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Windows AC update 8.33.8 in Windows Store

  1. Windows PC
Orgulas De Brandebourg
After updating AC in the windows store to version 8.33.8 the game is loading, and loading, and loading again...indefinitely ?
ac loading.jpg


  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
MIne keeps saying server is down to update, I'll think I will wait a few days.
I did download my support account from the GI homepage and in the first place I had the same issue.
So I checked my code and deleted the game from the PC.
After I tried again and it worked.
With the code I got my game and all achievements back within second.

However, when I scribbled my code done a clock was running.
I think there is only a limited time to do so.
No idea what happens when you exceed that time.

Now I am thinking if I should try the same with my main game because that I have on an Android Tablet, so that I only get limited greenies with the weekend code...
I did download my support account from the GI homepage and in the first place I had the same issue.
So I checked my code and deleted the game from the PC.
After I tried again and it worked.
With the code I got my game and all achievements back within second.

However, when I scribbled my code done a clock was running.
I think there is only a limited time to do so.
No idea what happens when you exceed that time.

Now I am thinking if I should try the same with my main game because that I have on an Android Tablet, so that I only get limited greenies with the weekend code...
You do have a limited time to enter the link code. Can't remember how much, but I'd bet some 5 minutes or so.
If you do exceed the time you have to get a new linking code. That would be an issue in your case, as you did delete the game...
The better way to do it for your Android game: Install the new game on windows; start the game on windows, go to the linking menu and leave it open; start Android game; ask for code; take note and exit the game; enter the code on windows game. Done.
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ok.. when I click the 'Read more' button i get 2 buttons - 'Play now on Official Website' which gives me 'due to technical difficulties can't play etc' message and if I click the 'Download for Windows' button, nothing happens. Scrolling down I get the choice to download from Microsoft or Google Play. Is that what we are supposed to do because as I remember you have to download the game off the official website to get all the bonus stuff (white whale, extra greenies etc..).

I am scared to redownload the game on my computer as it is already on it and really don't want to delete my current game as I may lose it completely (and the weekend is coming up and don't know if GI support is manned on weekends).

Has anyone done this update on a windows computer successfully? Would appreciate some advice or feedback please.

Thanks :)
  1. Windows PC
Orgulas De Brandebourg
My big Lvl.80 account is gone ! I got at first the GI link from the old account but I can't enter it in the new version because the game remains stuck in the "loading" display ?
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Heres a suggestion on versions to choose

By going to the MS Store App and downloading it, you dont get rewarded the full amount on the Friday bonus. You get 2 greenies and less of the other items.
The best option is the WIN Downloader/installer for WIN 10/11 on the home page, and , that gives the greatest rewards.

I have two games and no issues

As for new features, I guess the new method is the lol update in full

NO more spokespeople to give any help
I downloaded from game-insight.com directly and tried to install on win 11. I got this error message:

App installation failed with error message: The appinstaller uri https://get.game-insight.com/ac/AirportCity.appinstaller is already being used by another package and cannot be applied to package [...] until the association is removed. (0x80004005)
I got the same. One way to work around this:
1. Download the winstore version on the same win user
2. Link WinStore with WinGI versions using the link code
3. Delete the WinGI version
4. Install the new GI version
5. Link the WinGI version with the WinStore version using link code
6. Unpin WinStore version from task bar and start menu, delete any shortcut created, but don't uninstall it, it can be useful on similar situations in the future

I've completed step 3 above on my 3 WinGI games and intend to proceed to step 4 later today. Will let you know about the outcome.


1500+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
  1. Android
  2. None of the above
Friend Code
I got the same. One way to work around this:
1. Download the winstore version on the same win user
2. Link WinStore with WinGI versions using the link code
3. Delete the WinGI version
4. Install the new GI version
5. Link the WinGI version with the WinStore version using link code
6. Unpin WinStore version from task bar and start menu, delete any shortcut created, but don't uninstall it, it can be useful on similar situations in the future

I've completed step 3 above on my 3 WinGI games and intend to proceed to step 4 later today. Will let you know about the outcome.
looks like that this is the only right way that it is working. SAD to see, that GI is even not able to create a working update of the app by themself. I got in the past a lot of problems when i deinstalled a windows app and installed the original desktop version. I could not get a Friday bonus :-D Customer support: unprofessional - at the end their suggestion "use another device". Great job. Any work at the registry (and there is the problem): rejected by the support. "So dangerous". That says everything of the quality of the programmers. How I solved it: creating a new user and download the app. and it worked. it is such a stupid advice "use another device" ....
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