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The Daily Bank Discount Sales - Buildings, Aircrafts, Liveries, Tokens, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Buildings, Collections, Event Sets, Bonuses

During the course of each game day there will be a number of items offered for sale at a discount to forum and non forum members. Each of the discount sale items will be available for 8 hours, after which the item will be replaced with a new discount sale item. These offers will take place through the bank, the discount sale items will vary, Buildings (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), Airplanes (S1 Class), Helicopters (S1 Class), Airplane Liveries (S1 Class), Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, Mystery Bonus Chest and Mystery Super Bonus Chest, Mystery Super Building Chests, Collections Chest, Special Sale Offers and Special Event Sets Sales Offers (these two are separate from the bank sales and become available when the separate icons appear on the right hand side of your game screen), Game Bonuses, Space Program Chests and Space Program Fuel.

To access the bank's menu you will need to select the Green Notes counter, located in the top right hand corner of your game screen. Once the bank's menu is open you will find six icons, located vertically on the left hand side of the bank's menu, Airport Cash (1st icon - 6 purchase options), Gold Coins (2nd icon - 6 purchase options), Gold and Silver Tokens (3rd icon - 3 purchase options each), Silver and Gold Subscription (4th icon - 2 purchase options), Sale Events (5th icon - 1 purchase option), Discounts (6th icon - 1 purchase option). In the top right hand corner of the bank's menu you will also find two display counters, Gold Coins and Airport Cash. Please Note - although there are six icons displayed, sometimes only the first four will be displayed, the Special Events (5th) and Discounts (6th) icons will only be displayed when there are events and discounts available to players.

Airport Cash
1st Icon
Gold Coins
2nd Icon
Gold Silver Tokens
3rd Icon
4th Icon
Special Events
5th Icon
6th Icon

There will also be a discount sale window, located on the left hand side of the bank's menu (next to the six menu options), this is where all of the items that are listed in the user guide, will appear for sale. This section of the bank's menu is separate from the main section, located on the right hand side. The items for sale on the left hand side will change every 8 hours, the items for sale on the right hand side will change as you select from the six menu options. These six options will each have six sale items. The sale item image on display and the discount amount (-25%, -30%, -33%, -35%, -40%, -50%) you will need to pay to purchase the item with green notes will change every 8 hours. There will also be a time counter, which will display the amount of hours and minutes, the sale item will be available to purchase, before it is replaced by the next sale item. You will not know in advance what the next discount sale item will be until it has appeared.

If you study the bank discount sale offers through your game, you will notice that, after a period of time, the discount sale items will be repeated, as offers come back round. There will also be times when a repeat discount sale item will be for real money, instead of green notes. This will be useful to know, if you are thinking about making a purchase, but may not have had the correct amount to purchase the sale item of interest to you. You will also have noticed that many of the discount sale items on offer, can be obtained for free, given time and patience during long term game play. These will be most of the Residential, Commercial and Industrial buildings in Table One only, which can be obtained by completing flight collections, a set number of times x3, x5, x6, x10. The remaining buildings you will be able to obtain through Game Store purchase and Bank purchase only.

It is important to note that not all discount sale items, offered through the bank, will be the same for all forum members, since it is a game played world wide. What you see displayed for sale, through your bank, will not be the same for all forum members. There will be random game variations, as well as country location, currency and exchange rates, when sale items are offered for money. The decision to spend, or not to spend, will be yours to make, do not rush into making a decision.

