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How To Obtain The Gold Tokens And The Silver Tokens During Long Term Active Game Play

I have written this user guide to provide you with a good understanding of how to obtain Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, during long term game play, where you can spend them, and what you can spend them on. The user guide is for those of you who have been playing your game for a considerable period of time, and have a well established game. You will need to have a fully functioning space program, able to undertake Green, Blue, Red launch flights and able to fly adventure maps. Without these two capabilities, your options to obtain gold tokens and silver tokens will be greatly limited.

The user guide is not intended for those of you who are new to the game, and have only been playing for a brief period of time. It will however, still be useful for you to read through the user guide at some point, because it will give you a valuable insight into an important part of your future game play.

There will be seven options available to you, during long term game play, in order to obtain gold tokens and silver tokens. These options are, The Space Program, Flying Adventure Maps, The Space Program Mission Tables, Purchase Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens Through The Bank, Purchase Tokens During Discount Sale Periods and Other Discount Sale Items, The Special Events and Top 10 Ranked Weekly Standard Flight Destinations Table. The options available will depend on where you are in your game and how developed your game is:

Option One:- The Space Program
By taking part in multiple red launch flights and completing the Water World Collection, you will receive 5,000 gold coins, 2,000 experience points and a golden chest (inside there will be 3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and two items needed for space launch preparation). You will also be rewarded with a Rocket Garden, every time you complete three Water World Collection flights.​
Each Rocket Garden, to a maximum of 6, will produce one collectable item per day, there will be 20 collectable items, from the following four collections, Dark Side of The Moon, Big Brother, Lunar Race and Distant Prospects. By completing each of the four collections, you will be able to collect space program items. You will also be rewarded with coins, experience points and a launch ready blue box.​
Option Two:- Flying Adventure Maps
Each map will cost 2,000 gold coins and can only be purchased from the airship store. When you complete a set, you will receive rewards of gold coins and experience points (the amount will depend on the completed set e.g. 1,600 gold coins and 600 experience points or 2,000 gold coins and 1,000 experience points) and rewarded with one of the following two chests Golden Chest (3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units, and two items needed for spaceship launch preparation), Large Bronze Chest (1 gold token, 6 silver tokens, 50 fuel units, and an item needed for spaceship launch preparation).​
By completing each adventure set six times you will also be rewarded with one collectable item, and a building which will produce one collectable item per day and also increase your city population by +50. You can view all 19 adventure sets by clicking on the collections tab (the fourth icon along the bottom of your game screen, then select the fifth icon down, on the left hand side) and then scroll.​
Option Three: - The Space Program Mission Tables
By finishing in the top 3 of the following space missions tables, Apogee Mission (green rocket), Prometheus Mission (blue rocket) and Lunar Mission (red shuttle) you will be rewarded with the following chests, which will include gold and silver tokens. You will be able to access the ratings tables, by selecting the sixth icon along the bottom of your screen. Once open, you will be able to select the 3rd, 4th and 5th icons along the top row of the menu:​
Apogee Mission - Green Rocket - 3rd Icon
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens, 300 Units of Fuel and 300 Passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 Gold Tokens, 15 Silver Tokens, 150 Units of Fuel and 150 Passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 Gold Tokens, 10 Silver Tokens, 50 Units of Fuel and 50 Passengers)​
Prometheus Mission - Blue Rocket - 4th Icon
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 Gold tokens, 20 Silver Tokens, 300 Units of Fuel and 300 Passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 Gold Tokens, 15 Silver Tokens, 150 Units of Fuel and 150 Passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 Gold Tokens, 10 Silver Tokens, 50 Units of Fuel and 50 Passengers)​
Lunar Mission - Red Shuttle - 5th Icon
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens, 300 Units of Fuel units 300 Passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 Gold Tokens, 15 Silver Tokens, 150 Units of Fuel and 150 Passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (the chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 Gold Tokens, 10 Silver Tokens, 50 Units of Fuel and 50 Passengers)​
Option Four:- Purchase Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens Through The Bank
With this option you will need to spend some money, the amount will depend on the gold tokens and silver tokens chests for sale, and on the amount of tokens contained in each of the chests. You will need to visit the bank (click on the green notes icon, in the top right hand corner of your game screen), to open the menu and view the six chests for sale.​

