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How To Obtain Buildings Which Increase Your City Population, City Electricity Capacity And Terminal Passenger Capacity

It is all too easy to reach your city population, city electricity and terminal passenger capacity during long term game play, as you grow and develop your game. Very easy to overlook the counters, on your game screen, and not realise you are running close to the limits, until you reach them. It is always best to keep a close eye on these counters, and all the other types of counters on your game screen, and increase capacities before you reach each of their limits. It is always best to look beyond your current game level and plan well ahead, so you know what you will need in terms of capacity, for the next few game levels to come. A great deal of time can be saved in this way, this can also be applied to other areas of your game.

There are a broad spectrum of buildings which will increase your city population, increase your city electricity and increase your terminal passenger capacity. These buildings can be obtained through a number of outlets, Bank Sale Discounts (purchased through the bank at a discount), Game Store (purchased with gold tokens, silver tokens, green notes and gold coins), Events Store (purchased when the events become available) Special Events (through the completion of the events), Maps (obtained through the adventure flights), Special Event Tickets (obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket and the Premium Class Pass Ticket), Flight Collections (through the completion of sets) and Mystery Super Building Chests (purchased through a number of outlets).


To view your population figures you will need to select the Population Counter (the group of three silver people), located in the top right hand corner of your game screen. You will also be able to view all the buildings, which make up your population capacity. To view your electricity figures you will need to select the Electricity Counter (the silver lighting bolt), which is located next to the first icon. You will also be able to view all the buildings, which make up your electricity capacity. The Passenger Counter (the yellow suitcase) will display the passenger figures which is located along the top row of your game screen. You will be also able to view more information by selecting the Terminal building, which will display the current building level and the maximum number of passengers. You will have the option to upgrade the building, how much the upgrade will cost, how much electricity will be required and additional items required to complete the upgrade and make the building solid and live.

Population Figures Display Example
Electricity Figures Display Example

When you select the Population and Electricity counter menus you will notice that there are two set of figures, the first set (on the left) will display the total, the second set (on the right) will display the capacity for the building level you are on. The difference between the two figures, will be how much you will be able to increase your total by, before you reach the building capacity and need to upgrade the building. You will be able to view all of the buildings by scrolling through the menus. The Terminal information has no menu, it is displayed in a different manner, to that of the Population and Electricity.

Table One
list's buildings which will increase your city population capacity, many of the buildings will also reward you with residential or commercial bonus, some will reward you with an increase in passengers and some will also reward you with gold coins, during set periods in the day. A few of the buildings will also give you one collectable item per day. It will be important where you place these types of buildings, on the city side of your game, so as to maximise the benefit from the bonus. The bonus percentage and the number of radius tiles will determine the amount you will receive. Table Two list's buildings which will increase your city electricity capacity, placed on the airport side of your game. The Table Three lists buildings which will increase your terminal passenger capacity.

The six same type building limit will apply to all buildings on the city side of your game Table One and Table Three, whereas there are a number of buildings, on the airport side of your game, Table Two, where the limit will not apply. Any surplus buildings which you will have received, will be stored in your Warehouse, in the buildings menu section, accessed via the 4th button icon along the bottom row of your game screen.