Available Through The Daily Bank
Sale Discount Purchase Menu
Can Be Obtained By Completing Flight Collections And
Purchased Through The Game Store And Through The Bank
Academy of Sciences -50% 250 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Knowledge Is Its Own Reward Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Alpine House -50%, 65 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Conquering Everest Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Art Supplies Store -50%, 65 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
A Walk Through Montmartre Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Brick House -50%, 6 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Bank Purchase Only
Collection Reward
- Non Available
Carefree House -50%, 350 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Foam of Days Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Circus -33%, 8 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Game Store Purchase 12 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Clay House -50% 300 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
House Hunting Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Donuts -25%, 6 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Game Store Purchase 8 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Gas Station -50% 300 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Black Gold Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Garden of Eden -50% 350 Green Notes​
Building Type - Non Residential/Commercial​
Welcome To The Jungle Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Golden High Rise -50% 250 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Gold Rush Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
House of Disturbance -50%, 99 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Joy Ride Collection x6
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
House of Doubt -50%, 99 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Puzzles of The Past Collection x6
Collection Reward - 1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points
House of Wax -50%, 99 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
The Art of War Collection x6
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Indian Restaurant -50%, 65 green notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Oriental Spices Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Investment Bank -50%, 250 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Strangers On A Tram Collection x10
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Jazz Club -50%, 350 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
All That Jazz Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Powerful Wind Turbine -33%, 4 Green Notes​
Building Type - Industrial​
Game Store Purchase 6 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Roller Coaster Park -50%, 300 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Riding The Bullet Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
School of Martial Arts -50%, 65 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Kung Fu Master Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Solar Power Station -33%, 6 Green Notes​
Building Type - Industrial​
Game Store Purchase 9 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Tea House -50%, 65 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
A Game of Shadows Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Tesla Power Plant -20%, 24 Green Notes​
Building Type - Industrial​
Game Store Purchase 30 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Townhouse -33%, 6 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Game Store Purchase 8 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Truck Terminal -50% 250 Green Notes​
Building Type - Commercial​
Tracks In The Sand Collection x5
Collection Reward - 2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points
Turf House -50%, 65 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Ariadne's Thread Collection x3
Collection Reward - 800 Gold Coins, 400 Experience Points
Villa -33%, 8 Green Notes​
Building Type - Residential​
Game Store Purchase 12 Green Notes
Collection Reward - Non Available
Windmill -50%, 8 Green Notes​
Building Type - Industrial​
Bank Purchase Only
Collection Reward -
Non Available
Swift S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 6 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 2 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 6 Green Notes​
Swift S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
- 5 Gold Tokens, 50 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 15 Green Notes
Owl S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 12 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 12 Green Notes​
Owl S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 30 Green Notes
Hawk S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 18 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 6 Gold Tokens, 60 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 18 Green Notes​
Hawk S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 45 Green Notes
Raven S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 30 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 30 Green Notes​
Raven S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 60 Green Notes
Eagle S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 45 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 45 Green Notes​
Eagle S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 90 Green Notes
Jumbo S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 60 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 60 Green Notes​
Jumbo S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 150 Green Notes
Giant S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 68 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 20 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 68 Green Notes​
Giant S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
60 Gold Tokens, 600 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 180 Green Notes
Falcon S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 75 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 25 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 75 Green Notes​
Falcon S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
80 Gold Tokens, 800 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 240 Green Notes
Thunderbird S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 90 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 90 Green Notes​
Thunderbird S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
100 Gold Tokens, 1,000 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 300 Green Notes
Condor S1 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 150 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 150 Green Notes​
Condor S2 Class Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
150 Gold Tokens, 1,500 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase
-50%, 450 Green Notes
Sparrow S1 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 12 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 12 Green Notes​
Sparrow S2 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 30 Green Notes
Crossbill S1 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase -50% 30 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 30 Green Notes​
Crossbill S2 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 60 Green Notes
Goldfinch S1 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 60 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens​
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 60 Green Notes​
Goldfinch S2 Class Helicopters
Bank Discount Purchase
Not Available
Game Store Purchase
30 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50%, 120 Green Notes
Rainbow Owl Class Special Planes
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 15 Green Notes​
Game Store Purchase 30 Green Notes​
Snow Thunderbird Class Special Planes
Bank Discount Purchase
-40% 350 Green Notes
Bank Purchase Only

Please Note - the S2 airplanes and S2 helicopters will only be available to forum members who are members of an Alliance Group. You will need to purchase and make solid the Alliance Office building, which can be placed on both sides of your game. The building will cost 10,000 gold coins, you will also need to complete the side bar mission, A United Front, in order to be able to purchase S2 airplanes and S2 helicopters. It will be good idea to have the building in place, before you spend your Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, otherwise you will need to wait for the construction of the building to be completed, before you make the building solid and live.