Once open you will find three icon options, along the top row of the menu, Tokens, Coins and Airport Cash. By selecting the first option, you will find six chests for sale, three of them will contain 100, 800 and 2,000 silver tokens and the other three will contain 10, 60 and 200 gold tokens. The amount of money you will need to spend will depend on your choice of chest purchase.​
Option Five - Purchase Tokens During Discount Sale Periods and Other Discount Sale Items
From time to time you will be able to purchase tokens during discount sales periods, among other sale items on offer e.g. Planes S1 and S2 Class Types, Helicopters S1 and S2 Class Types, Collection Chests, Bonuses, Commercial and Residential Buildings, Mystery Buildings, Mystery Super Buildings, Lunar Mission Set etc. The discount sale items will be on display, on the left hand side of the menu, they will be displayed one at a time. Each of the sale items will be displayed for a few hours, before being replaced with the next sale item. The amount of discount will vary across all the sale items, some will be 50% discount, some will be 35% discount, while others will be 33% discount.​

Please Note - it is important to mention that many of the Commercial and Residential Buildings can be obtained for free, during long term game play, by completing many of the flight collections. This is also true for Bonuses, which can be obtained by the same method. My reason for mentioning this here, is to provide you with a more complete picture as to your options. Why spend green notes to purchase sale items, when you do not need to, especially when green notes are hard to come by.​
Option Six:- The Special Events
There are 25 special events which take place throughout the year, each of the special events will have its own Top 100 Competition Table. If you are able to finish among the first 24 table placements, you will receive one of two types of chests, and green notes. Your table position will be based on the number of currency you are able to collect during the event. You will only be able to collect the rewards after the event has finished, although you may complete the basic and/or premium pass levels, before the event ends:​

1st Place Finish - 20 Green Notes and Platinum Chest (x3) - 6 figure totals
2nd Place Finish - 15 Green Notes and Platinum Chest (x2) - 6 figure totals
3rd Place Finish - 10 Green Notes and Platinum Chest (x1) - 6 figure totals
4th-10th Place Finish - 5 Green Notes and Golden Chest (x2) - 6 figure totals
11th-24th Place Finish - 3 Green Notes and Golden Chest (x1) - 5 figure totals
25th-49th Place Finish - 2,000 Gold Coins - 5 figure totals
50th-100th Place Finish - 500 Gold Coins - 4 and 5 figure totals

The Platinum Chest will contain a Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens and 10 Powerful Explosive Bolts. The Golden Chest will contain 3 Gold Tokens, 10 Silver Tokens, Fuel (150) Units and two items needed for spaceship launch preparation.​
Option Seven - Top 10 Ranked Weekly Standard Flight Destinations Table
When you finish in the top 10 positions you will be rewarded with one of the following chests, Golden Chest (1st place 3 gold and 10 silver), Silver Chest (2nd place 2 gold and 8 silver), Large Bronze Chest (3rd place 1 gold and 6 silver), Medium Bronze Chest (4th-5th place 4 silver) and Small Bronze Chest (6th-10th place 1 silver). The higher up the table, the greater the number of tokens you will receive. You will also be rewarded with coins, experience points, fuel and space launch item, from each of the 10 chests.​
With these seven options, the first will be the easiest, since it requires you to complete the Water World collection. The second option, requires you to purchase an adventure map, each map will cost 2,000 gold coins, many maps will be required before you complete a set. The third option, will require you to fly a good few hundred flights, across seven days of game play. The fourth option, will require you to spend some money. The fifth option, will also require you to spend some money, but at a discounted amount. The sixth option, will require you to complete the special events. The seventh option, will require you to undertake standard flights across the entire week.

With the first option, you will be guaranteed to complete the flight collection and receive both sets of tokens. With the second option, the amount of coins you spend buying maps may well outweigh what you may get back in return. With the third option, there are no guarantees you will finish in the top 3, of any space mission vehicles, since you will be competing against other players, who will be far more experienced and advanced in their game play. With the fourth option, it will become expensive, if you make multiple purchases. With the fifth option, the amount you will need to spend will not be quite as much as the fourth option. The sixth option, will require you to be patient across multiple days. The seventh option will not require you to spend money, but you will be competing with other forum members.

