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Android G! wants to rob out players!


1600+ Star Club
  1. Android
My story below. I already know that is not the only mine.
In a moment, it could be a story of everyone who plays the game for a long time and has over 100 pieces of any game item in the stock.

I was really looking forward to the new Thanksgiving Day event.
I bought a premium ticket and accumulated 12K hats in one evening. Unfortunately, the next morning my game has been blocked.
Immediately I sent a complaint to the support asking for clarification and unblocking. I did nothing wrong but I was treated like a cheater.
Two days of waiting and finally I got the answer that my game is not up to the standards. The next 4 days of correspondence and I got the answer that I have too many lollipops. If I agree to remove the excess lollipops, they will unblock me. I don't agree with that, so I'm waiting.

My game is very non-standard as I have been playing AC for 8 years, including 6 years with no limit of 100.
Years ago, it was possible to buy (for hundreds of green banknotes) additional slots in the Catering factory, Beds Factory, Pills Factory, and Lollipops Factory. Six factories with 4 slots gave me every day 48 lollipops, beds, pills, lollipops, catering. There wasn't any limit and there was no restriction on collecting. Over the years, I have collected 50K catering, and over 30K beds, catering, pills, lollipops. I also have high states with other items in the game - it is the result of playing this game for many hours for the past 8 years.
Suddenly, my love of the game, all my in-game assets turn out to be a problem for G!.
No matter how much I play, no matter how much I paid for this gaming or for a subscription. Promises given by G! when introducing the limit of 100 "Nothing from the previously worked out will not be taken from anyone" are not valid anymore.
It's bad I have more than 100 lollipops today, for sure too much catering tomorrow, and so on to take away everything in the game.
I am a paying-for-playing player, a long-term AC lover and my many years of playing are not rewarded but penalized. There are no new levels in the game for years, so I'm not closing the collections, trying to save XP. Probably G! want to take away these collections from me also.
These are unfair practices to extort money from players. I was buying gold subscriptions, event buildings (some of them twice) so it was easier to get items in the game.
Now they taking away them for the senseless reason that I have a lot of them.
There is no chance to talk to the support staff - they answer within 2 or 3 days, they work too shortly, not even knowing the rules and realities of the game. Any player with a few years of practice knows much more about the game. I know that the number of lollipops is not a problem - the problem is that in the past there was no limit in the game and long-time players have too much wealth.

Who else received such an explanation of the blocking up?
Who else has over 100 game items in stock?

Ivan (Free2Play) has disappeared and there is no successor.
Now I understand why. No one wants to be a whipping boy and accept criticism for unfairly tacting players.
In my opinion, this game, if these activities are not suspended, should be blocked from distribution by Google Play, Appstore, Windows Store.
This game is no giving fun to players, just only steals money from them.

a DarekK


2000+ Star Club
Pinokkio Alliance
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
My story below. I already know that is not the only mine.
In a moment, it could be a story of everyone who plays the game for a long time and has over 100 pieces of any game item in the stock.

I was really looking forward to the new Thanksgiving Day event.
I bought a premium ticket and accumulated 12K hats in one evening. Unfortunately, the next morning my game has been blocked.
Immediately I sent a complaint to the support asking for clarification and unblocking. I did nothing wrong but I was treated like a cheater.
Two days of waiting and finally I got the answer that my game is not up to the standards. The next 4 days of correspondence and I got the answer that I have too many lollipops. If I agree to remove the excess lollipops, they will unblock me. I don't agree with that, so I'm waiting.

My game is very non-standard as I have been playing AC for 8 years, including 6 years with no limit of 100.
Years ago, it was possible to buy (for hundreds of green banknotes) additional slots in the Catering factory, Beds Factory, Pills Factory, and Lollipops Factory. Six factories with 4 slots gave me every day 48 lollipops, beds, pills, lollipops, catering. There wasn't any limit and there was no restriction on collecting. Over the years, I have collected 50K catering, and over 30K beds, catering, pills, lollipops. I also have high states with other items in the game - it is the result of playing this game for many hours for the past 8 years.
Suddenly, my love of the game, all my in-game assets turn out to be a problem for G!.
No matter how much I play, no matter how much I paid for this gaming or for a subscription. Promises given by G! when introducing the limit of 100 "Nothing from the previously worked out will not be taken from anyone" are not valid anymore.
It's bad I have more than 100 lollipops today, for sure too much catering tomorrow, and so on to take away everything in the game.
I am a paying-for-playing player, a long-term AC lover and my many years of playing are not rewarded but penalized. There are no new levels in the game for years, so I'm not closing the collections, trying to save XP. Probably G! want to take away these collections from me also.
These are unfair practices to extort money from players. I was buying gold subscriptions, event buildings (some of them twice) so it was easier to get items in the game.
Now they taking away them for the senseless reason that I have a lot of them.
There is no chance to talk to the support staff - they answer within 2 or 3 days, they work too shortly, not even knowing the rules and realities of the game. Any player with a few years of practice knows much more about the game. I know that the number of lollipops is not a problem - the problem is that in the past there was no limit in the game and long-time players have too much wealth.

Who else received such an explanation of the blocking up?
Who else has over 100 game items in stock?

Ivan (Free2Play) has disappeared and there is no successor.
Now I understand why. No one wants to be a whipping boy and accept criticism for unfairly tacting players.
In my opinion, this game, if these activities are not suspended, should be blocked from distribution by Google Play, Appstore, Windows Store.
This game is no giving fun to players, just only steals money from them.

a DarekK
Totally unacceptable. One of my games is blocked too. Same reason as DarekK
We payed for those buildings and slots.
When G! takes the resources I suppose we get our money back.