Beside purchasing the S1 airplane liveries at a discount amount through the Daily Bank sales, you will also be able to purchase the liveries through the Operative Hangar Shop, with Silver Tokens and Gold Tokens for some of the airplanes, but not all of them. You will also be able to purchase other airplane liveries with Green Notes, collect some through the Special Events Store, through the Direct Purchase and some through the completion of Flight Collections. You will also be able to collect airplane liveries by completing the Basic Class Pass Ticket and Premium Class Pass Ticket levels​
Please Note, You will find liveries for the following S1, S2, S3 Class Planes, Tropical, Purple, Mail Plane, Aerobatic Plane, Carpet, Rainbow Owl, Air Lab, Jumbo Ranger, Snow Thunderbird. The amount of time it will take to spray paint an airplane will vary, from a few minutes to a few hours. As a general rule, the bigger the airplane the longer it will take to spray paint. The airplanes will need to be parked in the terminal stands in order to apply the liveries. You will not be able to remove the livery from one airplane and add it to another airplane.​
If you spend some time and study the liveries you will notice there are six groups of liveries, some with benefits and some without benefits. The First Group of liveries with benefits will speed up your flights by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 80%, the actual percentage figure will be determined by the airplane and livery, Aerobatic Plane Livery (80%), Carpet Plane Livery (20%), Egyptian Plane Livery (10%), Fall Plane (30%), Flowery Plane (30%), Ghost Plane (15%), Gingerbread Plane (20%), Ranger Livery (20%), Knitted Plane (15%), Magic Plane Livery (10%), Mail Livery (10%), Neon Plane (30%), Purple Livery (5%), Rainbow Owl Livery (10%), Romantic Plane (20%), S1 Livery (10%), S2 Livery (30%), S3 Livery (40%), Snow Thunderbird Livery (30%), Scientific Plane Livery (10%), Superfast Plane (50%), Tropical Livery (10%). The Second Group of liveries with benefits will increase profits from flights, Celestial Plane (by 500%), Eastern Plane (by 15%), Lucky Plane (by 20%), Polar Plane (by 15%), Spring Plane (by 20%), Stereo Plane (by 30%), Volcanic Plane (by 30%). The Third Group of liveries will increase drops from flights, Orbital Plane (+20), Rocking Plane (+15), Tectonic Plane (+20%).​
The Fourth Group of liveries without benefits can be obtained through the Special Events Store, Festival Livery (50GN -20% sale on first day of the event) during Cinemania, Football Livery (50GN) during The Great Game, Independence Livery (50GN) during The Land of Opportunity, Plane of Hearts Livery (2GN) during Down The Rabbit Hole, Rock Livery (50GN) during Rock The Sky, Space Livery (Free Gift) during It Came From Outer Space.
The Fifth Group of liveries without benefits can be obtained through the Operative Hangar Shop, Cardinal Livery (20GN), Cloudy Livery (5,000 Gold Coins), Copper Livery (1,500 Gold Coins), Coral Livery (10GN), Forest Livery (20GN), Lime Livery (15GN), Marine Livery (5GN), Night Livery (20GN), Orange Livery (10GN), Violet Livery (5GN), Wild Livery (15GN). The Sixth Group of liveries without benefits will be for special destinations, Air Lab (will fly to Area 51 with Area 51 Map).​
Available Through The Daily Bank
Sale Discount Purchase Menu
Available Through The Alliance
Group Membership Only
Available Through The Alliance
Flight Collections Only
Swift S1 Livery -50% 6 GN​
Swift S2 LiverySwift S3 Livery - How To Win Friends x6
Owl S1 Livery -50% 12 GN​
Owl S2 LiveryOwl S3 Livery - I'll Think About That Tomorrow x6
Hawk S1 Livery -50% 18 GN​
Hawk S2 LiveryHawk S3 Livery - Spic and Span x6
Raven S1 Livery -50% 30 GN​
Raven S2 LiveryRaven S3 Livery - Time Is Money x6
Eagle S1 Livery -50% 45 GN​
Eagle S2 LiveryEagle S3 Livery - Easy Rider x6
Jumbo S1 Livery -50% 60 GN​
Jumbo S2 LiveryJumbo S3 Livery - Need For Speed x6
Giant S1 Livery -50% 68 GN​
Giant S2 LiveryGiant S3 Livery - Gold Reserve x6
Falcon S1 Livery -50% 75 GN​
Falcon S2 LiveryFalcon S3 Livery - Royal Honors x6
Thunderbird S1 Livery -50% 90 GN​
Thunderbird S2 LiveryThunderbird S3 Livery - The Stone Guests x6
Condor S1 Livery -50% 150 GN​
Condor S2 LiveryCondor S3 Livery - Sea Wolf x6

Special Airplanes
Rainbow Owl Livery -50% 15 GN​
Snow Thunderbird Livery -40% 350 GN​