As you will see from the items for sale, you will need a considerable amount of gold tokens and silver tokens to make a purchase. It will take you a considerable amount of time to amass gold tokens and silver tokens, you will therefore have plenty of time to think about your game:

Grand Hotel Building
This building will increase your maximum city population by 300 - it will cost you 300 Silver Tokens to purchase the building, to a maximum of six buildings.​
Omega Hotel Building
This building will increase your maximum city population by 500 - it will cost you 500 Gold Tokens to purchase the building, to a maximum of six buildings,​
Reserve Hangars (Levels 1-5)
There are five levels with these types of buildings. The first two levels are affordable, purchased with gold coins, and have one free slot each, the remaining slots can only be opened with green notes. The remaining three levels are far more expensive, purchased with Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, and have one free slot for Level 3 and one each for Levels 4 and 5, the remaining slots can only be opened with green notes:​

Reserve Hangar Level 1 - Purchase Price 5,000 Gold Coins, Construction 8 hours, Speed up 1 Green Note. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2nd - 5 Green Notes, 3rd - 5 Green Notes, 4th - 10 Green Notes, 5th - 10 Green Notes, 6th - 20 Green Notes.​

Reserve Hangar Level 2 - Purchase Price 15,000 Gold Coins, Construction 1 day, Speed up 1 Green Note. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2 - 40 Green Notes, 3rd - 40 Green Notes, 4th - 60 Green Notes, 5th - 60 Green Notes, 6th - 80 Green Notes​

Reserve Hangar Level 3 - Purchase Price 300 Gold Tokens, 5,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 2 days, Speed up 2 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2nd - 80 Green Notes, 3rd - 100 Green Notes, 4th - 120 Green Notes, 5th - 120 Green Notes, 6th - 120 Green Notes​

Reserve Hangar Level 4 - Purchase Price 400 Gold Tokens, 7,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 8 days, Speed up 8 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st slot is free, the remaining slots will cost 120 Green Notes each.​

Reserve Hangar Level 5 - Purchase Price 500 Gold Tokens, 9,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 10 days, Speed up 10 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st slot is free, the remaining slots will cost 120 Green Notes each.​
S1 and S2 Class Type Planes
These S1 and S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. They fly at increased speed of 10% (S1's) and 30% (S2's) than the standard planes:​
Swift S1 - 2 Golden Tokens - 20 Silver Tokens​
Swift S2 - 5 Golden Tokens - 50 Silver Tokens​
Owl S1 - 4 Golden Tokens - 40 Silver Tokens
Owl S2 - 10 Golden Tokens - 100 Silver Tokens
Hawk S1 - 6 Gold Tokens - 60 Silver Tokens​
Hawk S2 - 15 Gold Tokens - 150 Silver Tokens​
Raven S1 - 10 Gold Tokens - 100 Silver Tokens
Raven S2 - 20 Gold Tokens - 200 Silver Tokens
Eagle S1 - 15 Gold Tokens - 150 Silver Tokens​
Eagle S2 - 30 Gold Tokens - 300 Silver Tokens​
Jumbo plane S1 - 20 Gold Tokens - 200 Silver Tokens
Jumbo plane S2 - 50 Gold Tokens - 500 Silver Tokens
Giant plane S1 - 20 Gold Tokens - 250 Silver Tokens​
Giant plane S2 - 60 Gold Tokens - 600 Silver Tokens​
Falcon plane S1 - 25 Gold Tokens - 250 Silver Tokens
Falcon plane S2 - 80 Gold Tokens - 800 Silver Tokens
Thunderbird plane S1 - 30 Gold Tokens - 300 Silver Tokens​
Thunderbird plane S2 - 100 Gold Tokens - 1,000 Silver Tokens​
Condor plane S1 - 50 Gold Tokens - 500 Silver Tokens
Condor plane S2 - 150 Gold Tokens - 1,500 Silver Tokens
Additional Information
Rainbow Owl - this plane can only be purchased with 30 green notes, and will fly at increased speeds of 10%, faster than the standard planes. My reason for mentioning this, is for a more complete picture of the types of planes available.​
S1 and S2 Class Type Helicopters
These S1 and S2 class type helicopters can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. They fly at increased speed of 10% (S1's) and 30% (S2's) than the standard helicopters:​
Sparrow S1 - 4 Gold Tokens - 40 Silver Tokens​
Sparrow S2 - 10 Gold Tokens - 100 Silver Tokens​
Crossbill S1 - 10 Gold Tokens - 100 Silver Tokens​
Crossbill S2 - 20 Gold Tokens - 200 Silver Tokens​
Goldfinch S1 - 20 Gold Tokens - 200 Silver Tokens​
Goldfinch S2 - 30 Gold Tokens - 500 Silver Tokens​
Additional Information
The following three helicopters Red Sparrow, Red Crossbill, Red Goldfinch (they increase flight income by 100%) can not be purchased with gold tokens and silver tokens. They can only be obtained by completing the Airport City Event. My reason for mentioning this here, is to provide you with a more complete picture, as to the different types of helicopters that are available.​
Auto Collect Buildings
These buildings will allow you to make auto collect contracts for commercial, residential and collectable items:​
Bank Branch - 20 Gold Tokens - 400 Silver Tokens​
Visa Centre - 20 Gold Tokens - 400 Silver Tokens​
Pawn Shop - 20 Gold Tokens - 400 Silver Tokens​
Casino, Bank and Mint Buildings
These three buildings are no longer available to purchase with gold tokens and silver tokens. As to the reason why they were withdrawn from sale is hard to say. It is very doubtful these buildings will be offered for sale again, a good few years have now passed since the last sale. In previous years these sales took place once every 18 months. It is also hard to say if the purchase price of these three buildings would have remained the same, or if they would have been increased.​