2000+ Star Club
Pinokkio Alliance
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
The reason given to my alliance member that’s also experiencing the same thing as you is that he has “too much fuel accumulated in his fuel bar”. What is too much exactly?

I suspect that this is another f*ed-up programming from GI.
Last month my second game was blocked because i had too much passengers in my bar. I collected them with the bonusses family tickets, alarm clocks + Visa centers.
Finally after 17 days !!!! they unblocked that game. And I received a little compensation afterwards

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Barkmi4 *items*
Last month my second game was blocked because i had too much passengers in my bar. I collected them with the bonusses family tickets, alarm clocks + Visa centers.
Finally after 17 days !!!! they unblocked that game. And I received a little compensation afterwards
Can I ask how many did you have?
From time to time I save big numbers, of passengers and fuel, to run maps and compete in the rankings. I don’t want to be blocked. A few weeks ago I had 800k + passengers, 300k + fuel and did 1M+ a week..... would this get me blocked now?

I feel for you guys, really. This is a bad day for older players 😔


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
@DarekK I remember you as one of the very early ... and active ... members of this forum.

Its crazy that G! is spending time, effort and money chasing long time honest players rather than cracking down on real cheats.

They almost seem to be deliberately sabotaging the game and the players that have been the most loyal for the longest time.


2000+ Star Club
Pinokkio Alliance
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Mag ik vragen hoeveel u er had?
Van tijd tot tijd bespaar ik grote aantallen passagiers en brandstof om kaarten te draaien en te concurreren in de ranglijsten. Ik wil niet worden geblokkeerd. Een paar weken geleden had ik 800k + passagiers, 300k + brandstof en deed ik 1M + per week ... zou ik hierdoor nu geblokkeerd raken?

Ik voel echt voor jullie. Dit is een slechte dag voor oudere spelers😔
It’s disgraceful what is going on with the game at the momment

A few weeks ago as the alliance I am in was shooting for a first place run I had fuel saved and passengers and in the first hour of Monday morning I did 52 giant flights to a destination and 48 condor flights to Budapest I think it was - then all of a sudden the flights and passengers stopped counting. No matter how many time I landed the counters did not increase. 4 days they went on, I would normally ignore a few errors but this was bad so I put in a ticket to support, Mary answered and said in effect I was lying and there was nothing wrong with the game even though my counter for both destinations did not increase for 4 days no matter how many flights I landed. I replied to her that she was wrong and I gave some screen shots - same reply but now miraculously the counters started again. I cannot prove anything but I’m sure it was done deliberately, that some programming had picked up my increase in flights and passengers from a normal week so in effect put the brakes on me to stop it.

I am seeing more and more long term players like @DarekK have occasional bans, theses clowns who run GI are slowly killing the game.

Before the terrible 100 item limit GI allowed players to use many greens to expanded production facilities which are now useless. Where was the return in greens for those expansions ?

The way the game is going is it is as though they want to remove anyone who has played for years - but just what is their reasoning, new players will not stay around too long as the game is impossible for newbies.

Many long term players have gold subs, I don’t see many lower players with a gold sub. I stopped my gold sub about 6 months ago as I was getting fed up of bugs and poor programming


2000+ Star Club
Pinokkio Alliance
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
What’s stopping them to block people with CBM next if they’re doing this kind of super shady
Can I ask how many did you have?
From time to time I save big numbers, of passengers and fuel, to run maps and compete in the rankings. I don’t want to be blocked. A few weeks ago I had 800k + passengers, 300k + fuel and did 1M+ a week..... would this get me blocked now?

I feel for you guys, really. This is a bad day for older players 😔
I collected 1.7 million I think. They blocked my after a week or 10 days. I had 1.3 atm


350+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
PM me :)
I am pretty sure the goal of G! is to kick at least all people with CBM buildings ! Old players are always first, so, new players stop playing because they understand they will never reach first places !
G! could blocked all players who use this forum, because we kill the game ! Thanks to communication, we reach the best places ! G!, you are wrong, your enemy is not cheating, it is communication !


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
FYI - a copy of a post on the GI Facebook group:
In the beginning the separation between us was 3000 hats ... and the parting was reduced to 1000 hats ... while he was sleeping I used to play at night and the separation weakened again to 2000 hats and now he is in the first place ... I want to know how he did that ... I play for more than 12 hours a day without interruption ... it is confusing for me..and I am very sad because I am so tired and exhausted for 7 days

There are a lot of similar posts floating around. Newer players see others post large numbers and accuse them of cheating on Facebook. And GI read those posts.

I am not excusing the action of GI against DarekK and others - I suspect that GI's motives are probably fuelled by profit. But the "cheat" accusations are plentiful and GI is probably looking at who is more profitable - whinging newbie or well informed experienced player. :unsure:


700+ Star Club
Musketeers Alliance
FYI - a copy of a post on the GI Facebook group:
In the beginning the separation between us was 3000 hats ... and the parting was reduced to 1000 hats ... while he was sleeping I used to play at night and the separation weakened again to 2000 hats and now he is in the first place ... I want to know how he did that ... I play for more than 12 hours a day without interruption ... it is confusing for me..and I am very sad because I am so tired and exhausted for 7 days

There are a lot of similar posts floating around. Newer players see others post large numbers and accuse them of cheating on Facebook. And GI read those posts.

I am not excusing the action of GI against DarekK and others - I suspect that GI's motives are probably fuelled by profit. But the "cheat" accusations are plentiful and GI is probably looking at who is more profitable - whinging newbie or well informed experienced player. :unsure:

Just for Info, that post is not from the Official Airport City Facebook Page, only from a quite big fan group.

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