Bonus 80%
Air Lab
Area 51
No Bonus
Bonus 20%
Bonus 10%

No Bonus

No Bonus

No Bonus
Bonus 15%

Bonus 10%

Bonus 30%

No Bonus
Bonus 30%

No Bonus

No Bonus

Bonus 15%
Bonus 20%

No Bonus

Bonus 20%

Bonus 15%

No Bonus

Bonus 20%
Magic Plane

Bonus 10%

Bonus 10%

No Bonus

Bonus 30%

No Bonus

No Bonus
Bonus +20
Plane Of Hearts
No Bonus

Bonus 15%

Bonus 5%

Bonus 10%

No Bonus
Bonus +15

Bonus 20%

Bonus 10%

Bonus 30%

Bonus 40%
Plane Livery

No Bonus

Bonus 30%

No Bonus

Bonus 20%

Bonus 30%

Bonus 50%
Bonus +20%

Bonus 10%

No Bonus

No Bonus

No Bonus

For further information on how to accelerate your airplanes and helicopters and reduce destination flight times, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - How To Accelerate Your Airplanes And Helicopters During Flights And Reduce The Destination Flight Times, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-how-to-accelerate-your-airplanes-and-helicopters-during-flights-and-reduce-the-destination-flight-times-v8-25-5.45806/

You will be able to purchase many of the airplane liveries through the Event Store when the associated special events become available to players, Egyptian Plane (99GN) Valley of the Kings Curse, Lucky Plane (30GN) Dancing With The Leprechauns, Magic Plane (75GN) Down the Rabbit Hole, Scientific Plane Livery (70GN) Back to School, Ghost Plane (30GN) Dark Skies, Knitted Plane (35GN) Holiday Rush, Romantic Plane (30GN) A Walk In The Clouds, Fall Plane (50GN) Thanksgiving Day, Neon Plane (49GN) Airport City, Superfast Plane (50GN) Thanksgiving Day, Eastern Plane (30GN) Dragon Rising, Polar Plane (30GN) Winter Dream, Stereo Plane (39GN) Time to Rock, Volcanic Plane (75GN) Age of Ash, Festival Plane (50GN) Cinemania, Football Livery (50GN) The Great Game, Independence Livery (50GN) The Land of Opportunity, Rock Livery (50GN) Rock The Sky, Plane of Hearts (2GN) Down the Rabbit Hole, Flowery Plane (35GN) On The Wings of Love, Gingerbread Plane (39GN) Easter Cheer,, Spring Plane (30GN) Spring Is Here, Orbital Plane (49GN) It Came From Outer Space, Rocking Plane (35GN) Rock The Sky, Tectonic Plane (49GN) Age of Ash, Mystery Livery (99GN). For more detailed information with regards to the special events you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060

A livery will allow you to change the colour of an airplane, the amount of time it will take for an airplane to be sprayed, will vary from as little as 5 minutes to 2 hours. The amount of time will be determined by the livery, the bigger the airplane the longer it will take to spray. It will be important to note that an airplane will need to be parked at a airport stand, before you are able to make any changes. Also, you will not be able to remove a livery from one airplane and apply it to another airplane. If you decide to sell an airplane, all the applied liveries will be lost when you sell the airplane.

Swift airplanes - 5 Minutes Paint Time Duration​
Jumbo airplanes - 50 Minutes Paint Time Duration
Owl airplanes - 10 Minutes Paint Time Duration​
Giant airplanes - 1 Hour Paint Time Duration
Hawk airplanes - 20 Minutes Paint Time Duration​
Falcon airplanes - 1 Hour and 15 Minutes Paint Time Duration
Raven airplanes - 30 Minutes Paint Time Duration​
Thunderbird airplane - 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Paint Time Duration
Eagle airplanes - 40 Minutes Paint Time Duration​
Condor airplanes - 2 Hours Paint Time Duration

To make a change to an airplane you will need to undertake the following four simple steps, Step One - you will need to select the Operative Hanger building, located on the airport side of your game, then select the Stand button, Step Two - you will need to select an airplane parked at an stand, Step Three - you will need to select the Paintbrush Icon, which will be next to the airplane information index card (see information index card example), which will be located in the upper right hand corner of the game screen, Step Four - you will need to scroll through the liveries until you find what you are looking for. When you select a livery the information displayed in the information index card (see information index card with livery example) will be updated to include the amount of time it will take to paint the airplane.

x Falcon Airplane Information Card Example.png
x Falcon Airplane Information Card Livery Example.png
Airplane Information
Index Card Example
Airplane Information
Index Card With Livery Example

The option to make changes to the Airplane Liveries, also know as Skins, became available to players following the issue in mid April 2021 of the v8.13.16 download update to the game of Airport City. You will have seen from the above table how expensive it is to change the colours of each S1 class airplane, by purchasing the liveries with green notes. The S2 class airplanes will only be available to players who are members of an Alliance Group. The S3 class airplane liveries can only be obtained through the completion of Alliance Flight Collections. It will be important to understand that the airplanes and the liveries are two separate purchase options, buying an S1 or S2 class airplane with Silver Tokens and Gold Tokens, will not mean you will get the livery for free.