Abandoned Amusement Park (Special Event - Dark Skies) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 294 Coins, 8 Hours​
Abandoned Hotel (Special Event - Dark Skies) Population +10, 50 Coins, 1 Hour​
Alamo (MSB Chest Ten, Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) Pop +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 3 Tiles, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
All Star Movie Theatre (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 252 Coins, 8 Hours​
Amalthea Ice (Special Event Store Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Population +15, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
American Casino (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +10, 55 Coins, 1 Hour​
American Mansion (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Amphitheatre (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Pop +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 1 Tile, 36 Coins, 20 Minutes​
Ancient Greek Temple (Flight Collection - The Ancient World x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Ancient Sanctuary (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Population +15, One Collectable Item​
Arboretum (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Arcade Park (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, 200 Coins, 4 Hours​
Architectural Bureau (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Pop 20%, Bonus +1% Residential, Radius 4 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Armillary Sphere (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Population +3, 6 Coins, 1 Hour​
Arrow Marketing (Special Event Store Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Population +10, None​
Artisan Lodge (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +5, 6 Coins, 5 Minutes​
Art Centre (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +20, Bonus +3% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Aquarium (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +10, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Ashen Oak (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Population +3, 30 Coins, 4 hours​
Ashen House (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 hours​
Astronaut Academy (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) Population +20, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Asylum (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Atomium (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +20, 12 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Automobile Factory (Discount Super Sales) Population +20, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 108 Coins, 6 Hours​
Aviary (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Bonus 2% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 8 Passengers, 15 Minutes​
Aztec Pyramid (Flight Collection - Aztec Legacy x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Bakery (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +15, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Baseball Arena (Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) Population +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Bauble Plant (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Population +10, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Beneath The Heavens Hotel (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 204 Coins, 2 Days​
Biker Bar (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Population +15, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Black Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Blue Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Botanical Gardens (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Bottomless Well (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Population +5, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Brick Mansion (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Broadcast Tower (MSB Chest Two, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Campus Park (Special Event - Back To School) Population +20, Bonus +2% Commercial, Radius 2, 18 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Candle Business Centre (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +10, 12 coins, 20 minutes​
Candy Mansion (Special Event Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Special Event - Holiday Rush) Pop +15, 18 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Card Castle (MSB 6, Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole) Pop +20, Bonus +1% Commercial, Radius 10 Tile, 210 Coins, 2 Hours​
Card Tower (MSB Chest Six - Special Event) Population +20, Bonus +1% Residential, Radius 10 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Casa Batilo (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 38 Coins, 1 Hour​
Central Library (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Population +15, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Central Mall (Mystery Super Building Chest Six, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, 100 Coins, 3 Hours​
Central Post Office (MSB Chest 5, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Pop +20, Bonus +2% Resi, Radius 3 Tiles, 80 Coins, 2 Hours​
Central Square (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood) Population +20, Bonus +5% Coins, Radius 3 Tiles, 588 Coins, 18 Hours​
Central Telegraph (MSB Chest Nine, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 3 Tiles​
Chalet (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +10, Passengers +10, Bonus +10%, Radius 1 Tile​
Cheese Factory (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Chess Park (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Population +10, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Chocolate Factory (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +20, 130 Coins, 4 Hours​
Christmas Cafe Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 120 Coins, 8 Hours​
Christmas Cafe Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 125 Coins, 8 Hours​
Christmas Cafe Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 130 Coins, 8 Hours​
Christmas Fair (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Holiday Rush) Population +10, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Christmas Gift Shop (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Population +20, Bonus +2% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile​
Christmas Palace Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 150 Coins, 18 Hours​
Christmas Palace Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 155 Coins, 18 Hours​
Christmas Palace Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 160 Coins, 18 Hours​
Christmas Windmill Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream Pop +10, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Hour​
Christmas Windmill Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream Pop +10, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 190 Coins, 1 Hour​
Christmas Windmill Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream Pop +10, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 200 Coins, 1 Hour​
Circus (Game Store Purchase - 12 Green Notes) Population +18, 252 Coins, 8 Hours​
City Hotel (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Population +15, 18 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Clifftop Palace (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Clock Tower House (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
City Bench (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
College of Music (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Collider (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Colosseum (Flight Collection - Roman Holiday x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Comet Hotel (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Population +20, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Comic Book Store (Special Event Store Purchase - Airport City) Population +5, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Conservatory (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Contemplation Palace (Special Event - A Walk In The Cloud) Population +50, Bonus +5% Passengers, Radius 1 Tile​
Coworking (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +1%, Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 156 coins, 18 Hours​
Cranberry Sauce Factory (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Pop +15, Bonus 2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 250 Coins, 2 Days​
Creative Loft (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +20, Bonus +3% Coins, Radius 2 Tiles​
Cricket Field (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Population +15, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Crystal Manor (MSB Chest 8, Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Resi, Radius 2, 36 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Custom Workshop (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +15, 20 Coins, 1 Hour​
Dali Theatre and Museum (Mystery Super Building Chest Five - Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Dance School (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Population +15, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Dark Castle (MSB Chest Eight - Special Event) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 1, 26 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Dark Tower (Flight Collection - Night Shift x5) Population +19, 49 Passengers, 19 Hours​
Delivery Service (Special Event Store Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Population +15, None​
Dental Office (Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole) Population +20, Bonus +1% Passengers, Radius 3 Tiles, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Dino Park (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +20, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 100 Coins, 4 Hours​
Distribution Centre (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Radius, 57 Coins, 1 Hour​
Donuts (Game Store Purchase - 8 Green Notes - Discount -25% - 6 Green Notes) Population +8, 40 Coins, 1 Hour​
Dormitory (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Population +10, 16 Passengers, 18 Hours​
Dragon Gate (Special Event Store Purchase - Dragon Rising) Population +10, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Drum School (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +5, 55 Coins, 1 Hour​
Easter Fair (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, Bonus +3% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Easter Fountain (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +3, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Easter Palace (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 70 Coins, 2 Hours​
Easter Tree (Special Event Store Purchase - Easter Cheer) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Easter Workshop (Mystery Super Building Chest Eight - Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Education Centre Level 1 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2, 88 Coins, 4 Hours​
Education Centre Level 2 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Education Centre Level 3 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2, 92 Coins, 4 Hours​
Egeskov Castle (Flight Collection - Treasures of Asgard x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Einstein Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) Population +20, 40 Coins, 4 Hours​
Emergency Spaceport (Flight Collection - The Theory of Everything x3) Population +50, 75 Coins, 45 Minutes​
Emperors Tower (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +15, 14 Coins, 8 Hours​
Enigma House (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population 20+, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Fairy Ring (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Population +10, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Fall Mansion (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven) Population +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 5, 9 Passengers, 5 Minutes​
Fall Park (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +10, 160, 18 Hours​
Festive Flowerbed (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Holiday Rush) Population +5, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Field Laboratory (Flight Collection - It Came From Outer Space) Population +20, None​
Fighter Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest Five) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Fireworks Factory (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Floral Arch (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Flower Castle (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Population +15, None​
Flower Garden (Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Flower Square (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Food Truck (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Population +3, 8 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Football Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +20, 9 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Football Museum (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +20, 90 Coins 90, 4 Hours​
Forbidden City (Flight Collection - City Lights x6) Population +50, One Collectible Item​
Forester Lodge (Mystery Super Building Chest Four, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, 15 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Fort (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, Bonus +5% Passengers, Radius 1 Tile, 60 Coins, 1 Hour​
Fortune Teller (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Population +3, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Forsaken Abbey (Special Event - Dark Skies) Population +20, Bonus +1 Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 80 Coins, 2 Hours​
Futuristic House (Game Store Purchase 8 Green Notes) Population +10, 8 Passengers, 20 Minutes​

Galway Castle (Special Event - Dancing with The Leprechauns) Population +10, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Game Museum (Special Event Store Purchase - Airport City) Population +10, 36 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Game Studio Level 01 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20​
Game Studio Level 02 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20​
Game Studio Level 03 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20​
Game Studio Level 04 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20​
Game Studio Level 05 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20​
Game Studio Level 06 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +1% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile​
Game Studio Level 07 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +2% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile​
Game Studio Level 08 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +4% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles​
Game Studio Level 09 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +6% Commercial, Radius 3 Tiles​
Game Studio Level 10 (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +10% Commercial, Radius 5 Tiles​
Gaming Club (Special Event - Airport City) Population +10, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Garden of Love (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Gates of Amun (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 7 Times​
Gauss Skyscraper (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Population +20, Bonus +3% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles​
Generic Research Institute (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Geologist Camp (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Population +15, 30 Coins, 2 Hours​
Gingerbread House (Special Event Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Santa's Bad Day) Population +10, 24 Coins, 4 Hours​
Grand Hotel (Game Store Purchase - 300 Silver Tokens) Population +300, 520 Coins, 3 Days​
Graphic Design School (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Pop +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Radius, 204 Coins, 2 Days​
Great Pyramid (Flight Collection - The Dawn of Man x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Greenhouse (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +3, 12 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Green Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Grotto of Love (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +20, bonus +5% commercial, radius 2 tiles, 156 coins, 18 hours​
Gym (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 210 Coins, 2 Days​
Half Timbered House Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Half Timbered House Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 95 Coins, 4 Hours​
Half Timbered House Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +10, 100 Coins, 4 Hours​
Haunted House (Mystery Super Building Chests One) Population +20, 9 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Henhouse (Special Event Store Purchase - Easter Cheer) Population +10, 41 Coins, 8 Hours​
Hockey Field (Special Event Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Santa's Bad Day) Population +5, 90 Coins. 4 Hours​
House of Dark Shadows (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +50, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles​
House of Miracles (Special Event Store Purchase - Land of Opportunity) Population +10, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
House In Verona (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Pop +15, bonus 5% residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​