Each of these buildings would have produced green notes, once they were solid and live, on the city side of your game, for a set period measured in multiple days, after which they would have produced just coins. How much you would have received in green notes and then coins, would depend on the type of building you were able to afford:​

Casino Building - this would have cost you 100 Gold Tokens and 800 Silver Tokens, it would have produced 3 green notes every 8 hours, for the first 30 days, then would have produced 3 coins every 6 hours.​

Bank Building - this would have cost you 100 Gold Tokens and 800 Silver Tokens, it would have produced 5 green notes every 4 hours, for the first 21 days, then would have produced 5 coins every 4 hours.​

Mint Building - this would have cost you 200 Gold Tokens and 2,000 Silver Tokens, it would have produced 4 green notes every 3 hours, for the first 42 days, then would have produced 4 coins every 3 hours​

As you would have seen these buildings were extremely expensive to purchase, but would have been important to your long term game. If you would have spent time, studying the games sites of advanced forum members, you would have noticed there are quite a number of forum members who had these buildings in place. Many of these forum members also had more than one of each building. Collectively these buildings would have generated a substantial amount of green notes, but the coins would have proved disappointing, once these buildings stopped producing green notes.​
You would have also had the option to reactivate these buildings, but would have cost you gold tokens and silver tokens to do so. The price of reactivation was 75% of the original cost, Casino Buildings would have cost 75 gold, 600 silver and would have given 5 airport cash every 4 hours for 3 weeks, Bank Buildings would have cost 150 gold, 600 silver and would have given 3 airport cash every 6 hours for 30 days and Mint Buildings would have cost 50 gold, 1500 silver and would have given 4 airport cash every 3 hours for 6 weeks.​
Casino, Bank and Mint Collections
By collecting items and completing each of the following three collections, Cards On The Table (Casino), More Precious Than Gold (Bank) and Liquid Asset (Mint) you would have received rewards of 1,500 coins, 500 experience points and a mystery bonus (the bonus would have been randomly selected). The three buildings drop items very seldom.​
There is a wealth of user guide information to be found in the Airport City Guides sub section, of the members forum, which will give you detailed information on a broad spectrum of subjects.

A more detailed understanding of the Space Program will be key to obtaining gold tokens and silver tokens, and for the long term success of your game. I would suggest you read through the following user guide, The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus and Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights. This user guide will tell you all you will need to know about the space program www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-space-program-how-to-undertake-apogee-prometheus-and-lunar-mission-launch-flights-v7-18-18.20076/

For more detailed information on Mystery Buildings and Super Mystery Buildings, you will need to read through the following user guide, How To Obtain Mystery Buildings, Mystery Super Buildings, Mystic Super Buildings And Christmas Super Buildings, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-obtain-mystery-buildings-mystery-super-buildings-mystic-super-buildings-and-christmas-super-buildings-v8-7-17.24899/

For more detailed information on the adventure maps, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Excavation Maps And Adventure Maps And The Airplane Types Required To Undertake Flight Destinations, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-excavation-maps-and-adventure-maps-and-the-airplane-types-required-to-undertake-flights-destinations-v8-7-17.21310/. This user guide will tell you all you will need to know about these type of map flights.