The following user guide will provide you with a full purchase price list of S1 and S2 class airplanes, The Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Planes, Guest Planes, Special Planes, Guest Mail Planes, Tropical Planes, Mysterious Planes, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-fleet-of-planes-standard-s1-s2-s3-planes-guest-planes-special-planes-guest-mail-planes-tropical-planes-mysterious-planes-v8-14-11.23811/. The S1 and S2 class airplanes can also be purchased during the discounted super sales, at a 50% discount with green notes only. Section Six - Planes Purchased During Discounted Super Sales of the user guide will provide you with far more detailed information.

Bank Discount Purchase -33%, 300 Silver Tokens
Money Discount Purchase - 33% £16.74 UK Sterling
The currency and amount will vary by country
Bank Discount Purchase -33%, 30 Gold Tokens
Money Discount Purchase -33% £16.74 UK Sterling
The currency and amount will vary by country
Mystery Bonus Chest
Available From - Game Level 7
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 5 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase - 10 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 5 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase (Bonus Section) - 8,000 Gold Coins or -50% 5 Green Notes
Chest Contents - The mystery bonus chest contains 9 bonuses, when you open the chest, you will receive one random bonus from the following - Vintage Weathervane, Lucky Cap, Inconvertible Coin, Golden Wrench, Sky Captain, Family Ticket, Golden Toad, Alarm Clock, Chinese Lantern. You can also obtain the Mystery Bonus Chest from the following Flight Collections - Cards On The Table, More Precious Than Gold, Liquid Assets and also from Alliance Map Flights - by completing Two Star Destinations (250 flights)
Mystery Super Bonus Chest
Available From - Game Level 10
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 125 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase - 10 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 90 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - The mystery super bonus chest contains 5 bonuses, when you open the chest, you will receive one random bonus from the following - Horn of Plenty, Spirit of Adventure, Jet Pack, A Friend In Need, Jar of Diogenes. You can also obtain the Mystery Super Bonus Chest from the following Flight Collections - How to Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic and Span, Time is Money, Easy Rider, Need for Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf and also from Alliance Map Flights - by completing Three Star Destinations (500 flights).

MSB Chest One.png
Mystery Super Building Chest One
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 65 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase -50%, £8.39 UK Pounds Sterling - The currency and amount will vary by country
Game Store Purchase 99 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 69 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 49 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase (Resources Section) -34% 65 Green Notes
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - All Stars Movie Theatre, Rock Shop, Garden of Love, Conservatory, Training Centre, Casa Batillo, Haunted House, Recording Studio, White House. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Two.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Two
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 65 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 99 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 69 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 49 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase (Resources Section) -34% 65 Green Notes
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Rabbit Hole, Broadcast Tower, Generic Research Institute, Gym, Arboretum, Irish Mansion, Rock Garden, Planetarium, Mystery Cabin. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Three.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Three
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 65 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 99 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 69 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 49 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase (Resources Section) -34% 65 Green Notes
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Statue of Liberty, Crop Circles, UFO Monument, Football Monument, Botanical Gardens, Washington Monument, Football Museum, Ski Resort, Rose Garden. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Four.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Four
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35% 65 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase -50%, £8.39 UK Pounds Sterling. The currency and amount will vary by country
Game Store Purchase 99 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 69 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 49 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase (Resources Section) -34% 65 Green Notes
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Mystery Manor, Totem Pole Park, Chocolate Factory, Tree of Life, Atomium, House of Dark Shadows, Milk Farm, Merry Manor, Forest Lodge. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Five.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Five
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase 199 Green Notes - No Discount Available
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 149 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - The Motherland Calls, Dali Theatre and Museum, Fighter Monument, Print Shop, Irish Pub, Central Post Office, Radio Telescope, Twisting Tower, The Capital. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB CHest Six.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Six
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35% 199 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 149 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Gates of Amun, Pharaoh's Palace, Winter Zoo, Card Tower, Card Castle, College of Music, Soccer Field, Central Mall, Chalet. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB CHest Seven.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Seven
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 199 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 149 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - UFO Attraction, Research Centre, Irish Castle, Rabbit Farm, Fall Mansion, Postal Museum, Serenity Garden, Movie Set, Stunt School. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Eight.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Eight
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 199 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 149 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Christmas Tree, Rehearsal Hall, Quantum Skyscraper, Dark Castle, Santa's Workshop, Rock Diner, Crystal Manor, Leprechaun Museum, Easter Workshop. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Nine.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Nine
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 199 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -50% 149 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Astronaut Academy, Collider, Einstein Tower, Silent Hill, Steel Skyscraper, Institute of Seismology, Park of Kisses, Central Telegraph, Sports Arena. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.
MSB Chest Ten.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Ten
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase -35%, 199 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase 299 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -33% 199 GN, Previous Discount Amounts -30% 209 GN & -50% 149 GN
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Alamo, Tour Truck Park, Time Tower, Enigma House, Innovation Centre, Asylum, Pharaoh, Statute, Fair, Shopping Mall. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.