Ice Hotel (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Population +20, 200 Coins, 1 Day​
Imperial Lion (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +5, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Independence Hall (Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Innovation Centre (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile​
Institute of Seismology (Special Event - Age of Ash, MSB Chest 9) Pop +20, Bonus +7% Com, Radius 1 Tie, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Institute of Tectonic Geology (Special Event - Age of Ash) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile​
Irish Castle (Special Event - Dancing with The Leprechauns, MSB 7) Pop +50, Bonus +5% Resi, Radius 1, 84 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Irish Mansion (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 42 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Irish Pub (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns, Mystery Super Building Chest Five) Population +20, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Irish Ruins (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Ivy Covered House (Discount Super Sales) Bonus 10% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 100 coins, 20 minutes​

Japanese Garden (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Has Come) Population +5, None​
Jefferson Memorial (Special Event Store Purchase - Land of Opportunity) Population +3, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Jewelry Store (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +5, 10 Coins, 4 Hours​
Jupiter Storm (Special Event Store Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Population +3, 12 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Karaoke Palace (Special Event Purchase Sale - Time To Rock) Population +20, 252 Coins, 6 Hours​
Knitwear Shop Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +5, 50 Coins, 1 Hour​
Knitwear Shop Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +5, 55 Coins, 1 Hour​
Knitwear Shop Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +5, 60 Coins, 1 Hour​

Lake of Romance (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Population +10, None​
Laser Tag (Special Event - Airport City) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 57 Coins, 1 Hour​
Leprechaun Museum (Special Event - Dancing with the Leprechauns) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Com, Radius 1, Coins 155, 18 Hours​
Library of Alexandria (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Population +50, Bonus +5%, 210 Coins, 4 Hours​
Library of Congress (Special Event Store Purchase - Land of Opportunity) Population +15, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Library of Ireland (Special Event - Dancing with the Leprechauns) Population +15%, 57 Passengers, 1 Day​
Lighthouse (Direct Purchase) Population +10, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 20 Passengers, 20 Minutes​
Lilac Building (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Population +5, 36 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Lincoln Memorial (Special Event Store Purchase - Land of Opportunity) Population +5, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Lotus Pond (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +5, 18 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Mad Scene (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Magical Bauble (Special Event Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Santa's Bad Day) Population +3, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Magical Christmas Tree (MSB Chests, Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Santa's Bad Day) Population +15, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Mailboxes (Special Event Store Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Population +3, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Malt House (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Pop +20, Bonus +4% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Mars Plateau (Special Event Store Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Population +10, 8 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Mausoleum (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Population +15, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Population +10, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Meteorite Research Centre (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Population +10, 185 Coins, 1 Day​
Merry Manor (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +20, Bonus +15%, Radius 1 Tile, 26 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Milk Farm (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Ministry of Communications (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Pop +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Radius, 364 Coins, 18 Hours​
Ministry of Posts (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Tile Radius, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Ministry of Sport (Special Event - The Great Game) Pop +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Moai Stateus (Flight Collection - Polynesian Triangle x6) Population +50, Once Collectable Item​
Money Tree (Special Event Store Purchase - Dragon Rising) Population +5, 10 Coins, 4 Hours​
Monster Truck Arena Level 1 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Bonus 5% Residential, Radius 1 Tile, 380 Coins, 1 Day​
Monster Truck Arena Level 2 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Bonus 5% Residential, Radius 1 Tile, 400 Coins, 1 Day​
Monster Truck Arena Level 3 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Bonus 5% Residential ,Radius 1 Tile, 420 coins, 1 day​
Motorbike Workshop (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +5, 160 Coins, 8 Hours​
Movie Palace (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +5, Bonus +5%, Radius 3 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Movie Prop (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +5, 6 Passengers, 10 Minutes​
Movie Set (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven) Population +20, Bonus +10% Commercial, Radius 2, 210 Coins, 2 Days​
Mulled Wine Factory (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Population +15, 185 Coins, 1 Day​
Museum of Geology (Special Event - Age of Ash) Population +20, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Music Hall (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +20, Bonus +3%, Radius 2, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Mystery Cabin (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Mystery Manor (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Population +20, 200 Coins, 1 Day​
Mystery Ship (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Newlyweds House (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds, MSB12) Pop +20, Bonus +4% Resi, Radius 2 Tiles, 36 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Notre Dame De Paris (Flight Collection - Voices of The Past x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​

Oak House (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Population +5, 12 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Oceanarium (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 27 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre (Flight Collection - De Vinci Genies x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Old Oak (Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Old Mill (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Population 20, Bonus +2% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Omega Hotel (Game Store Purchase - 500 Gold Tokens) Population +500, 600 Coins, 3 Days​
Orange Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Outdoor Pool (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Population +20, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​