For more detailed information on all the Special Events, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year. This user guide will tell you all you will need to know about these types of special events www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060/

Last Updated: Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 13.25pm London UK Time
Last edited:

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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  1. iPad
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Barkmi4 *items*
So, if I choose not to start the space program yet, I can obtain the Grand Hotel by purchasing silver from the store, right?
You can yes. They come up with a 30% sale, 300 tokens is around £20, $20.
However you will gain a lot of silver tokens through long term play, so I would call it waste of money. Personally I’d rather spend it on green notes.


  • 5806AC63-115A-4E41-8719-A7F067DE6469.jpeg
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You can yes. They come up with a 30% sale, 300 tokens is around £20, $20.
However you will gain a lot of silver tokens through long term play, so I would call it waste of money. Personally I’d rather spend it on green notes.
Thanks so much for the info... but I thought silver was only obtained if you had a space program? (I am only on level 31 too)

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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  1. iPad
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Barkmi4 *items*
Thanks so much for the info... but I thought silver was only obtained if you had a space program? (I am only on level 31 too)
You can get them in the events too.
Each day you get a reward, in gold 2 chests daily. In titanium 3 daily. So 2/3 tokens a day x 14 day event.... it adds up.

you can gain them from completing adventure flights too.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have spent the past two days updating this user guide, have re-written a number of paragraphs and have also written in more detail. I'm pleased with the way the user guide looks and reads.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have just finished updating this user guide and have re-written a number of the paragraphs. I have also adjusted the format, so it is more readable, by spacing out the content.

Captain WH Rollins
  1. iPhone
I have just finished updating this user guide and have re-written a number of the paragraphs. I have also adjusted the format, so it is more readable, by spacing out the content.

Captain WH Rollins

7th option is finishing in the top 3 ranking for weekly destination flights!

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
7th option is finishing in the top 3 ranking for weekly destination flights!
View attachment 27979

Thank you very much for your post and for letting me know. I'm not sure how I managed to overlook this. I will write and insert the information and update the user guide later on this Sunday afternoon. Many thanks once again.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Updating the user guides due to the recent changes to the current special event, Valley of The Kings Curse, has proved to be quite a considerable challenge. If it were a question of updating just one user guide, it would not present too much of a problem. Having to update multiple user guides is another matter.

Captain WH Rollins
  1. Android
Grizzly aviator
The year is 2024 - long since Captain Rollins first created this guide - although most of it still seems pretty accurate even now, Thank you, Captain *salute*

As far as I can tell, the only thing worth me spending my tokens on seems to be the reserve hangar first, then maybe the Hotels. Am I right?

The helicopters don't really help me as with a full fleet of 8 choppers already I barely have enough fuel and passengers to handle them as they are, and 10% off a 12 minute flight isn't saving me a great deal, especially as I have a growing fleet of red choppers. The S1/S2 plane liveries can be obtained by many other methods for free and are overshadowed by the far cheaper superspeed livery on frequent sale for 20 green. That covers about all I seem to be able to spend tokens on in the current Android game.


150+ Star Club
  1. None of the above
Friend Code
The year is 2024 - long since Captain Rollins first created this guide - although most of it still seems pretty accurate even now, Thank you, Captain *salute*

As far as I can tell, the only thing worth me spending my tokens on seems to be the reserve hangar first, then maybe the Hotels. Am I right?

The helicopters don't really help me as with a full fleet of 8 choppers already I barely have enough fuel and passengers to handle them as they are, and 10% off a 12 minute flight isn't saving me a great deal, especially as I have a growing fleet of red choppers. The S1/S2 plane liveries can be obtained by many other methods for free and are overshadowed by the far cheaper superspeed livery on frequent sale for 20 green. That covers about all I seem to be able to spend tokens on in the current Android game.
I find that the silver tokens are worth being spent for using the visa centers, banks, and pawn shops as it’s not really worth 2 airport cash.

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