MSB Chest Eleven.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Eleven
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase - 30% 209 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase Not Currently Available
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -20% 239 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Mystery Ship, Temple of Knowledge, Dental Office, Thermal Spa, Malt House, The Rural Life Restaurant, Volcano House, Supporters Pub, Library of Alexandria. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius.

MSB Chest Twelve.png
Mystery Super Building Chest Twelve
Available From - Game Level 9
Bank Discount Purchase - 30% 209 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase Not Currently Available
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 209 Green Notes Previous Discount Amount -10% 269 Green Notes
Airship Store Purchase - This Is Currently Not Available
Chest Contents - This chest contains 9 buildings, when you open the chest, you will receive one random building from the following - Pneumatic Post Office, Baseball Stadium, Travi Fountain, Pagoda, Field Laboratory, Newlyweds House, Wonder Park, Vintage Radio Station, State University. Each of these nine buildings will increase your city population, provide you with coins or passengers during set periods, give you a residential or commercial percentage bonus with a set radius. The chest now appears in the special event, It Came From Outer Space, it is available through the Premium Class Pass Ticket, which you will need to purchase to access. During the special event you will also be able to purchase the chest from the Event Store for 299 Green Notes.
Please Note - the discount super sales will become available to forum members on a number of occasions, throughout the course of a year of game play, but the contents and discount amounts, during the discount sale period, will vary with regards to the Mystery Super Building Chests 1-12, in terms of how much you will need to pay with green notes to purchase one of the twelve chests. When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round red and yellow icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre and with a counter, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The super sale icon will remain on the screen game for a few days, after which it will disappear, until the next time.

For more detailed information, with regards to these types of building chests, you will need to read through the following user guide, How To Obtain Mystery Buildings, Mystery Super Buildings, Mystic Super Buildings And Christmas Super Buildings, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-obtain-the-two-mystery-building-chests-and-how-to-obtain-the-ten-mystery-super-building-chests-v8-5-10.24899

Collections Chest - Available From Level 5
Bank Discount Purchase -30% 19 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 26 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 13 Green Notes
Chest Contents - The chest contains random collectable items from collections, equal chances (there are 600 items in this chest, the items drop 'often').

Souvenirs Collections Chest
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 49 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 70 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 35 Green Notes
Chest Content - There are 125 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 5-22 collections, equal chances.

Guest Collections Chest - Available From Level 5
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 18 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 26 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 13 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 55 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from guest planes collections, Lost And Found, Ancient Reptile, Smart And Smarter, Path To Passion, The Royal Game, Puzzles of The Past, Joy Ride, The Art of War, All Flesh Is Grass, Omnia Mea Mecum Porto, Snakes On A Plane

Crossbill Collections Chest - Available From Level 22
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 35 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 50 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 25 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Crossbill Helicopter flights collections, In Search of Eldorado, Conquering Heights, Rapid Descent, Adrenaline Rush, Upward Flow

Goldfinch Collections Chest - Available From Level 35
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 49 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 70 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 35 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Goldfinch Helicopter flights collections, Flips And Spins, Secrets of A Long Life, Shadow of The Past, Storm Has Set The Heavens Scowling, On A Ski Slope

Sparrow Collections Chest - Available From Level 7
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 22 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 32 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 16 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Sparrow Helicopter flights collections, Warm Welcome, On The Hook, Photo Opportunity, Long Hike, Lucky Club

Collections Chest (L3-L8) - Available From Level 5
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 7 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 10 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 5 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 3-8 collections, The Tribez, Guns of Boom, Paradise Island, My Country, Trade Island