Panda Park (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Population +15, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Pagoda (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +20, Bonus +3% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Paper Factory (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Tile Radius, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Parallax Hotel (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Population +20, 185 Coins, 1 Day, One collectable item for space launch​
Park of Kisses (MSB Chest 9, Special Event - Spring Has Come) Pop +20, Bonus +3% Resi, Radius 2 Tiles, 120 Coins, Every 8 Hours​
Perfumery (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Population +15, 57 Coins, 1 Hour​
Photo Studio (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +10, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Pigeon House (Special Event Store Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Planetarium (Mystery Super Building Chest Two) Population +20, 70 Coins, 5 Hours​
Playground (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Pioneer Lodge (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +20, , 9 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Pharaoh's Palace (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +50, 70 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Pharaoh Statute (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Pneumatic Post Office (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, 500 Coins, 1 Day​
Postal Museum (MSB Chest Seven and Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, 40 Coins, 8 Hours​
Postal Union (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Practice Wall (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Press Centre (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, Bonus 1% Commercial, 1 Tile Radius, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Print Shop (Mystery Super Building Chest Five and Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Population +20, 20 Coins, 1 Hour​
Prop Warehouse (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +5, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Pumpkin House (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +3, 3 Passengers, 10 Minutes​
Quiet Place (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Population +5, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​

Rabbit Farm (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven - Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, 125 Coins, 5 Hours​
Rabbit Hole (Mystery Super Building Chest Two - Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, 9 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Radio Telescope (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space, MSB Chest Five) Population +20, 85 Coins, 1 Hour​
Recording Studio (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 9 Coins, 10 Minutes​
Red Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles​
Rehab Centre (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Population +10, 135 Coins, 8 Hours​
Rehearsal Garage (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Population +5, 8 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Rehearsal Hall (MSB Chest Eight, Special Event - Rock The Sky) Population +20, Bonus +10%, Radius 2, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Research Centre (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven) Population +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 2, 125 Coins, 8 Hours​
Rock And Roll Walk of Fame (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +5, 294 Coins, 8 Hours​
Rock Club (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +10, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Rock Diner (Mystery Super Building Chest Eight) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Rock Music Museum (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 1, 57 Coins, 1 Hour​
Rock Shop (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 38 Coins, 1 Hour​
Rockstar Mansion (Special Event - Time To Rock) Pop +15%, Bonus 2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 63 Passengers, 2 Days​
Romantic Corner (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Is Here) Population +3, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Romantic Park (Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Romantic Rotunda (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +15, 8 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Rose Garden (MSB Chest Three, Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +20, 10 Coins, 10 Minutes​

Sagrada Familia (Flight Collection - The Art of Transmutation x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Santa's Workshop (Mystery Super Building Chest Eight) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential, Radius 2, Coins 125, 8 Hours​
Sarcophagos (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Population +3, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Serenity Garden (Mystery Super Buildings Chest Seven ) Population +20, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, None​
School For Gifted Children (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Population +5, 10 Passengers, 6 Hours​
Shady Park (Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Shopping Mall (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population +20, Bonus +1% Residential, Radius 5 Tiles, 57 Coins, 1 Hour​
Silent Hill (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) Population +50, 180 Coins, 12 Hours​
Skate Park (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Has Come) Population +15, None​
Ski Resort (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Ski School (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Population +20, 55 Coins, 1 Hour​
Snowmobile Hire Station (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Population +10, 80 Coins, 2 Hours​
Soccer Field (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +20, 155 Coins, 18 Hours​
South Park (Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Snow Fort (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood) Population +20, Bonus +3% Passengers, Radius 2 Tiles, 126 Coins, 8 Hours​
Space Needle (Flight Collection - The Outer Limits x3) Population +50, 60 Coins, 1 Hour​
Space Research Institute (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Population +20, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
Steel Skyscraper (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) Pop +50, Bonus +10% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 440 Coins, 1 Day​
St. Patricks Cathedral (Special Event - Dancing With Leprechauns) Pop +50, Bonus +5% Resi, Radius 1 Tile, 364 Coins, 18 Hours​
Sphinx (Flight Collection - Riddle of the Pharaohs x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Spooky Camp (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Population +10, 12 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Sports Arena (Special Events - The Great Game, MSB Chest Nine) Pop +20, Bonus +5 Residential, Radius 1, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
State University (Special Event - Back To School) Population +20, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 20 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Spring Lake (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Population +10, None​
Statue of Liberty (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Statue of Wealth (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +3, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​
Streetball Court (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10 Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Street Food Festival (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Population +20, Bonus +3% Residential, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Street Performance Area (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Population +3, 12 Coins, 20 Minutes​
Street Photo Area (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Population +3, 8 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Stone Castle (Game Store Purchase - 12 Green Notes) Population +18, 36 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Stonehenge (Flight Collection - Guardians of The Forest x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Stone Skyscraper (Flight Collection - The Roaring Twenties x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Student Residence Hall Level 1 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Resi, Radius 2, 56 Coins, 1 Hour​
Student Residence Hall Level 2 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Resi, Radius 2, 58 Coins, 1 Hour​
Student Residence Hall Level 3 (Special Event - Back To School) Population +5, Bonus +2% Resi, Radius 2, 60 Coins, 1 Hour​
Studio Stage (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +10, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Stunt School (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven) Population +20, Coins 57, 1 Hour​
Swing (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Population +5, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile​
Supporters Pub (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Pop +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 23, 10 Coin, 1 Hour​
Symbol of Love (Special Event Store Purchase - On The Wings of Love) Population +3, 6 Passengers, 1 Hour​

