Fuel, so i just clicking on Hangars of neighbours.
But even on my second account, if i visited it, there is no faces/avatars. Same when i visited myself from main to support account - nothing.

And, what is even worse, drop rate goes down. Every 8-10th flight drop items.... And even Universities - i have 4 - sometimes i got one item, sometimes two, sometimes nothing... :confused:
  1. Android
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Lukasz, pwcmvj,

It's a shame that there are still hijackers around who steals your place in the launch.

Why don't you two arrange for a joint launch with yourselves and other members of the forum, and take turns at being #1? It makes it harder for hijackers to take over #1 position.

I used to arrange launches with Sophie, s8s, Blackcloud, Red Fox One, Happy Helen, it makes successful launches so much easier to accomplish.

Ok, I haven't arranged my launch before the launch. But After putting some points I have written the post on the forum, than I had to do something at home and 1 hour later the rocket started.
I certainly feel for you guys, but at least you CAN have a launch hijacked. I have had to launch solo for months now because of GI's banishment for a false time travel claim. It has taken me forever, but I FINALLY got Haley's comet for the final piece in my 1st Alien Legacy. Believe me, you have to have lots of stuff saved up in order to launch on your own. It takes forever to accumulate!!

However, I do agree that it is pretty low to hijack somebody else's launch.
  1. Android
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I certainly feel for you guys, but at least you CAN have a launch hijacked. I have had to launch solo for months now because of GI's banishment for a false time travel claim. It has taken me forever, but I FINALLY got Haley's comet for the final piece in my 1st Alien Legacy. Believe me, you have to have lots of stuff saved up in order to launch on your own. It takes forever to accumulate!!

However, I do agree that it is pretty low to hijack somebody else's launch.

I know how you feel. I had that luck that my game was banned only 5 weeks. In that time I have started only 3 launches alone. Good luck!!!
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Just been hijacked again by the same person, I had put in 1158 points and came back after an hour and Pulman220 had strategically worked out a way to hijack my launch and put in 1178 points what an absolute arse, he's done this to me twice except last time I just managed to pip him at the expense of an explosive bolt. Has anyone else been hijacked by pulman220?
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Happy Helen
I've got nothing against someone taking first place in a launch if it is obvious that the launch won't complete otherwise, and that the neighbours haven't put in any points since they entered the launch.
What I objected to was having finally amassed over 1000 points and someone hijacking first place before I had the chance to put all my points in.
Sometimes you have a heap of 40 points items and no 360 point items.

HH currently I have 108 neighbours although a percentage of them are no longer active and a percentage of them (like yourself) I used to be able to visit regularly but now I get a message saying that you are inactive - which is patently false. Recently the number has gone up with forum members who are looking for neighbours with universities.

I've also noticed during this Back to School challenge that I am no longer seeing the faces/avatars of neighbours who have visited my airport and clicked on something. Have you experienced this?

Crickey, that's a lot of neighbours! A lot of scrolling to get to who you want!
I am getting only a few neighbours visiting, so we are all experiencing same bug :(


500+ Star Club
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Almost as bad as hijacking, IMO, are the "negligent creators". I've seen someone put ~1100pts in within minutes, then zero for nearly 24 hours waiting for someone else to complete it. I don't condone hijacking, but expecting someone else to complete your launch after 1000pts is nearly as bad. I understand not wanting to use the big items, but at least check back a couple times to put in the smaller ones. There have been times with only two in a launch where I need >900pts in the last hour just so it doesn't fail... if I use that many points I want a gold chest to show for it. It's even worse when the only option that doesn't hijack (due to going over still counting towards gold) is to constantly work the cool-down timers (while hoping the launch doesn't expire).


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Just had someone join a launch with ~15hrs left... didn't put in a single point (I finished it before going to sleep with ~6hrs remaining). I almost wanted to let it fail just to piss them off, but had already put in ~1600pts. Ug!

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