Collections Chest (L23-L30) - Available From Level 23
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 35 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 50 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 25 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 45 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 23-30 collections, A Walk Through Montmartre, Far Side of The World, A Game of Shadows, Oriental Spices, Kung-Fu Master, Strangers On A Tram, Ariadne's Thread, Conquering Everest, Sin City

Collections Chest (L31-L35) - Available From Level 31
Bank Discount Purchase - 30% 49 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 70 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 35 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 31-35 collections, Teutonic Knight, Mexican Dishes, Holiday Season, Tulip Season, Way of The Samurai

Collections Chest (L36-L40) - Available From Level 36
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 70 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 100 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 50 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 36-40 collections, Big Catch, From The Bowels of The Earth, The Sound of Music, Open Water, Girl's Best Friends

Collections Chest (L41-L45) - Available From Level 41
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 84 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 120 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 60 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 41-45 collections, Power To The People, Scandinavian Seafarers, The Cradle of Humankind, Men of Steel, The Pirate Bay

Collections Chest (L46-L50) - Available From Level 46
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 105 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 150 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 75 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 46-50 collections, Enjoy Your Bath, Conqueror of The Abyss, Cuban Nobleman, I, Robot, The Lone Ranger

Collections Chest (L51-L55) - Available From Level 51
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 140 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 200 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 100 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 51-55 collections, Sky Adventures, Sunshine Bay, Transport Empire, Gold Rush, High Voltage

Collections Chest (L56-L60) - Available From Level 56
Bank Discount Purchase -30% 140 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 200 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 100 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 58-60 collections, Tracks In The Sand, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Necessary Roughness, Terracotta Army, Knowledge Is Its Own Reward

Collections Chest (L61-L65) - Available From Level 61
Bank Discount Purchase -30% 175 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 250 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 125 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 61-65 collections, A Miracle of Science, Out of This World, Riding The Bullet, Boston Tea Party, Atoms For Peace

Collections Chest (L66-L70) - Available From Level 66
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 175 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 250 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 125 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 66-70 collections, Persian Carpets, Sling Blade, Black Gold, House Hunting, Generous Land

Collections Chest (L71-L75) - Available From Level 71
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 210 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 300 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 150 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 71-75 collections, Winds And Dragons, All That Jazz, Welcome To The Jungle, Chasing The Storm, Pride And Glory
Collections Chest (L76-L80) - Available From Level 76
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 210 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 300 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 150 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 25 collectable items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Level 76-80 collections, Thirst For Life, Foam of Days, Old Curiosity Shop, Call Me Maybe, Night Shift

Fuel 2,000 Units and 20 Airport Cash -90% discount, This purchase offer is for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 4.99 GB Pounds)

Buy Seven Music Lover Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Rock The Sky
Buy Seven UFO Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) It Came From Outer Space
Buy Seven Independence Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) The Land of Opportunity
Buy Seven Volcanology Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Age of Ash
Buy Seven Pharaoh Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Valley of The Kings Curse
Buy Seven Film Producer Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Cinemania
Buy Seven Halloween Collection Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Dark Skies
Buy Seven Cold Winter Collection Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Santa's Bad Day
Buy Seven Dragon Collection Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Dragon Rising
Buy Seven Wedding Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) A Walk In The Clouds
Buy Seven Boxes of Love Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) On The Wings of Love
Buy Seven Patrick's Chests
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Dancing With The Leprechauns
Buy Seven Easter Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Easter Cheer
Buy Seven Spring Chests
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Spring Has Come
Buy Seven Goal Scorer's Bag
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) The Great Game
Buy Seven Hatter Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Down The Rabbit Hole
Buy Seven Volunteer Chests
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) World of Wildlife
Buy Seven Impression Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount

This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Celestial Festival
Buy Seven Gamer Sets
Contains 35 Collectable Items -25% Discount
This purchase offer was for money (the amount will vary depending on where you are and the currency - this offer was for 8.39 GB Pounds) Airport City
For more detailed information with regards to the special events which take place throughout the year, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060/
Bottomless Barrel Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -25%, 3 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 4 Green Notes
Can also be obtained through the Discount Super sales
Business Class Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -50%, 1 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 2 Green Notes
Can also be obtained by completing Stewardess' Belongings, Pilot's Belongings, VIP Passenger flight collections

Junior Pilot Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 14 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 10 Green Notes
Can only be obtained through Bank Purchase Only
Matryoshka Doll Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -25%, 3 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 4 Green Notes
Can also be obtained through the Discount Super sales

Secret Faucet Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -33%, 4 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 6 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -50% 3 Green Notes
Can also be obtained by completing Toys From All Over The World flight collection and through the Discount Super Sales
Sky Captain Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 70 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -70% 30 Green Notes
Can also be obtained through the Mystery Bonus and by completing the Sands of Time, Voices of The Past, The Wheel of Time, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Life Is Beautiful, Tree of Life and Super Duper flight collections.