Taj Mahal (Flight Collection - Rhythm of My Heart x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Tattoo Salon (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Population +10, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Tea Party Spot (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Population +3, 6 Passengers, 1 Hour​
Temple of Ah Cacao (Flight Collection - Out of Place Artifacts x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Temple of Artemis (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Pop +20, Bonus +4% Resi, Radius 1 Tile, 56 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Temple of Knowledge (Special Event - Back To School) Pop +20 Bonus +1% Commercial, Radius 5 Tiles, 180 Coins, 1 Day​
The Capitol (Mystery Super Building Chest Five, Special Event - Age of Ash) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
The Kremin (Flight Collection - The Wheel of Time x6) Population +50, One Collectible Item​
The Louvre (Flight Collection - Sands of Time x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
The Motherland Calls (Mystery Super Building Chest Five) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
The Rural Life Restaurant (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Population +20, 10 Passengers, 10 Minutes​
Thermal Spa (Special Event - The Spring Has Come ) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential​
Time Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) Population +20, Bonus +3% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Totem Pole Park (Mystery Super Building Chest Four, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +50, 100 Coins, 6 Hours​
Tour Truck Park (MSB Chest Ten, Special Event - Rock The Sky) Pop +20, Bonus +1% Residential, Radius 5, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Tower of Babel (Flight Collection - Writing On The Wall x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Town Hall Level 01 (Game Store Purchase - Pre Built) Population 120 - The Building Is Already Constructed​
Town Hall Level 02 (Game Store Purchase - 800 coins) Population +120 - Population 240 - 4 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 03 (Game Store Purchase - 6,000 coins) Population +120 - Population 360 - 8 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 04 (Game Store Purchase - 22,000 coins) Population +120 - Population 480 - 8 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 05 (Game Store Purchase - 50,000 coins) Population +220 - Population 700 - 12 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 06 (Game Store Purchase - 180,000 coins) Population +100 - Population 800 - 16 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 07 (Game Store Purchase - 540,000 coins) Population +200 - Population 1,000 - 16 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 08 (Game Store Purchase - 950,000 coins) Population +100 - Population 1,100 - 16 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 09 (Game Store Purchase - 1,350,000 coins) Population +100 - Population 1,200 - 32 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 10 (Game Store Purchase - 1,900,000 coins) Population +100 - Population 1,300 - 40 Upgrade Items Required​
Town Hall Level 11 (Game Store Purchase - 3,500,000 coins) Population +200 - Population 1,500 - 40 Upgrade Items Required​
Town House (Game Store Purchase - 8 Green Notes) Population +8, 8 Passengers, 10 Minutes​
Traditional Medical Centre (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Population +10, 80 Coins, 2 Hours​
Training Base (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Population +5, 30 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Training Centre (Mystery Super Building Chest One, Special Event - Riding The Comet) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Tree of Life (Mystery Super Building Chest Four) Pop +20, Bonus 10% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Tree of Love (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Population +3, None​
Trevi Fountain (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +20, Bonus +5% Residential​
Triumph Hotel (Special Event - Cinemania) Population +10, 58 Coins, 1 Hour​
Twisting Tower (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Pop +30, Bonus +10% Com, Radius 1 Tile, 120 Coins, 1 Hour, 40 Minutes​
UFO Attraction (Mystery Super Building Chest Seven) Pop +20, Bonus +10% Commercial, Radius 1 Tile, 33 Coins, 20 Minutes​
UFO Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +20, 180 Coins, 1 Day​

Venus Whirlwind (Special Event Store Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Population +5, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Villa (Game Store Purchase Green Notes) Population +18, 48 Passengers, 4 Hours​
Vintage Radio Station (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Pop +20, Bonus +10% Residential, Radius 1 Tile, 30 Coins, 15 Minutes​
Vinyl Museum (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Population +15, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 130 Coins, 8 Hours​
Volcano House (Special Event - Age of Ash) Population +20, Bonus +2%, Residential, Radius 5 Tiles, 60 Coins, 1 Hour​
Volcanic Lake (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Population +10, 19 Coins 1 Hour​
Volcanic Villa (Special Event - Age of Ash) Population +10, 18 Passengers, 1 Hour​
VR Ride (Special Event Store Purchase - Airport City) Population +3, 19 Coins, 1 Hour​

Washington Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) Population +50, 400 Coins, 1 Day​
Watermill (Special Event - The Spring Has Come) Population +20 Bonus +3% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 36 Passengers, 8 Hours​
Wheel of Madness (Special Event - Time To Rock) Population +20, Bonus 5% Commercial, Radius 2 Tiles, 108 Coins, 6 Hours​
White House (Mystery Super Building Chest One) Population +20, 90 Coins, 4 Hours​
Wigwam Cafe (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Population +5, 42 Coins, 8 Hours​
Wild Corner (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Holiday Rush) Population +20, 30 Coins, 4 Hours​
Winery (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Population +10, 108 coins, 6 hours​
Winter Castle (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Population +20, Bonus +2% Residential, Radius 2 Tiles, 156 Coins, 18 Hours​
Winter Machinery Plant (Special Event - Winter Dream) Population +15, 75 Coins, 1 Hour​
Winter Palace (Flight Collection - Tale of Bygone Years x6) Population +50, One Collectable Item​
Winter Zoo (Mystery Super Building Chest Six) Population +20, 364 Coins, 18 Hours​
Witch House (Special Event - Dark Skies) Population +20, 57 Passengers, 1 Day​
Wonder Park (Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole) Pop +20, Bonus +5% Commercial, Radius 1 Tiles, 24 Passengers, 4 Hours​

From time to time some of the buildings will become available to purchase, at a discount, through the bank. You will need to keep your eyes open for the bank discount sales, there will be no advance notice, as to which buildings will become available and when. It is also worth noting, that the discount offers will come back round again at some point. You may find you do not have sufficient green notes to make a purchase first time round. For more information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Daily Bank Discount Sales - Buildings, Aircrafts, Liveries, Tokens, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Buildings, Collections, Event Sets, Bonuses, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-daily-bank-discount-sales-buildings-aircrafts-liveries-tokens-mystery-bonus-mystery-buildings-collections-event-sets-bonuses-v8-23-50.33377/

The discount super sales will take place multiple times across the game year. When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round yellow and orange icon, it has a large percentage sign in the centre, located on the right hand side of your game screen. It will open in a separate window, to that of the bank discount sales. The icon will remain on the screen for a few days, during which time you will be able to make a purchase:

The Capitol (Mystery Super Building Chest Five) -10% Discount - Purchase Price 269 Green Notes​
Institute of Seismology (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine) -10% Discount - Purchase Price 269 Green Notes​
Institute of Tectonic Geology (Special Event - Age of Ash) -50% Discount - Purchase Price 149 Green Notes​
Alamo (Mystery Super Building Chest Ten) -50% Discount - Purchase Price 149 Green Notes​
Independence Hall (Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) -67 Discount - Purchase Price 99 Green Notes​
Washington Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest Three) -77% Discount - Purchase Price 69 Green Notes​
Pharaoh's Palace (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) -10% Discount - Purchase Price 269 Green Notes​
Gates of Amun (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) -10% Discount - Purchase Price 269 Green Notes​
Amphitheatre (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) -50% Discount - Purchase Price 149 Green Notes​
Pharaoh's Statute (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) -67% Discount - Purchase Price 99 Green Notes​
Although the discount super sale purchase option will become available to you during the game year, it will be highly advisable you do not take up this purchase option, since it will prove to be somewhat an expensive exercise. As you will already know, there are other ways of obtaining these types of buildings.

There are a selection of buildings for sale, which you will be able to purchase direct from the game store, you will need Gold Tokens, Silver Tokens, Green Notes (also known as Airport Cash) or Coins to obtain buildings by this method. You should always exercise great care, before you make a purchase, always give yourself plenty of time to think. It will be important to know that gold tokens and green notes are much harder to replace, and take longer to do so. Whereas the silver tokens and coins can be replenished far easier.

There are 25 special events which take place throughout the year, each completed event will have two levels of rewards, Basic Class Pass Ticket and Premium Class Pass Ticket. You will also receive an event award medal, once you have posted your completed screenshot, the medal will be added to your Awarded Medals section. For more detailed information, and a full list of all the special events, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Five Special Events Throughout The Game Year, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060/

This option will only become available when there is a special event open, during which time you will be able to use your currency to collect the rewards from the Basic Class Pass Ticket and the Premium Class Pass Ticket, as you progress through the levels.

There are a series of flight collections, each completed collection will reward you with a building, as well as coins and experience points. The number of sets you will need to complete will vary e.g. 3 Sets, 5 Sets, 6 Sets. The more sets there is to a flight collection, the better the buildings rewards will be.

There are ten chest in the series, each contains nine buildings, they can be obtained through the following game outlets, Discount Super Sales, the Bank, the Daily Bonus, the Game Store, the Airship Store and the Thanksgiving Day Event. For more detailed information, you will need to read through the following user guide, How To Obtain Mystery Buildings, Mystery Super Buildings, Mystic Super Buildings And Christmas Super Buildings, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-obtain-the-mystery-building-chests-and-how-to-obtain-the-mystery-super-building-chests-v7-17-34.24899/

Airforce (Special Event - Celestial Festival - complete New Destination collection x4) Electricity +100​
Coal Station (Game Store Purchase 8,000 Gold Coins) Electricity +60​
Electrical Substation (Flight Collection - complete Power Reserve collection) Electricity +30​
Nuclear Power Plant (Flight Collection - complete Atoms For Peace collection x5) Electricity +150​
Power Plant (Game Store Purchase 100 Gold Coins) Electricity +6​
Powerful Wind Turbine (Game Store Purchase 6 Green Notes) Electricity +32​
Solar Panel (Game Store Purchase 4,000 Gold Coins) Electricity +14​
Solar Power Station (Game Store Purchase 9 Green Notes) Electricity +48​
Tesla Power Plant (Game Store Purchase 30 Green Notes, Discount -20% 24 Green Notes) Electricity +300​
Windmill (only available through the daily offers 8 Green Notes) Electricity +40​
Wind Turbine (Game Store Purchase 800 Gold Coins) Electricity +10​

Please Note - from time to time some of the buildings will become available to purchase, at a discount, through the bank. You will need to keep your eyes open for the discount bank sales, there will be no advance notice, as to which buildings will become available and when. It is also worth noting, that the discount offers will come back round again at some point. You may find you do not have sufficient green notes to make a purchase first time round.

A considerable amount of land will be required, on the airport side of your game, to supply you with the high levels of electricity that you will need during long term game development. The buildings which provide the highest increases in electricity, will also be the most expensive, but will not take up quite as much land. The smaller of the buildings which are more affordable, will take up far more land, because you will need more of them to keep you supplied.

You will have three main options to increase your electricity capacity, with coins, with green notes and through flight collections. The Nuclear Power Plant will be a good building to have, it will not cost you any money, you will need to complete the associated flight collection five times to obtain one building. However, one building will not be enough, you will need several of them. The Tesla Power Plant is another good building to have, but this will be expensive to purchase. The Coal Station and the Solar Panel are also good buildings to have, they are relatively inexpensive. However, they will collectively take up a considerable amount of more land.

You will also need to accommodate other type of buildings on the same land, buildings which will produce fight items for your planes, buildings which will produce fuel for your planes and helicopters, buildings which relate to the space program, buildings which produce flight items for your helicopters. There is also the reserve hangar, the repair centre, rocket garden, space travel monument, training centre etc.

You may find it useful if you visit some of your neighbours game sites, those who have been playing for a long time, and have been at game level 80 for a considerable amount of time. You will notice they have a mixer of buildings, which supply electricity power for their city and airport. It will give you a good idea as to what will be required long term. If you can increase the amount of available land, on the airport side of your game, this would help a great deal. So will having surplus land, which you will be able to make use of at short notice, if need be.