Quantum Leap Bonus
Bank Discount Purchase -40%, 300 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 500 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30%, 350 Green Notes
Money Discount Purchase -50% £33.49 UK Pounds, the amount will depend on the country and currency
Can also be obtained by completing The Theory of Everything, The Outer Limits and Magnificent Desolation collection. There are also other ways to collect a QL Bonus, by completing the first 100 Green Launch flights, completing the first 100 Blue Launch flights and completing the first 100 Red Launch flights. To finish in the top three places of the Space Program Top 100 Ratings Tables, for Apogee Mission (Green Launch), Prometheus Mission (Blue Launch) and Lunar Mission (Red Launch). The first three places for each of the coloured space vehicles will reward you with a chest (1st Gold, 2nd Silver and 3rd Bronze), which will contain among other rewards, a QL Bonus.

For more detailed information with regards to the game bonuses you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Long Term Game Play, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-bonuses-how-to-collect-them-and-how-to-use-them-during-long-term-game-play-v8-5-10.26573/

Lunar Mission
Bank Discount Purchase -30% 7 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 10 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 7 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 20 items contained in this chest, collectable items needed for Lunar space ship launch preparation, equal chances.
Prometheus Mission
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 7 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 10 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 7 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 10 items contained in this chest, collectable items needed for Prometheus space ship launch preparation, equal chances.
Space Exploration Set
Bank Discount Purchase -30%, 7 Green Notes
Game Store Purchase 10 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount Purchase -30% 7 Green Notes
Chest Contents - There are 20 items contained in this chest, collectable items needed for spaceship launch preparation, equal chances.
Main Stabilizer
Bank Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase Not Available
Super Sale Discount Purchase -33% 2 Green Notes
Description - The item is used to fuel spacecraft launch flights
Powerful Explosive Bolt
Bank Discount Purchase Information Pending
Game Store Purchase Not Available
Super Sale Discount Purchase -33% 6 Green Notes
Description - The item is used to fuel spacecraft launch flights

For more detailed information with regards to the airport city space program you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus and Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-space-program-how-to-undertake-apogee-prometheus-and-lunar-mission-launch-flights-v7-20-17.20076/

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 08.55am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
There are four S1 class airplane livery discount prices left to obtain, if you are in a position to provide a screenshot I would be pleased to hear from you.

Owl S1 Livery
Hawk S1 Livery
Jumbo S1 Livery
Falcon S1 Livery

My thanks in advance for the information.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I need the following four S1 class airplane livery discount prices

Owl S1 Livery, Hawk S1 Livery, Jumbo S1 Livery, Falcon S1 Livery

If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be great.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
There are just three S1 class airplane liveries discount prices left to obtain. If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be just great. It will be good to complete this task and then move on to other matters.

Owl S1 Livery, Livery, Jumbo S1 Livery, Falcon S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins


800+ Star Club
All New Tadashi Alliance
There are just three S1 class airplane liveries discount prices left to obtain. If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be just great. It will be good to complete this task and then move on to other matters.

Owl S1 Livery, Livery, Jumbo S1 Livery, Falcon S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
There are just two S1 class airplane liveries discount prices left to obtain. If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be just great. It will be good to complete this task and then move on to other matters.

Jumbo S1 Livery
Falcon S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
There are two outstanding S1 class airplane livery discount prices left to obtain. If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be great.

Jumbo S1 Livery - Falcon S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
There is one outstanding S1 class airplane livery discount price left to obtain. If you are able to attached a screenshot that would be great.

Jumbo S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Hawks2010 - @Maverick68 - @Morris - @Navigata07 - @Madge59230

I just wanted to write and express my great thanks for all your help with the S1 livery discount prices. Without your help this process would have taken far longer, and there would have been more than just one outstanding S1 class airplane livery price to key in.

Jumbo S1 Livery

Captain WH Rollins


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have finally found some time to update Table One and Table Three of the user guide. Because of this, all of the blank space, on the right hand side of the user guide, now contains information which fills the screen across. The user guide looks so much better.

Captain WH Rollins
Top Bottom