The following three groups of buildings (terminals, parking lots and other types of buildings) will set the level of your terminal capacity, which will determine your passengers capacity. Also, by activating the Matryoshka Doll bonus you will double the capacity of your terminal for 8 hours. After the bonus has expired, you will be able to activate another bonus.​
Terminal Level 01 - Increase To 30 Passengers​
This Building Is Already Pre-Built - Non Required
Terminal Level 02 - Increase To 60 Passengers​
Purchase Price 600 Gold Coins - Non Required
Terminal Level 03 - Increase To 90 Passengers​
Purchase Price 4,200 Gold Coins - 4 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 04 - Increase To 180 Passengers​
Purchase Price 12,000 Gold Coins - 8 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 05 - Increase To 520 Passengers​
Purchase Price 80,000 Gold Coins - 12 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 06 - Increase To 660 Passengers​
Purchase Price 180,000 Gold Coins - 16 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 07 - Increase To 800 Passengers​
Purchase Price 360,000 Gold Coins - 16 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 08 - Increase To 950 Passengers​
Purchase Price 800,000 Gold Coins - 16 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 09 - Increase To 1,100 Passengers​
Purchase Price 1,200,000 Gold Coins - 32 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 10 - Increase To 1,300 Passengers​
Purchase Price 1,600,000 Gold Coins - 40 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 11 - Increase To 1,500 Passengers​
Purchase Price 3,000,000 Gold Coins - 40 Upgrade Items Required
Terminal Level 12 - Increase To 1,700 Passengers​
Purchase Price 5,000,000 Gold Coins - 80 Upgrade Items Required
Parking Lot Level 01 - Increase 2 - 1,702 Passengers​
This Building Is Already Pre-Built
Parking Lot Level 02 - Increase 6 - 1,708 Passengers​
Purchase Price 4,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 03 - Increase 10 - 1,718 Passengers​
Purchase Price 9,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 04 - Increase 14 - 1,732 Passengers​
Purchase Price 16,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 05 - Increase 16 - 1,748 Passengers​
Purchase Price 25,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 06 - Increase 20 - 1,768 Passengers​
Purchase Price 36,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 07 - Increase 24 - 1,792 Passengers​
Purchase Price 49,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 08 - Increase 26 - 1,818 Passengers​
Purchase Price 64,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 09 - Increase 30 - 1,848 Passengers​
Purchase Price 81,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 10 - Increase 34 - 1,882 Passengers​
Purchase Price 100,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 11 - Increase 36 - 1,918 Passengers​
Purchase Price 121,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 12 - Increase 40 - 1,958 Passengers​
Purchase Price 144,000 Gold Coins
Parking Lot Level 13 - Increase 42 - 2,000 Passengers​
Purchase Price 169,000 Gold Coins
Alien Legacy - Increase 20x6 - 2,120 Passengers​
Complete A Space Odyssey collection (x3) Green Launch
Architectural Bureau - Increase 20x1 - 2,140 Passengers​
Can be obtained from Celestial Festival special event
Chalet - Increase 10x6 - 2,200 Passengers​
Mystery Super Building 6, On The Wings of Love special event
Crop Circles - Increase 20x6 - 2,320 Passengers​
Mystery Super Building 3, It Came from Outer Space special event
Futuristic House - Increase 10x6 - 2,380 Passengers​
Purchased From Game Store For 8 Green Notes
Luna Park - Increase 100x6 - 2,980 Passengers​
Complete Magnificent Desolation collection (x3) Red Space Maps
Rocket Garden - Increase 20x6 - 3,100 Passengers​
Complete Water World collection (x3) Red Launch
Serapeum - Increase 20x2 - 3,140 Passengers​
Can be obtained from Valley of The Kings Curse special event
Space Travel Monument - Increase 20x6 - 3,260 Passengers​
Complete History of Space Travel collection (x3) Blue Launch
For more detailed information with regards to the Parking Lots and the Terminal Buildings you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Six Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall, Terminal, Reserve Hangar, Operative Hangar, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-six-main-buildings-repair-base-control-tower-town-hall-terminal-reserve-hangar-operative-hangar-v8-4-19.18757/

For more detailed information with regards to the game counters displayed on your game screen, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - The On Screen Display Counters And The On Screen Radar Display Icons Explained, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-on-screen-ten-display-counters-and-four-radar-icon-displays-explained-v7-16-46.30852/. For more detailed information with regards to surplus buildings, you will need to read through the following user guide, How To Sell Your Surplus Warehouse Buildings and How To Move Your Buildings Into Warehouse Inventory, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-sell-your-surplus-warehouse-buildings-and-how-to-move-your-buildings-into-warehouse-inventory-v7-16-46.28737/

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game www.airportcitygame.com/forums/capt-wh-rollins-guides.65/

Last Updated: Thursday 6th February 2025 at 10.25am London UK Time
Last edited:

Ken Kyu Air

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
03mkk3ddl, 048nmfkm8
KenKyu1 (item needed) and KK2 (item needed)
Hi captain,
Thanks so much for taking your time to do this. But by the way I think it’s a very long list. Maybe you could enter a new paragraph for every new letter? Would that help? Also I help can add a bit more to your list:
  • Food Truck (Some kind of weird starter event which my 3rd account got right at the start of the game but no one else got it) +3 max pop
  • Witch house (2019 Halloween event) 57 pax/1 day, +20 max pop, drops 1 potion of luck (always)
  • Rural life restaurant (Easter cheer event 2020) +20 max pop, 10 pax/10 mins
  • Tree of love (Not sure which event) +3 max pop,
  • Paul Bunyan Statue (I’ve sharpen my ax collection x100 time - the tree cutting one) +5% coin radius 5
  • All the metro stations (+5 max pop, +10% pax radius 2)
    • Red
    • Blue
    • Black
    • Green
    • Orange
  • Mystery city squares (+5 max pop, +10% pax radius 1) :
    • City bench
    • Street ball court
    • Swing
    • Playground
    • Flower square
    • (there might be some more I can’t name)
  • Also a lot more from the normal shop:
    • Circus (+18 max pop)
    • Donuts (+8 max pop)
    • Town house (+8 max pop)
    • Villa (+18 max pop)
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi captain,
Thanks so much for taking your time to do this. But by the way I think it’s a very long list. Maybe you could enter a new paragraph for every new letter? Would that help? Also I help can add a bit more to your list:
  • Food Truck (Some kind of weird starter event which my 3rd account got right at the start of the game but no one else got it) +3 max pop
  • Witch house (2019 Halloween event) 57 pax/1 day, +20 max pop, drops 1 potion of luck (always)
  • Rural life restaurant (Easter cheer event 2020) +20 max pop, 10 pax/10 mins
  • Tree of love (Not sure which event) +3 max pop,
  • Paul Bunyan Statue (I’ve sharpen my ax collection x100 time - the tree cutting one) +5% coin radius 5
  • All the metro stations (+5 max pop, +10% pax radius 2)
    • Red
    • Blue
    • Black
    • Green
    • Orange
  • Mystery city squares (+5 max pop, +10% pax radius 1) :
    • City bench
    • Street ball court
    • Swing
    • Playground
    • Flower square
    • (there might be some more I can’t name)
  • Also a lot more from the normal shop:
    • Circus (+18 max pop)
    • Donuts (+8 max pop)
    • Town house (+8 max pop)
    • Villa (+18 max pop)

Thank you very much for your post and for taking the time. I have only just started this thread, there is a great deal of work to do. I very much appreciate the information you have provided, and will include it. As suggested, I have split the long list into paragraphs, and it does look much better. I will continue with this later on this afternoon. My thanks once again for taking the time.

Captain WH Rollins


350+ Star Club
Active Member
Hi Captain,

First of all: thank you so much for all these guides, they are truely appreciated!!

Is it an idea to add the discount prices for some of the buildings?
at this moment i have the "Windmill" in my Bank with a 50% discount for 8 greens. that offer stands for 8 hours. i don't know the frequencylevel, i believe i saw it earlier last 1 or 2 weeks
I am waiting for the Tesla offer to come by and so i thought the discount option is worth waiting for (and if that's for me the case, perhaps for other flyers too)

Regards, Chris

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi Captain,

First of all: thank you so much for all these guides, they are truely appreciated!!

Is it an idea to add the discount prices for some of the buildings?
at this moment i have the "Windmill" in my Bank with a 50% discount for 8 greens. that offer stands for 8 hours. i don't know the frequencylevel, i believe i saw it earlier last 1 or 2 weeks
I am waiting for the Tesla offer to come by and so i thought the discount option is worth waiting for (and if that's for me the case, perhaps for other flyers too)

Regards, Chris

Thank you very much for your post, for expressing your thoughts, and for taking the time to do so. I very much appreciate and value reading what forum members think.

The user guide is far from finished, I have a number of plans for the guide, e.g. prices (full and at discount) are one of them. I'm currently working on Table Two, yesterday I added in the prices for these type of buildings. Today, I'm currently writing a number of paragraphs to add to the section, explaining things in more detail - e.g. which type of buildings to consider buying and why, how much land maybe required, on the city side of the game, to house these types of buildings. There is much more to do, before I'm happy with the user guide.

My thanks once again.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi Captain,

First of all: thank you so much for all these guides, they are truely appreciated!!

Is it an idea to add the discount prices for some of the buildings?
at this moment i have the "Windmill" in my Bank with a 50% discount for 8 greens. that offer stands for 8 hours. i don't know the frequencylevel, i believe i saw it earlier last 1 or 2 weeks
I am waiting for the Tesla offer to come by and so i thought the discount option is worth waiting for (and if that's for me the case, perhaps for other flyers too)

Regards, Chris

I have just opened up my game and discovered the Tesla Power Plant is for sale at 24 green notes -20% discount through the bank sale, do not know if this is the same for you? Just thought I would let you know, since you mentioned the structure in your post.

Captain WH Rollins


350+ Star Club
Active Member
I have just opened up my game and discovered the Tesla Power Plant is for sale at 24 green notes -20% discount through the bank sale, do not know if this is the same for you? Just thought I would let you know, since you mentioned the structure in your post.

Captain WH Rollins
Hi Cap
How thoughtfull of you and thank you so much
yes, the sale was also in my bank, unfortunately the friday-code just came in my screen a little too late to have the 24 greens
next time it will for sure (finally get rid of some Coal's and start building the blue launch)

cheers, Chris

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi Cap
How thoughtfull of you and thank you so much
yes, the sale was also in my bank, unfortunately the friday-code just came in my screen a little too late to have the 24 greens
next time it will for sure (finally get rid of some Coal's and start building the blue launch)

cheers, Chris

Also, the Nuclear Power Plant (Flight Collection - Atoms of Peace x5) Electricity +150 - is also worth having. A good few of these buildings will make a great deal of difference - and will not cost you any green notes - time and patience - good neighbour.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Following the current discount supersales of a select group of buildings, I have updated this user guide accordingly. I have also taken the opportunity to re-write a number of the paragrpahs, and have made some adjustments to the user guide tables.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have updated this user guide to include the five of the six buildings, which are part of the Valley of The Kings Curse special event, buildings which increase your city population.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have updated this user guide to include the four buildings which relate to the Valley of The Kings Curse special event, they are currently available for sale, through the discount supersale.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
As far as I know the Airport City v8.0.11 game release update of yesterday has had no effect on the figures for all these buildings. I'm assuming these figures have been left alone, doubtful Game Insight would have concerned themselves with them, during the v8.0.11 game update.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Following the recent game download update 8.1.16 and the special event World of Wildlife, I have updated this user guide, and have also added the five new buildings from the special event.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
It would be helpful to have a category for buildings that increase terminal capacity as well - terminal upgrades, parking lots, alien legacy, etc
Thank you very much for your post and for expressing your thoughts. I very much agreed with you., and would like to expand the user guide, with much more information, including Terminal, Parking Lots etc. capacity. I'm hoping to make a start on this tomorrow.

Captain WH Rollins


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
Thank you very much for your post and for expressing your thoughts. I very much agreed with you., and would like to expand the user guide, with much more information, including Terminal, Parking Lots etc. capacity. I'm hoping to make a start on this tomorrow.

Captain WH Rollins
I think the whole list is
- Terminal upgrades
- parking lots
- alien legacy
- space travel monument
- Rocket garden
- luna park
- crop circles
- futuristic house
- chalet

@Barkmi4 (Mike) are there any missing from here? If so, I need to change some stuff in the wiki
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